1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
ok guys apparently raiderman thought we were some bunch of anti american sentiment types bashing the states or whatever and has set me to ignore?!?!

saying he didnt like visiting my thread cos of it?!? i cant remember anyone even giving him a joking hard time? let alone bashing the usa?!


i made some smart arse joking comment and now hes ignore buttoned me?!?!

anyway just thought id share...
Could be worse don.
People can slag off wales & the welsh or the uk all they like, Im man enough to take it, I woulden't ignore you Id probably agree with you. :-D

The whole world is fucked up!!! :eyesmoke:
well a bit of friendly banter never hurt no one, and it seems us brits can take it better than most other country,s.
the internet is a harsh place and shit gets said all the time. i say if you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen....

oh and almost forgot, on tuesday i watched a raid in the town i work in....turned out to be slanty,s. house full of weed and i seen a cop coming out of the house with a bucket full of hps bulbs.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember seeing anything anti american. It might have been me coz i've got previous with the colonies eh Mam? lol


Well-Known Member
I don't remember seeing anything anti american. It might have been me coz i've got previous with the colonies eh Mam? lol
haha.. I didn't ignore you though mate and we got it sorted.
Plus there's always a bit of rivalry between our nations anyway because you think you own us! haha!
Ah we been fighting wars together and kicking each other arses in cricket and rugby for centuries so it's all in good fun. lol

I actually have German descendants and don't come from the prison colonies anyway :lol:

Maybe RM has misinterpreted something that was said, pretty easy to do on a forum.
Shit, if someones offends me I let them know, and work towards getting it sorted.


Well-Known Member
Talking it out is the adult thing to do. I watched a couple of the ODI's against India and both sides were awesome. Tendulkers' 175 was incredible.

mr west

Well-Known Member
haha.. I didn't ignore you though mate and we got it sorted.
Plus there's always a bit of rivalry between our nations anyway because you think you own us! haha!
Ah we been fighting wars together and kicking each other arses in cricket and rugby for centuries so it's all in good fun. lol

I actually have German descendants and don't come from the prison colonies anyway :lol:

Maybe RM has misinterpreted something that was said, pretty easy to do on a forum.
Shit, if someones offends me I let them know, and work towards getting it sorted.
yeah pissy littel island, lmao. Love ya Mammath, ya great wooly hair bag kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
as an American I don't see it here at RIU.....besides individuals not countries is what I give a shite about.....countries are a lot like religions, too much drama....just my opinion...and you know opinions? they are like arseholes, we all I got one, and some stink more than others.....:p

toke toke pass:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
as an American I don't see it here at RIU.....besides individuals not countries is what I give a shite about.....countries are a lot like religions, too much drama....just my opinion...and you know opinions? they are like arseholes, we all I got one, and some stink more than others.....:p

toke toke pass:joint:
ILL GRAB THAT SHIZZEL KILO, a truer word hast been spoken today lolkiss-asskiss-assbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
exactly shit happens assholes cause it ;)

BTW westy that joint was intercepted....... sorry i only left ya with a roach. times are hard bro lmfao

mr west

Well-Known Member
u cant intercept after its been smoked jester? Do u think ur the doctor or something?? I know ya aint got a tardis.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well lads when alls said an done he's obviously taken a paddy over somethin but im not gonna lose sleep over it eh.

on with the show!

The clones and the new beans

the freak clone that seems to have aut topped tho i havent cut or pinched the shoot?!?!

blue mystic or querkle ?!?!? i really need to organise myself and get my labelling sorted

DQ top


group shot

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah its an abortive attempt i think when you compare it to the others taken at the same time it wont be seeing the flowering tent, ive pushed the two weirdo's to the outside of the pack. im only keeping them so i can identify the 2 males clones after the labelling mixup


Well-Known Member
nice man....really getting their sticky on. That unidentifed one especially. Who cares what it is! LOL...Gonna be awesome in a few weeks.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i know westy but what can i say im only human hahah mostly.....

thanks fellas yeah im sure they will end up fine another 5 days and ill start the pk build up n we should see some real colas.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Bash the US huh? why you bloody bloke.... ha, I live here and I think our country needs an enima. The last 2 goveners from the state i grew up in have went to jail. We have the worst track record for taking care of our own. We spend all our time and money helping rebuild what we blew the fuck up. Our economy is in shambles and Raider got mad at you for telling it like it is? Sounds like there's no loss there.....

Oh and by the way your plants look awsome. You really should invest in a permanat marker and tag your shit.....