what am i doing wrong?

i started a thread before with all my info because these used to be growing outdoors but they needed to be brought indoors and this was my first grow so i went with common sense.
heres the link to my other thread:


I was growing indoors with a low budget, i got 2 natural sunlight fluorescent light tubes that i bought from homedepot, made purposely for growing plants. My closet has white walls. i put in a small fan to circulate the air. im giving the plant 12 hours of light, then 12 hours of darkness. always keeping the fan on. The temp is around 75. i give the plant enough watering. but if you look at the plants, they look like somethings going wrong. please tell me whats going on because they are budding and i just want them to finish ive waited to long for them to go bad now. THESE WERE BROUGHT IN FROM THE COLD 4 DAYS AGO. i was told there growth was stunted because i put them in the same container, yea i know bad choice. i didnt want to switch them to bigger pots because the roots are probablly tangled together and i dont want to kill them doing that. but even if it was stunted i dont think the leaves should look like this.. (used to be purple/green) now theyre all fucked PLEASE HELP ME!



Well-Known Member
i see what you mean, it's a tough situation, could be a combination of things
they may have been damaged by cold, and are just now showing the damage
the 2 fluorescent bulbs is very low for budding, but if it's what you got, then you have to make due


Well-Known Member
Wow! They may have been damaged by the cold and then shocked by the environment change. If new growth does not manifest the same problems you see here, then you should be okay. The leaves that are more open to the air will show the worse signs from being in the cold. They are less protected and the wind and cold. In any event, if new growth comes out okay and does not wilt off and die, then the plant will probably survive, but don't expect massive yields.


Well-Known Member
WOW... they really took a beating... some nice indoor TLC should do the trick though over time...

Unless, as mentioned, the new growth shows the same problems...
would you suggest that i should put each plant in its own pot of soil or leave it how it is? and by the new growth you mean like new leaves that will come in? would it be better to add double the lights, i could go and buy more but i was told it was unnecessary.. can you give me some tips for the BEST tlc.. as in watering every two days maybe? or what, i was scared to throw nutes in the sitution because i never used them before, and i wouldnt want to mess with them now because there already going thru bad conditions. anything i could add to my closet guys?
One of my friends told me to be giving them more lighting, i have them used to 12/12 but should i make it 12/18 or just keep the lighting the same?


Well-Known Member
would you suggest that i should put each plant in its own pot of soil or leave it how it is? and by the new growth you mean like new leaves that will come in? would it be better to add double the lights, i could go and buy more but i was told it was unnecessary.. can you give me some tips for the BEST tlc.. as in watering every two days maybe? or what, i was scared to throw nutes in the sitution because i never used them before, and i wouldnt want to mess with them now because there already going thru bad conditions. anything i could add to my closet guys?
you have to put in perspective what you can realistically expect from the plant as it is, yield is going to be modest now matter what you do, short of revegging
the most cost effective thing you can do for lighting to hang a couple of cfl's from your fluorescent fixture, just need a cord and a socket or 2, may have them hanging around
don't mess with pot/soil, that can only harm things at this point
feeding should be light for a little while, she's just been through 1 shock
okay that sounds fine.. ill just keep to what im doing, im gonna add like 2 or 4 cfl lights going around them. but would you say its even worth doing this to them because i was told that it wont even get that much bud on them because theyve been in shock. would i be better off doing all this work for them or just get what i can off them now? because i only want to do this if it pays off


Well-Known Member
okay that sounds fine.. ill just keep to what im doing, im gonna add like 2 or 4 cfl lights going around them. but would you say its even worth doing this to them because i was told that it wont even get that much bud on them because theyve been in shock. would i be better off doing all this work for them or just get what i can off them now? because i only want to do this if it pays off
depends if you plan on trying another inside grow after this one, if you think you will, then the cfl's will be part of an investment for later if this is it for season, then a tougher call, but 26w cfl's cost about 2$ a bulb, cords/sockets could be another $10


Well-Known Member
yes, 2 -4' fixtures would better. also, 1 cool white and 1 natural sunshine per fixture. also, keep plants as close to lights as possible, 1-2". this works, a buddy of mine uses this setup all the time. works great, just won't get large buds.


Active Member
your friend was telling you to add more lights, NOT extend the light cycle. there are only 24 hrs in a day, 12/18 would really stress your plant even worse. you need to add more cfl tubes if you can. and as far as ph. go to home depot, or wutev, go to the pool section and get a ph tester. you can get them in strips (less reliable) or in dropper solutions, or in digital meters.
your plants look like they've suffered a more than a 10 degree temperature drop, which can purple out your plants. as long as new growth looks good you'll be fine. but def get a pH tester.



Well-Known Member
okay so i will go to home depot ASAP getting a ph tester. i added 2 cfls and put them in two lamps and put them as close as i could to the plants.. i uploaded some pictures from today. also, what am i supposed to do once i get the ph tester, test the soil or what?
yeah, a ph tester can test the soil ph, might also be able to test the outflow, the water that comes out of the pot bottom
i use ph drops, these are pretty good, cheaply available($4)
a good ph tester is better, but the cheap ph testers have a very bad reputation for accuracy
my ph level of my soil came out to 5.5. i put wood ash in the soil and watered them. i was told that would raise it to an alkaline... i was also told that the lights that i am using is not the correct ones to use. my friend told me that the type i am using is only for the vegetative stage not the flowering stage.. give me some advice guys i need an answer for the ph level problem i am having and lighting..


Well-Known Member
my ph level of my soil came out to 5.5. i put wood ash in the soil and watered them. i was told that would raise it to an alkaline... i was also told that the lights that i am using is not the correct ones to use. my friend told me that the type i am using is only for the vegetative stage not the flowering stage.. give me some advice guys i need an answer for the ph level problem i am having and lighting..
sounds like you're dealing with ph ok, wood ash will help but it's quite strong, not too much!
maybe a tbsp to start, i mix it in my water then test the ph before watering
sounds like you bought cool white bulbs - 6400k or so - they will work, just not the best for flower
2700k is best, labeled soft white
i got everything all set now.. ph is at 6.5 now and lights are on a timer of 12/12 now watering every 2 or 3 days. i was told to use orange juice or milk instead of water for more vitamins and calcium but would that be good? what should i be expecting time wise to harvest and how much will i get roughly?


Well-Known Member
i got everything all set now.. ph is at 6.5 now and lights are on a timer of 12/12 now watering every 2 or 3 days. i was told to use orange juice or milk instead of water for more vitamins and calcium but would that be good? what should i be expecting time wise to harvest and how much will i get roughly?
sounds like you've fixed up a lot issues
but milk or orange juice - my guess is this would kill your plant or make it quite sick - never heard of that
thanks for the help everybody i got high hopes for these. i just dont want to have too high of hopes.. any experienced growers think you could tell me how much bud i would roughly be getting all in total???