OUR military power doesn't matter

Sticks and stones.

Bong hit anyone???

Chill time. Everybody... group hug!!

Brevity- love you so much!

Everybody! Chill. Peace!

Smoke something and think of something funny to say!

Best sig. "I'm bummed when I out of smoke... Marijuana cures that !" That's classic! LOL!!!
thats it pal, youre reported. insulting members and making personal attacks is NOT tolerated here.
And nothing came of your report smartguy because your the one that first called EVERYBODY who curse on this site, and the rest of the world, a moron. Foul language, profanity, it's all the same thing, CURSE WORDS. I just said you're the moron here.
So he has started on you now...I'm a commy b***ard pr*ck etc apparantly.lol
No no no, I killed, the bus driver....! :lol:

Originally Posted by Brevity, The Soul Of Wit!
You are a commy dick sucking, pompous, self-righteous, bastard. Now the gloves are off. :smile: I like being a stereotypical American. :grin: While you have been a stereotypical European.



Notice how Whos that cat

doesnt report Fog Horn's Profane insulting post

because they are the same person

its pretty obvious

Illegal Smile

Back to the topic: Obama refuses to say that the bombing of Hiroshima was necessary. Everyone with any knowledge of history knows that the alternative was an invasion of Japan and estimates were over a million American dead to accomplish that. Same thing now. Obama finds enemy lives to be more valuable than American lives.
????? What do you mean the same person?????


You unlock this door with the key to imagination. Beyond it is another dimension, a dimension of sound – a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into – The Twilight Zone.


Well-Known Member
Back to the topic: Obama refuses to say that the bombing of Hiroshima was necessary. Everyone with any knowledge of history knows that the alternative was an invasion of Japan and estimates were over a million American dead to accomplish that. Same thing now. Obama finds enemy lives to be more valuable than American lives.
Are you saying we should nuke Iraq?
Back to the topic: Obama refuses to say that the bombing of Hiroshima was necessary. Everyone with any knowledge of history knows that the alternative was an invasion of Japan and estimates were over a million American dead to accomplish that. Same thing now. Obama finds enemy lives to be more valuable than American lives.
100% Agreed on the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki being necessary. But I'm a 100% tired of hearing the name OBAMA.


????? What do you mean the same person?????


You unlock this door with the key to imagination. Beyond it is another dimension, a dimension of sound – a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into – The Twilight Zone.


Well-Known Member
You really are ignorant... do you know what the repercusions would be of dropping a nuke anywhere today would be?
these would be the same people who sit and preach about iran getting nukes. while in the next breath talking about turning the middle east into a "sheet of glass"
these would be the same people who sit and preach about iran getting nukes. while in the next breath talking about turning the middle east into a "sheet of glass"
I say let anybody in the entire world make nuclear weapons. But fuck with the U.S. and we'll take you outside and FUCK you in the street! Do I make myself perfectly clear.