OUR military power doesn't matter

On April 30, 1975, the Vietnam War ended with the capture of Saigon by Communist forces and the surrender of General Duong Vanh Minh and his cabinet in the Presidential palace. As troops of the People's Army of Vietnam marched into Saigon, U.S. personnel and the last American marines were hastily evacuated from the roof of the U.S. embassy. Years later a fundamental question still remains unanswered: Who won the Vietnam War?
Not North Vietnam. ;-)


Well-Known Member
The invasion of Iraq had very little to do with 9/11. It was already being prepared beforehand. But at the same time we did take care of the business concerning 9/11. There was a few thousand Al-Qaeda before and now it's well below 1000. Not Good Enough Though! :cuss:
im sorry but you really are unbelievably knaive. You seriously think anybody knows how many followers AQ have? They dont have enrolment records...:wall:
Again- the war is against submission to a religious law. One that says it's cool to kill innocent people.
And we, as a nation, have straied so far way from what we were to be- it's sick. But, wiping out radical Islam (Wahabists) is not a bad thing.

If I'm wrong- just wait until they nuke Irael.

And, no matter what- the anti- AMericans among us will still balme US. For what Iran has been wanting to do for 4,000 years. Persia. Medo-Persia, Arabia etc.
Again- the war is against submission to a religious law. One that says it's cool to kill innocent people.
And we, as a nation, have straied so far way from what we were to be- it's sick. But, wiping out radical Islam (Wahabists) is not a bad thing.

If I'm wrong- just wait until they nuke Irael.

And, no matter what- the anti- AMericans among us will still balme US. For what Iran has been wanting to do for 4,000 years. Persia. Medo-Persia, Arabia etc.
I guess I'd just rather have the U.S. go back to isolationism. But I agree. Not a bad thing to demolish those American hating pricks. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you cannot know! Al-Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries, the most notable being the September 11 attacks in 2001. These actions were followed by the US government launching the War on Terrorism. Between three thousand and four thousand members of the network have been captured and many thousands more killed on the front in Afghanistan. Hate quoting wiki, but the only site that mentions any numbers. No mention of how many in total though, although puts your figures out the window.
you cannot know! Al-Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries, the most notable being the September 11 attacks in 2001. These actions were followed by the US government launching the War on Terrorism. Between three thousand and four thousand members of the network have been captured and many thousands more killed on the front in Afghanistan. Hate quoting wiki, but the only site that mentions any numbers. No mention of how many in total though, although puts your figures out the window.
What does this say?



Well-Known Member
What we are fighting now is not a 'War' we are occupying two other countries by force. We are the dictating force in the world, War is just another money making scam created by our massive military industrial complex.

Our military has grown far out of proportion to be a defensive force. We have created a "new American empire" ruled by the elite of the world socio-economic structure.

Patriotism and support for your government are two very different things. The unfortunate truth is that most americans will never distinguish the difference and will continue to wave their flags in support of mass murder.

Brevity, I recommend you study some history
What we are fighting now is not a 'War' we are occupying two other countries by force. We are the dictating force in the world, War is just another money making scam created by our massive military industrial complex.

Our military has grown far out of proportion to be a defensive force. We have created a "new American empire" ruled by the elite of the world socio-economic structure.

Patriotism and support for your government are two very different things. The unfortunate truth is that most americans will never distinguish the difference and will continue to wave their flags in support of mass murder.

Brevity, I recommend you study some history

Conspiracy Theories used to be entertaining now they're just becoming paranoid instead of fully delusional.


Well-Known Member
You obviously dont know where most of your military is from, poor ugly rednecks on the whole.

Conspiracy Theories used to be entertaining now they're just becoming paranoid instead of fully delusional.
There is no conspiracy theory any open minded, intelligent individual can connect the dots.

Q:How many Blackwater operatives do we currently have employed in Iraq?

A:We don't know Blackwater is a PRIVATE company that does not have to follow standard military 'rules of engagement' (stuff like don't kill babies). Casualties are also not reported, it is estimated that Blackwater operatives outnumber US army forces 3:1.

Blackwater operatives are recruited from around the WORLD, a large number of the operatives AKA 'mercenaries' that the US government has hired come from Columbia. Many are suspected to have also been involved in George W. Bush's infamous Iran-Contra affair.

If that alone does not show someone the connection and interest that the private sector has in this so called 'War' then it is possible they are partially retarded. . . .:fire:

fog horn

New Member
I'd probably be viewed as a liberal but I want my guns and my view on America is probably Republican in nature because I'm so 'patriotic'. So far I have 3 reps in this thread all with the word 'patriotic' in it. My thought is, we're Americans! Shouldn't we by nature love our country? This sub-form is seriously twisted and fucked up...

Wait... so only Republicans are 'patriotic'?

You have 3 green dots? And that makes you not an idiot how?