Cleaning Bongs With Alcohol


Well-Known Member
I have sitting here in front of me a bottle of 91% Isopropyl Alcohol. Purchased in California, USA.

Right here on the back is the mandatory Drug Facts statement:

Active Ingredient: Isopropyl alcohol 91%
Inactive ingredient: water

That's it, folks. That's all there is in mine.


New Member
Not even a single drop of denatured ethanol?

What about natured ethanol (Everclear)?

Nothing but isopropyl and the ever-present water molecule, eh?

Both are excellent and safe resin solvents especially when combined with a ganjajillion sharp little scrubbing crystals lending a hand.

Rubbing alcohol includes alcohols that you can rub on a wound.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever seen rubbing alcohol made from anything but isopropanol and water? (excluding the green mint-scented 70% bullshit)


Well-Known Member
I've never noticed this. Although I do rinse my bowl out with scalding hot water afterwords. I think I read somewhere not to use salt and alcohol in an acrylic before.

i cleaned my friend's bowl out te other day, not thinking and he got mad at me. Apparently he actually enjoys smoking that resin. This piece was litterally caked with resin. You couldn't even pull a hit. I tried blowing through it and think I popped a blood vessel.
ok so i was just randomly scanning the internet looking for different methods of bong cleaning ( i typically use iso and salt but I was looking for something that required a little less shaking, I am a lazy stoner) when i came across this thread. I know this thread is a little old so i joined this site simply so i could clear this up for future readers.

Rubbing alcohol is a common name for an alcohol used as a disinfectant, and is most commonly isopropanol aka isopropyl alcohol (this is poisonous to consume)
but rubbing alcohol can refer to a mixture of ethanol as well (the alcohol that we drink, it is technically still poisonous to our body but not nearly as lethal and the side effects can be fun) but if the rubbing alcohol contains ethanol it would be denatured, which means to add another alcohol that is poisonous to drink, typically methanol commonly know as wood alcohol. This is so the alcohol will not be used for consumption and thus does not need to be taxed in the same way alcohol ment to consume would be.
everyclear or natured ethanol just means pure ethanol, the good old fashioned drinking kind.

all of the above alcohols will work to dissolve resin and should work relatively similar