Blue Dram - Ice - Sour Grape - Green Crack - Mystery seed


:bigjoint:I am starting my first indoor grow with 6 clones from a local collective, i got all my supplies at a local hydroponics store and home depot....


12" Blue dream x1
10" Ice x1
8" Sour Grape x1
6" Green Crack x3

I also got a seed i germinated from a vile i found with a baggie full of seeds... Imma give it a try and see what the outsome is.

Room: 5x5x9 walk in closet

Pots & Medium: 3g pots with Miracle Grow Potting soil Ph @ 5.5-6.0

Lighting: 4 - 4' 32w flourecent tubes for veging, 600w hps for flowering (on its way)

Water: Ph'd tap water

Nutrients: General hydroponics Flora Nova one part grow & bloom, cal-mag, sweet, liquid karma.

Here go some pics, there fom my phones camera so there not to good but ill get better pics as the grow goes on, i just didnt have my camera today.



New Member
looks like the start to yet another great grow! should have cut your clones leaves. other than that theyre great!


New Member

what are these websites ??????????.
in your signature.
100% theft and fraud from R.I.U.
please stop stealing members and messaging them telling users to join your site as it will not work.
you are posting on every forum possible with quick comments just to advertise your website in your signature and stealing loyall members from R.I.U.
you should stop that now as i have sent rollitup a message regarding this and i dont expect a quick response from the busy man but i am sure he will get it eventually.



New Member
mr newb101 when will you quit spamming the site with these signatures.
your site is trash and i wish you would stop infiltrating this site.
i have messaged mr rollitup about this and just leave the site stop spamming and stop abusing the system.

and stop private messaging people to join your site along with posting on every forum there is with bland comments just to advertise your website.
i will not report you and not interested in talking to the mods about this as it falls of deaf ears but i have notified mr rollitup about this and other matters.
so go back to your own site and stop spamming this one as you have already stolen 95% of your members from here and thats out of order and to top it they use the same user names on your phoney site as they do here.
completely out of order.
you spend 75% of your time on here scheming and scamming messaging and advertising your site where ever you go.
please be gone and stop trying to ruin R.I.U.



I have read up on the miracle gro potting soil and the problems with it is that its to acidic and it has time release nutes, so the ph is adjustable anyways and i guess ill just have to be careful with my nutes. Next grow around i will definately be switching to another type of soil though.


So today things are still pretty much the same.

Plants sitting under 4' t12's. No noticeable growth yet. I fed all the plants yesterday with grow & cal-mag nutrient mix. I will discontinue feeding till flowering, unless deficiencies arise, due to the time release ferts in the miracle gro soil. I will be watering again with regular tap water til friday since the soil seems to be staying pretty moist. If anything just a tsp of cal-mag per gal.

Pic updates will be every friday, i will just keep a log the rest of the days.

Im gonna include further plans that i have for the grow just for the record.
A 600w hps is still on its way
Ordering fan and ducts next week
light proofing the grow chamber for flowering

The other half of the room will be occupied by a diy aeroponics tub with 23 sites.
23 clones will be taken from the 6 plants i have veging now,
as soon as all clones are succesfully rooted and transplanted into the aeroponics tub, i will switch to 12/12 (600w hps)

so a 2x4 space will be occupied by 6 plants in 3g pots and the othe half (2x4) will be ocupied by the aero tub with 23 clones

Thats it for today. Log update tomorrow.bongsmilie


11/16 Log:

Went to check the plants today (btw they are under 24/0 schedule) and first thing i see was sour grape wilted, stem still standing but all leafs fell over and are just hanging. All the rest of the plants are still standing, blue dream and ice seem to have gotten a lil taller since the leafs are now slightly touching the t12 bulbs. Green Crack still lookin the same.
theres definately noticeable growth in the mystery seedling.

I noticed the soil and the rockwool cubes were waaaay to dry and the ph was at about 7-8, some even 9...

Action Taken:

Watered all pots with water + cal-mag ph'd @ 4-5 to bring down the ph in the soil, even after watering, the soil ph was still a little high ( 6.5-6.8 )
Watered til i got a little bit of run-off

Hopefully the sour grape bounces back, im sure it was just thirsty right?


Ow lazyboy, u plants lukin good 4 u 1st hydro! wat the poes is wrong wit these clowns they bitchin bout fuckol bra this ludacris guy wet himself over nutin wait till he sees me rack a *b* the man will get a heart atack lol u gna report this 2 mr rollitup 2? u lil bitch


Log Update:

Sour grape is looking healthy again after watering yesterday.

I have a concern about my ice plant, it is showing pistils already... is it possible that the plant may have been under 12/12 already or are pre flowers normal even under veg lighting(24/0)?

Green Crack and blue dream are lookin healthy, definately showing some growth as well as the mystery seedling.

Pics coming friday recapping this weeks logs....


Well-Known Member
Log Update:

is it possible that the plant may have been under 12/12 already or are pre flowers normal even under veg lighting(24/0)?

Green Crack and blue dream are lookin healthy, definately showing some growth as well as the mystery seedling.

Pics coming friday recapping this weeks logs....
my question to you is in bold


Log Update:

Sour grape is looking healthy again after watering yesterday.

I have a concern about my ice plant, it is showing pistils already... is it possible that the plant may have been under 12/12 already or are pre flowers normal even under veg lighting(24/0)?

Green Crack and blue dream are lookin healthy, definately showing some growth as well as the mystery seedling.

Pics coming friday recapping this weeks logs....

my question to you is in bold

My answer to that is that the plant may have been under 12/12. I dont kow what kind of lighting it was under at the collective....

this was my question:
are pre flowers normal even under veg lighting(24/0)?

i have done some reading and i found out there normal during veg. so no worries there :bigjoint:

Pics coming friday (expect alot)


Well-Known Member
Finally another person growing sour grape, I currently have 5 that i just stuck into flowering last night. According to my local nursery, they have a flower time of 7-8 weeks and are a mix of sour d, chem dawg, and purple elephant... I can't wait. Mine are about to the same size as yours, but all have been topped. Ill keep ya posted on their success, also they are in a DWC hydro system and just got fed some bush master on a light feeding scale. Hope to see some awesome results.. good luck


Well-Known Member
If your plant is showing pistils you should still be ok as long as your running something around 18/6.. Remember, these clones were taken off a mother who was probably a year old and 5 feet tall. She was probably showing her sex pistils all over, and due to that some might of got passed down to the clones. Even if it was flowering, by runnign it 18/6 u could flop that bitch back into veg mode.