1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its the topping up the half glass tradition that fucks ya, its a little glass, youve drank half of it in one go so you top it up and repeat. next thing your 6 bottles deep thinking about a kebab


Well-Known Member
He's right zanax are the nuts. I got the purple diamond shape ones 1mg i think and they knock you the fuck out even after a Q of sniff and half a dozens pills and some speed, great. Its rare i do that kind of thing these days but i've always got a few handy just in case, its like having an off button lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
way ahead of ya man. my stash is full of all sorts. i use zopiclone for knocking me out gives me a nice floaty ride the next morning. occasional crazy dream but they can be fun at times


Well-Known Member
you guys wanna be carefull tho, one of my mates died just last week from sleepers. he rang his own ambulance but they where too late....
r.i.p chrissy


Well-Known Member
hahahahi think mamath may be used to real kebab made with pieces of chicken not the dog meat variety we get in not so great Britain

Your right mate, real chicken or lamb, what ever that dude is slicing at doesn't even look like real meat! :spew:

Sorry for your loss Willy.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
horse kabab! :)

like welshy, ewwww,. i have never in my life eaten a kabab and not been violently sick all around the abthroom :P

dunno what it is about that guys face, but it looks like he's just wearing a carboard face cutout or sommat :P