Hannity: Jon Stewart Was Right About Protest Footage (VIDEO)


Well-Known Member
Fox News' Sean Hannity responded to Jon Stewart Wednesday evening after the Daily Show host called out the network for using old footage from a larger September 12, 2009 "Tea Party' protest to illustrate a much smaller health care rally on Capitol Hill last week.

Speaking directly to the camera, Hannity said that it pained him to admit it, but Stewart was correct.

"And although it pains me to say this, Jon Stewart, Comedy Central, he was right. Now on his program last night, he mentioned that we had played some inccorect video on this program last week while talking about the Republican health care rally on Capitol Hill. He was correct, we screwed up. we aired some video of a rally in september along with a video from the actual event. It was an inadverdent mistake, but a mistake none the less. So, Mr. Stewart, you were right. We apologize. But by the way, we wanna thank you and all your writers for watching."



Well-Known Member
Straight busted ... and who watches fox again...number one at making up lies...when you have to lie to make your argument or to make yourself look good that's just sad.....News source...yeah right...only to the simple minded sheeple


Well-Known Member
At least they owned up to their mistake.

Can you say the same for other networks?
ROFL ..Own up ...Hell they got called out ..had no darn choice but to try and save face....and this is not the first time they have tried to fake footage...rofl ...poor sheeple that fox is going to get you ..lol


Active Member
I listen to Hannity sometimes on the radio and find him more tolerable in that medium. This could have easily been an example of a producer making the call to use old footage because either the correct footage wasn't available or they were too lazy to retrieve it. Hannity may not have even had anything to do with it, but how do you explain that to your audience other than to say what he said.

Not necessarily sticking up for the guy, but just trying to look at the other side.


Well-Known Member
They inadvertently noticed there were few people at the demonstration, inadvertently searched for a clip of a larger demonstration at the same venue and inadvertently edited that clip into the piece and then inadvertently forgot all about it. Did you see one drop of sincerity on Hannity's face when he "apologized?"


Active Member
No I didn't see the clip (looks like it was removed). I'm not saying there wasn't deceit involved in their decision to air that footage. I'm just saying there wasn't necessarily deceit, and some might be looking for it to fit whatever mold they have of Fox and Hannity. To restate... A producer doesn't have footage for the event. The producer finds it much easier to grab an old clip rather than search for the correct one. Hannity has no idea. Hannity is publicly called out on it. Hannity doesn't want to throw his producers under the bus, so Hannity says "We screwed up". This isn't a possibility?


Well-Known Member
No I didn't see the clip (looks like it was removed). I'm not saying there wasn't deceit involved in their decision to air that footage. I'm just saying there wasn't necessarily deceit, and some might be looking for it to fit whatever mold they have of Fox and Hannity. To restate... A producer doesn't have footage for the event. The producer finds it much easier to grab an old clip rather than search for the correct one. Hannity has no idea. Hannity is publicly called out on it. Hannity doesn't want to throw his producers under the bus, so Hannity says "We screwed up". This isn't a possibility?
they had footage of the event, the first footage they showed, was theirs, they also have correspondents in the DC area who provide them with the footage they need.... they have a freakin studio in washington DC...

they went to the event, but noticed it was tiny.... like stewart said: they estimate that 20-45 thousand people showed up... the washington post estimates 10 thousand....

it's fox spewing some of their warm, delicious, conservative-pleasing, republican-backing, home brewed bullshit......

just like when beck said that an unknown university professor did a space/person/ratio study and estimated the crowd at his rally in the millions....

i have friends in DC who work in the library of congress and they didn't see millions of people...

they would know what that looks like because millions of people on the streets is kind of hard to miss... especially when you can see the crowd when you walk outside to have lunch..... they said that the crowd in DC when obama won was just a liill bigger........... :lol::lol::lol:

anyways that's not the point, the point is FOX was caught in their web of lies, called out by jon stewart... of all the people who could've called him out, it was jon stewart, a comedian, one of the smartest mouth's on tv, and quite possibly the one tv personality with the most credibility from people on both sides of the isle.....

stewart's segment was aired in countless media, was featured in almost every home-page from the big 3 (MSN, Yahoo!, AOL) to viral video sites with 25 members, in the US, canada, translated into quite a few languages...... there's a very big possibility that 100million + people watched that segment in all corners of the globe...

damage control wasn't a luxury this time, it was necessary....
Bunch of spoiled brat children. Nothing they do is ever right. Even when they do right- their wrong? How pathetic.

What a bunch of clueless wonder mutts.


Well-Known Member
The greater numbered crowd in the 'misplaced' footage was an exaggeration deemed passable by the editors. They feel justified that an exaggeration is licit compared to an outright lie, especially when its in accommodation with their agenda.

Every story you get either from the media or word of mouth is skewed in some way. You can't argue the right or wrong of it because you will never get to the bottom of it. Exaggeration frequents the story more than the point. Take everything with a grain of salt and be conscience of the probable inaccuracies.

Cloud City

New Member
Sean Hannity is an oblivious tool just like every other sterile robot empty suit on FOX. He doesn't even pay attention to the talking points as he regurgitates them. That said, I am willing to accept his apology and will continue to watch his shitty program. After all, it is not his fault that he is half retarded and as intellectually deep as a kiddie pool, he was born that way.