Who Cut the Cheese ?


Active Member
DAY 34

Well I finally got the 20 amp HR ran. Ready to hang the 1000w MH. I plan on going another 10-11 days of veg time so they can beef up a bit before I turn them. I need to give them a little time to use up that xtra space in the 5 gal containers.
If anybody reading this has any experience growing cheese, by all means post away. I know it smells like dirty feet and is very potent. I have read it is a big yielder. I heard it is 80I / 20S but I looks more like 70/30 to me.


A strange side note. Out of all 8 plants their is not 1 opposing leaf set.
I'm pretty sure you shouldnt really have many...if any...opposing leaf sets until you hit flowering...

Im going to pick up some cheese clones from the club right now....super excited =) gonna try these bad boys in a SoG.

im jealous of your room! and 1000w. Hopefully ill have the room soon ;)

well good luck and looking forward to watching your grow!:leaf:


Active Member
Well grab your pipe and pull up a chair basher. Let's see how these girls do. :)
Start a journal and post the url.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you shouldnt really have many...if any...opposing leaf sets until you hit flowering...
Ya got it backwards. Opposing leafsets are the norm during veg, until the flowering response and then they go alternating.

Freeleaf, sure you don't have auto flowering plants?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
there clones so they wont grow opposing leafsets unless the clone was taken from the top of the main stem of the mom, and the mom would have to be from seed.

I too would leave it in veg for longer 2 weeks max, as you said you want the roots to fill out into that new soil.

When you say cheese do you know which type there are loads of different types >> Cheese<<link.

I grow clone only exodus cheese its a 20 year old uk plant, it smokes Very nicely.:bigjoint:


Active Member
UB, I am not sure if they are "auto flowering" or not. But I have a question for you on topping. I know you reccomend topping just above the 2nd node after the plant has matured enough to produce the 7th node. You mentioned making sure you were counting nodes with opposing leaf sets. What advice would you give when trying to get the 4 main colas, but you have a plant that only has alternating nodes? Your insight would be appreciated.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
With a clone its not worth topping I would trim the lower half of the plant that will only grow little buds as they dont get a lot of light, this will give the upper braches more energy resulting in bigger top buds.
If you only want 4 main colas trim all branches just leaving 4 main tops.

Do all trimming at least one week before going into flower you dont want to shock her when in flower.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
What advice would you give when trying to get the 4 main colas, but you have a plant that only has alternating nodes? Your insight would be appreciated.
Like I've said many times in the thread, it won't work. The nodes must be opposing. It's an issue of apical tissue dominance whereby the hormones control growth dominance beginning at the top or terminal area.


Active Member
Time for a little update. I have been battling a little mold problem. (understatement) So the first thing I did was to give the girls a serious thinning out to increase air circulation. I have been using serenade which contains an active culture. It seemed to be working at first but now does not seem to be as effective. So I went everywhere in town looking for products that contained Diaconal, Benomyl or Captan only to find out that all 3 of these chemical have been outlawed in California. I did find a product that contained Chlorothalonil. I was speaking to the old man manager of the large nursery for the last 30 years and he asked me what I was growing. I told him tomatoes. He said he understood and proceeded to ask me how far along I was and whether or not I was in the flower stage. I then told him I was almost 3 weeks into flower. He said I do not recommend the Chlorothalonil but rather try a light sulfur spray. I got it but I am a little hesitant to use it. I would hate to screw up the taste. I am thinking about treating 1 plant with it and then marking it so I know if it does screw up the taste so I know in the future. I have also thought about spraying with diluted milk. Any thoughts out their?

I had planned to donate a few ounces to one of the local dispensaries to cover the cost of the grow but the first thing they will do is check the buds with a microscope for mold spores. mmm hope it is not to late. I wonder if the sulfur will kill the spores.

Anyway I have enclosed some pics of the girls. The first pic shows the temp and humidity and the second was taken before the big haircut. :)


welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have done everything right, sulfur spray works well and it shouldnt taint the bud as its just high ph water neem oil works too, the only other thing you could do is use a dehumidifier.
You need to get on top of this problem it could cause bud rot later into flowering!
Nice canopy!