cfl pc grow box pic incl


Active Member
yo microgrower thanx..
yeh you rite mxt time going for indica, this is my first time and got the seeds from a friend...

any pic of your pc?


Well-Known Member
yo naash whats happenin dude,

short rider is on my list when i buy seeds in december-ish. never ordered from nirvana befoe but ive heard most people get their seeds. heard a few saying they take a long time.

peace dude


Well-Known Member
hay crazytrian how u doin man?
some new pic here chek it out, hay by the way they r 12/12 one for abt 2 weeks and one less than a week i think, they are growing crazy man like a forest , how long should i wait to see some tiny bud man? :-)

man those babies are blowin up!! i would say you will start to see actual bud material in a week or 2. but remember that plant is gunna take alot longer to finish budding since its a sativa. you might want to try to find a bigger box. most sativas take more than 9 weeks to finish budding. might get a lil cramped in there. other than that they look great.



Active Member
Originally Posted by researchchemicals123
if anyone needs any research chemicals like 2c-i 2c-e 2c-t-2 let me know i work for a chemist in chicago illinois

don't knw wht the fk is that wrong forum or what? grrrrr.......

any idea wht can i do for those 2 babies to continu in this pc?
ouhla will have to wait lotz :-) cristmas without my weeds :-)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by researchchemicals123
if anyone needs any research chemicals like 2c-i 2c-e 2c-t-2 let me know i work for a chemist in chicago illinois

don't knw wht the fk is that wrong forum or what? grrrrr.......

any idea wht can i do for those 2 babies to continu in this pc?
ouhla will have to wait lotz :-) cristmas without my weeds :-)
what up bro,

that research chemical thing was some bullshit lol. but if you can try to tie down the main branches more cuz the buds will get bigger and taller. thats bout all i know to say man


Active Member
hey man whts up?
some gud news here ive change my plant setup will upload some pic soon...
2nd thing is that i just receiv my seeds from nirvana wouhouuu gr8 with no trouble man :-)

now i need some advice man,
seeds short rider..
1st of all i will use soil, manure, perlite and little compost is that ok?for germination the best way direct to soil or paper towel? told me to use molasses, should i start using it from sprout to finish?
3.its auto flowering so should i switch the light 12/12 after some weeks?

thanx lots man for ur advice, really appreciate...
hope hear from you soon bro... see ya.


Well-Known Member
hey man whts up?
some gud news here ive change my plant setup will upload some pic soon...
2nd thing is that i just receiv my seeds from nirvana wouhouuu gr8 with no trouble man :-)

now i need some advice man,
seeds short rider..
1st of all i will use soil, manure, perlite and little compost is that ok?for germination the best way direct to soil or paper towel? told me to use molasses, should i start using it from sprout to finish?
3.its auto flowering so should i switch the light 12/12 after some weeks?

thanx lots man for ur advice, really appreciate...
hope hear from you soon bro... see ya.

what up bro,

alright got answers for everything.
i soak seeds in a cup of tap water for a day then move them to a paper towel. once they have a inch long tail i put em straight into soil. try to make the pot they go in one that they will be in for their whole life. it is better to let then grow a good root system and get rooted in their final container. ive read it in many places.
for the mollasses wait til its a week or so old. only water with mollasses every few waterings while in veg. i can tend to build up if yo use it with every watering. mix i tbsp per gallon of water. during flowering is is ok to use it with every watering.

light scheduling start off with a 20/4 schedule so on for 20 off for 4. DO NOT EVER GO TO 12/12 with an auto flower. really messes em up since their life cycle is already short. after 2 or 3 weeks you can move the lights to 18/6 or use that for the whole grow but i recomend 20/4 for the first week.

hope that helped

peace bro


Active Member
hey crazytraine whtsup?

hey thanx again for your help...
i looked everywhere for mollasses nada could not get, it all stores said they don't have they rally f***k here....
perhaps i found nut extra bloom 10 60 10 i guess its too strong what you think abt that?
eh bro for the light should i use the yellow one or white day light?
so will let the seed in a cup of water for one day, get ya then in a towel....
will wait for my 2 babies to finish then will start with my new seeds, impatient man can't imagine...
do you think by the end of december will be able to harvest my plants sativa what you think by looking at the last pic i uploaded?
will upload some new pic soon...

c ya man peace........


Well-Known Member
hey crazytraine whtsup?

hey thanx again for your help...
i looked everywhere for mollasses nada could not get, it all stores said they don't have they rally f***k here....
perhaps i found nut extra bloom 10 60 10 i guess its too strong what you think abt that?
eh bro for the light should i use the yellow one or white day light?
so will let the seed in a cup of water for one day, get ya then in a towel....
will wait for my 2 babies to finish then will start with my new seeds, impatient man can't imagine...
do you think by the end of december will be able to harvest my plants sativa what you think by looking at the last pic i uploaded?
will upload some new pic soon...

c ya man peace........
what up bro,

alright for the lights i used the baylight bulbs until they showed sex, then i switched to soft white bulbs. during the last week and a half i mixed in 2 daylight bulbs to help build potency.

any decent grocery store will have mollasses, make sure you get the unsulphured. from looking at the pics you put up last time you have some time to go so i dunno bout the end of december. take some more pics and put em up and i can get a better idea. for that bloom nute you said i really don't know to much bout the numbers lol sorry dude i just know to use a bloom and veg nute.

later man


Active Member
i took pic of leaf, will you be able to tell me whts the problem with them?
the pic is little blur its the camera can't get better when take close shot and by the way got molasses from a friend he work in suger cane factory is this ok pure molasses?



Well-Known Member
naaash what happenin bud,

dang those plants are some crazy sativa lol look like some sort thai strain. anywasys lookin good might want to add some more bulbs to the plants and closer or else they will continue to grow tall. for the leaves kinda hard to tell with the pic, sorry. but might be some n defficiency. try adding some epsom salt to next watering. that will help to produce more chrolophyll, the stuff that makes it green.
hope that helps.

peace brother


Active Member
yeh tall man like coconut tree :-)
want to start my short rider but have to wait :-(no space for more plants..
ok will try some epsom salt...thnx by the way..
eh man whts abt the molasses i told you is it ok for plant?


Well-Known Member
yeh tall man like coconut tree :-)
want to start my short rider but have to wait :-(no space for more plants..
ok will try some epsom salt...thnx by the way..
eh man whts abt the molasses i told you is it ok for plant?

yea dude mollasses is totally safe for plants, it helps to give a few more micro nutrients to the soil. helps to sweeten up the buds and giver it a better carb load lil extra energy.



Active Member
hey brother.
got the epsom salt weird i got it in a pharmacy..
i watered my plant with molasses man....any idea for the epsom salt how much should i add to water and for how long should i water with the epsom salt i guess only once or may be am wrong...
what abt you man still no plant?waiting for Christmas?:-)
oh by the way 2 more light added booommmm.........:-)

peace bro


Well-Known Member
hey brother.
got the epsom salt weird i got it in a pharmacy..
i watered my plant with molasses man....any idea for the epsom salt how much should i add to water and for how long should i water with the epsom salt i guess only once or may be am wrong...
what abt you man still no plant?waiting for Christmas?:-)
oh by the way 2 more light added booommmm.........:-)

peace bro
sup bro,

so needless to say thanksgiving was great hope it was good for ya to, smoked 3 bowls and tried to contain myself around the family while i ate 4 plates full lol good times. anyways....usually the rule of thumb is 1 tbsp per gallon. i would use it ever other watering. so normal distilled water, epsom then normal water.
yea no plants yet, finding a job is a lil more difficult that i thought it would be so i might be living at home for a bit longer than i thoought. freakin economy lol. PICS!!! i need em bro lol



Active Member
ah that was a great thanxgiving but i think the hardest thing is trying to stay with family while ur stone isn't it?
ouf mine suck man got severe belly pain(gas) weeds that really suck man...
am waiting for my own weed but don't knw when it will be ready:-)..
yeh yeh sure will upload some pic soon..hope you get job soon man and making lotz of money buy lotz of seeds..:-)

tker bro...