First time start to finish grow "PRODUCT""


Just finished my first little girl flowered for 8 weeks an gave nutes like 3 weeks till flowering

cut down an total weight is only 12.5 grams wet!!!
Anybody got an idea what that should be dry??? An the strain is jus a bAg seed off some mids

an I'm not sure how long i'm suppose to hang them for or when to put in jar this is all new to me any help or comments are welcome


Active Member
prolly 3-5g dry.

Looks like ya may have chopped a couple weeks early O.O Especially looking at that first pic. Gotta have patience man!


Active Member
I agree about cutting too early and I've jumped the gun myself. The bud will seem to stall and then start stacking on top again before it's done. It's like it takes a deep breath and then pushes everything with all it's got. I have been waiting 12 weeks.... and I have no finger nails left!


Active Member
I agree about cutting too early and I've jumped the gun myself. The bud will seem to stall and then start stacking on top again before it's done. It's like it takes a deep breath and then pushes everything with all it's got. I have been waiting 12 weeks.... and I have no finger nails left!
lol I did this whole hold my breath and thought about cutting and for like 2 weeks it did nothing.... then one day it grew like an inch taller and in diameter haha =P Ended up going for like 4 more weeks O.O zzzz well worth it tho


Active Member
lol I did this whole hold my breath and thought about cutting and for like 2 weeks it did nothing.... then one day it grew like an inch taller and in diameter haha =P Ended up going for like 4 more weeks O.O zzzz well worth it tho

I cut one when it was ripe and my other 2 at the same time. The ripe one looks magnificent in every way - the almost ripe ones look less green and appealing. Always wait for them hairs to go back inside the buds and let them puff up with resin - that extra little bit of time makes the difference! good first grow:leaf: