Going Rogue, An American Life


Well-Known Member
so it will sell a lot because it is $9? hmmm, interesting? i go to this discount book store all the time. they sell books for 50 cents. they stay on the shelf for years. but hey, its your theory, knock yourself out.

what will be the excuse when she gets a shitload of votes?
yeah cheaper NEVER sells more. :roll:

why not charge the standard $40.

because of who she "is" and the cheap ass price tag, she will sell twice what she would if she charge "the regular" price.

but she's just doing everyone a favor by saving them money, right? :roll:

i'm still not buying it, .....

i voted for obama, i will vote for palin because i want to stare at her tits for 4 years. this countries political system is shit. might as well throw a nice rack in there. couldn't hurt.
Lynn Vincent wrote this book. I doubt seriously if Sarah Palin could spell rogue and I am sure someone had to explain what it means to her.
Kilgore Trout wrote this post. I doubt if Democrat could spell Truth and no doubt would benefit from having it explained to them.:wall:

This thread has, like most other threads, has deteriorated to a forum for name-calling and slanderous remarks by people with have no real knowledge and ain't afraid to share it.

This is boring me, Franz, make them go away...:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Kilgore Trout wrote this post. I doubt if Democrat could spell Truth and no doubt would benefit from having it explained to them.:wall:

This thread has, like most other threads, has deteriorated to a forum for name-calling and slanderous remarks by people with have no real knowledge and ain't afraid to share it.

This is boring me, Franz, make them go away...:eyesmoke:
So you agree with me? She didn't write the book and I seriously doubt she has read it....and that's the TRUTH.


Well-Known Member
Angry crowd shouts at Sarah Palin at her book signing in Noblesville, Indiana on November 19, 2009 after Palin quits and refuses to sign books for around 300 families that spent about 3+ hours getting wristband and another 3+ hours waiting in line to get the Palin book signed. At Borders bookstore it was announced that 1,000 individuals would be given wristbands and could get two books signed each. By the time Sarah Palin quit, there were still about 300 individuals and there families who did not get even one book signed.



Well-Known Member
You don't have to know her personally to see that she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, it shows almost every time she opens her mouth.

But she looks so fuckable and the tits are damn nice, I can understand why someone might vote for her anyway. Naughty naughty teacher look.


Well-Known Member
noway... id eb too scared that i might knock her up and, even worse, spread her dumb genes

and, well you know what they say about quitters!


Well-Known Member
Those that can't see how dumb she is might want to take an IQ test themselves. You can't tell how dumb someone really is if you're at the same level or lower, they just appear normal to you. And when you're that dumb, you're too dumb to know it on your own, you need the test.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call Palin dumb, inexperienced yes. She is smart enough to make more money than anyone on this forum will ever see and Yes i'd hit it. I think the amount of attention she receives, even on this forum, is incredible.
She Makes $196531.50 annually. I don't know the annual income of everybody on this site and neither do you but there are DEFINITELY people on here who have the POTENTIAL to make more than her.

jeff f

New Member
Those that can't see how dumb she is might want to take an IQ test themselves. You can't tell how dumb someone really is if you're at the same level or lower, they just appear normal to you. And when you're that dumb, you're too dumb to know it on your own, you need the test.
hey smart guy, you used the word dumb 4 times in 3 sentences. ever hear of a thesaurus? ironic huh?

boy, you libs are really scared of her....weird, since she is so dumb:lol: