3 weeks in any advice? (pics)

So this plant is about 3 weeks in. I just transplanted less than a week ago into this 1.5 gal pot. I wanted to see what more experienced growers thought esp. being that ive failed a few times before this grow lol. I feel like the fan leaves aren't growing as large as they should be. Am i just being impatient? p.s. i guess i cant upload images right now...


Well-Known Member
im using fox farm ocean forest, ive been reading to be careful with the nutes early with this soil.. is that true?
yea, but if you're 3 weeks in you should be fine. See how they're starting to look lighter green towards the middle of the plant? That's a pretty good indicator that you can start using nutes.
yea, but if you're 3 weeks in you should be fine. See how they're starting to look lighter green towards the middle of the plant? That's a pretty good indicator that you can start using nutes.
Agreed! Yes you should wait to use nutrients, but the general consensus is three to four weeks in or three to five leaf sets and you're safe!
thanks guys. I actually watered one more time and shes looking really healthy and starting to grow fast. Next watering ill feed her some diluted nutes. Thanks again
hmmm... it seems that the 3rd set of fan leaves growing in are curling inward, looking like a taco. Ive read that its heat stress but i have 4 26w 6500k cfls about 4" away and the temps never go above 75. They usually hang around 70. Any other reasons why the leaves would curl at the center inward like a taco?

p.s. yes i do have an exhaust fan