Whats your favorite Drug combination??


Well-Known Member
10-15 mg. perks w/bud and expensive sipping vodka, too old for all really fun shit from the old days but LsD w/O2+N02 was fun.


Well-Known Member
Word up to that, one of my really good friends just passed away this last month due to overdose on those things.

Shitty thing is he got hooked do to a doctor prescribing them for a foot injury and he had a hard time getting off them, got clean for 45 days, snorted an oc 80 and never woke up.
yeah i got prescribed them after i was in a bad accident, i too have lost a friend to them, i myself almost freakin died after snorting an 80 if it wasnt for someone finding me


Well-Known Member
Everyone loves to enjoy the most as possible.. the unconceivable... the thing they thought would never come...

oh the great all american BURNOUT is the custom to outbeat now ;)


Well-Known Member
Still searching, but so far I would have to say the combination of acid,alcohol,e, & weed was the best experience I've had. I hope to try cid,shrooms,salvia,& DMT together eventually...maybe even throw in some E as well-that should be quite intense.


Well-Known Member
Dank weed, opiates, benzos, and Jack daniels....all mixed together....24/7....thats how I roll.....when Im not passed out :neutral:

ohhh how could I forget the cigs atleast a pack a day to keep the doctor away


Active Member
Have your beer and/or pot before doing lsd. Don't bother with anything except water once you start tripping. Any other drugs will have absolutely no perceivable effect on you.


Well-Known Member
Have your beer and/or pot before doing lsd. Don't bother with anything except water once you start tripping. Any other drugs will have absolutely no perceivable effect on you.
I would agree for the most part, but would add that pure speed has a great effect when on sid.


Well-Known Member
my fav mix is a good E pill maybe 2 g'suphoes down and 2.5 of some cubensis mushrooms ,and deff get a few bliunts rolled for this trip haha its a blast


Well-Known Member
im still a fan of the classic get twisted method. That is have 3 or 4 drinks maybe a 6 banger then smoke the fattest rip of chronic you can muster. always puts me in my happy place an gets me ready for whatever the plan for the eve is.