First ag grow why is it to long twiggy not bushy


Active Member
quick ? whats the least amount of time you can flush the plant i think i might be getting close to time to chopping her and i just started flushing her yesterday, and i dont want to go past the point of degradation on the trichs. there mostly cloudy now and the heads are starting to tip over next step is amber which i dont want or at least the most im willing to sacrifice would be twenty percent amber any suggestions

oh and thanks SICC looks like your the only one checking in my progress which is cool you and fox seem to be one of the most noligable in this forum for aerogardeners, that ive seen in the threads ive read.


Well-Known Member
Hey Isaacmart,

Have you started flushing yet? If not I would start doing so for maybe a week. She looks gorgeous man!!!!! Sorry I couldn't up close, but what what percentage of the hairs have turned red? Is about 30% so far? I would wait til like 75% of the hairs have turned raid and keep a eye on the trichomes. Also about the yeild after dried up I would say about a once. I know it looks like alot but I thats my estimate. Also in advance read the procedure of harvesting, curing, etc.


Active Member
Hey Isaacmart,

Have you started flushing yet? If not I would start doing so for maybe a week. She looks gorgeous man!!!!! Sorry I couldn't up close, but what what percentage of the hairs have turned red? Is about 30% so far? I would wait til like 75% of the hairs have turned raid and keep a eye on the trichomes. Also about the yeild after dried up I would say about a once. I know it looks like alot but I thats my estimate. Also in advance read the procedure of harvesting, curing, etc.
Thanks fellas,
yeah im a very proud daddy
i started flushing on the 14th i was afraid i past the deadline for flushing but now i think im either right on or a little past which im cool with.
cant beleave how great she turned out i was doubting her big time in the beginning but i was impatient it felt like forever and its only been a couple months. but now i could just stay there staring at her for hours waiting for that moment when ill bongsmilie

yeah i skimmed the thread of harvest and curing i got to take some time and read it thoroughly

im going to try and give her a week of flushing if she lets me thats what im shooting for, so it looks like saturday is her last day.

for the next grow ill have everything to go smoothly except the nutrients i got to get the three part system i cant beleav i went through this whole grow with just the flora nova bloom plant food which is mainly for blooming makes me think how much better she would be if i gave her the right food at the right stage.
keep tuned ill b posting pics soon


Active Member
ok i know i mentioned i was going to chop her today, but i dont know she still seems like she could use a few more days, it will also give the budz a chance to plump up more although some twigs are on the verge of snapping cause of the bend and weight of the budz. im actually hoping it will so i can quick dry it so i can get a sample :leaf::bigjoint: shes been flushing for a week now, trics are mostly all cloudy, have not noticed any amber yet


Well-Known Member
I would say an ounce or below, i usually shoot for an ounce at least, i would start a FULL TWO WEEK FLUSH then see how she looks


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3430291]I would say an ounce or below, i usually shoot for an ounce at least, i would start a FULL TWO WEEK FLUSH then see how she looks[/QUOTE]

That's cool I was originally shooting for half so if I'm close to an ounce bonus. She's been flushing for the last 9 days or so, I'll be posting pics soon


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, you should always shoot for an ounce, it isnt really hard, im sure you will get more then expected, my yield estimates has been off so dont hold me to it :)


Active Member
Hope yours was as fulling as mine was
OK fellas
I decided last night to chop down my baby i started around 11pm and finished trimming around 3:30am damn that trimming took forever my fingers still hert. i got them hanging in a box with two big wholes and a fan blowing in the room but not on the budz. cant wait to taste her. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3454699]mmmm those nugs look tasty :weed:

got anything planned for the next grow?[/QUOTE]

well for now i still have two more fem lowryder seeds ill problaly finish those after that im planning on getting better seeds only reason i got the lowryder i thought it would have been perfect for the AG. but know that i know it doestnt matter what you grow in there as long as you rig it to work, i need some ideas on some dank strains so i could start saving to get it later.

i quick dryied a little nug i couldnt resist smoked it i know it lost a lot of its potency with that process but it got me pretty stoned for a good couple of hours taste wasnt there but i know the curing will bring that out with proper drying and curing. ill problably have it curing till christmas when the whole family is around then we could blaze away. If i could wait that long LOL