Growing In So Cal...


Well-Known Member
Is it true you can grow in so cal all year round... some info on this would be nice THX...
Well the regular season is from late march to very early october here. You might be able to use sunlight to suppliment indoor light during much of the winter, but no you cannot grow outdoors all year round. There is not enough daylight to keep them from flowering. Also nighttime temps can get down to 38 at night, and I doubt that would help.


Well-Known Member
it's possible you would have to build some kind of outdoor green house w/ lights.. or veg them inside and then put them out to flower..


Active Member
in a green house with heat and lights
but you have to be carefull the roots dont freeez, i dont know how you would stop ground from freezing


Well-Known Member
has anyone grown in the winter? outdoors?
Hey LASTONER !! I live in socal and i've grown in the winter,but i used indoor lighting until i got them about 12"-24" then i put them outdoors to let the long nights flower them.