should i try... lsd??


Well-Known Member
Theres some bitches pushin acid round my town. I'm gettin a tenstrip and checkin that shit out.
Get on that much cheese do you throw down for a ten strip. I usually don't get a break but its usually always the fluff fire.


Well-Known Member
My first trip was in 9th grade with three drops. After 20 minutes I was tripping balls. I looked in the mirror and my face was melted. I felt like I was in a cartoon. My heart rate sky rocketed. I was in a little crew back then and some main heads came by, noticed I was flying and started fucking with me. Horrible horrible trip. Seen dragons, demons, fuck you name it. Effects lasted 6-8 hours. I just sat on the couch the whole time.

But god damn it was fun! I'd do it again one more time just to relive it. Ah fuck, if I only knew how to get my hands on some. haha. Honestly, you should know what you can handle. If your a wuss and hate scary movies, don't bother. This shit will make you see things.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
My first trip was in 9th grade with three drops. After 20 minutes I was tripping balls. I looked in the mirror and my face was melted. I felt like I was in a cartoon. My heart rate sky rocketed. I was in a little crew back then and some main heads came by, noticed I was flying and started fucking with me. Horrible horrible trip. Seen dragons, demons, fuck you name it. Effects lasted 6-8 hours. I just sat on the couch the whole time.

But god damn it was fun! I'd do it again one more time just to relive it. Ah fuck, if I only knew how to get my hands on some. haha. Honestly, you should know what you can handle. If your a wuss and hate scary movies, don't bother. This shit will make you see things.
Funny, on acid all I ever saw was visuals, no full-blown hallucinations of shit that wasn't even there. Of course, some shit that was there was slightly modified, a picture I didn't focus on would move as if it was a movie, a paragraph of text would crawl and the letters would switch places on me [the one's I didn't straight up stare] but no dragons...

My roommate may have a different opinion. He spent an hour talking to a fucking wall after jumping through a window. I finally figured him out. He started drinking to be cool. He started smoking weed to be cool. I took acid, a few mutual friends took acid, he took acid to be cool and was quite surprised by a psychedelic punch in the groin.


Well-Known Member
Lol, probably only salvia can create such a true immersive illusion as LSD can.
MAN!!!!!!!!! I've seen some crazy shit, and thought it real at the time.

With DMT you are always you, maybe a bit smarter, but still you, and you are aware of haveing smoked the spice and what you are going through and that its a vission etc...