I have had a lot of weird dreams over the years,
the most common I have is where I'm in Mexico in a dark abandoned town,
and I'm in a basketball court with only 1 light,
I look behind me and I see some big monster looking creature chasing me at full speed,
for some reason I can't run in the dream, I feel like I'm running in slow motion it's so retarted,
right before he catches up 2 me I look back and he's not there anymore,
then I wake up and open my eyes, I can't move in my bed, it feels like this force is holding me down I can't move anything but my eyes, I try yelling out loud to see If my sisters or dogs come and wake me up, but I can't make any sound,
it's really fucked up, It gives me a hopeless feeling,
It's weird cause when I wake up I can't move but I'm up!
I end up closing my eyes and telling myself "wake up man u can do it"
after a few minutes I can get up normally,
Anyone else have this type of dream?
Ive tried Lucid Dreaming before, I actually have a headset to wear at night when ur sleeping,
It makes a small beep sound every 15 seconds that is supposed to be a reminder to yourself that you are dreaming,
once u can train ur mind to realize that you are dreaming you CAN control your actions in your dreams,
I've wore the headset numerous times but still haven't had a succesfull lucid dream,
one of my best friends is fascinated by parallel universes, lucid dreaming, all that awsome stuff,
he has been trying lucid dreaming for 3 years and says he has 1 extremely succesfull lucid dream per month if he's lucky,
he claims that almost every dream he knows that he is dreaming, and he can think logically in his dreams,
but once he tries to do something he does something else completely random and surreal,
like he told me once that in his dream he was aware that he was dreaming,
he had an idea, he wanted to fly over Hollywood blvd with angel-like wings, so he went to open his closet expecting to see some wings, instead the closet was full with pokemon cards, he close the door and re-opened it and the closet was empty,
he says this is an indication of how hard it is to control ur dreams,
he says it's rare to actually have a lucid dream were u can control exactly wat ur doing...
sorry for the BIG paragraph but this is a topic I am very interested in,