Making Mescaline HCL A Bold Reality!


Well-Known Member
Nice info keep it up folks ;)

I haven't yet subscribed as a dmt-nexus member, but just subscribed as a mycotopia member which also has some great teks!

Does anyone know how to derib the cacti properly, whats the best method?


Well-Known Member
Generaly you just need to remove the wax layer and depending on the tek, that may not even be required...

I have some golden torch that needs to get tested for activity, but I wouldn't even approach it with garden gloves, I think thick leather is a minimum requirement, that thing is a like a porcupine and the spines burn like crazy when they punture you.


Well-Known Member
haha.. yea its not to complicated. ive heard some people say u only want the skin but ive heard others say to keep everything except the core. when i chopped mine up i took out all the spikes, then i made a cut into each crevice and all the way down. so u cut in each crevice like a v and you get these strips of skin and meat. mmm sounds yummy.

you get it?..kinda hard to explain when im this drunk.

and i could imagine how much of a bitch it probably is to despine the torch variety.


Well-Known Member
Generaly you just need to remove the wax layer and depending on the tek, that may not even be required...

I have some golden torch that needs to get tested for activity, but I wouldn't even approach it with garden gloves, I think thick leather is a minimum requirement, that thing is a like a porcupine and the spines burn like crazy when they punture you.
For healthy succelent cacti I would definitely approach them with leather safeguards ;)

whats the best tool to use when removing the outer core?


Well-Known Member
Exactly, I have heard of that process too when de-rib-ing of course! Cut around the thorns, a tedious process indeed... but glory awaits you so why not dedicate yourself to the cause!


Well-Known Member
If you read the thread i linked for you, you would see my buddy phlux showed just how much mescaline is in the core....


Well-Known Member
this is how i go for skinning my cactuses. i get a sharrppp paring knife and pliers. i dig into the side of the spike with the pliers.. squeeze and pull. very simple. then i take the knife and put it to the valley of the cactus "V" (bottom/middle of the V) and cut inwards starting from the top to bottom. than i go to the next valley and cut inward towards the previous cut you made. this should cut out 1 rib of the cactus with a diamond like cut. you take that piece and cut it in half hot dog style. now its flat enough to lay it down (skin touching the ground). take a paring knife or filet knife and filet the bottom skin off. make sure you dont cut out the darker green material. get rid of the lighter stuff. people like to use the whole cactus but i hear the outer skin and a couple mms into the cactus contain the most mescaline.. anyyywayy

i would just buy the powder. i did 1 kilos worth and i wanted to kill myself. very time consuming ><


Well-Known Member
this is how i go for skinning my cactuses. i get a sharrppp paring knife and pliers. i dig into the side of the spike with the pliers.. squeeze and pull. very simple. then i take the knife and put it to the valley of the cactus "V" (bottom/middle of the V) and cut inwards starting from the top to bottom. than i go to the next valley and cut inward towards the previous cut you made. this should cut out 1 rib of the cactus with a diamond like cut. you take that piece and cut it in half hot dog style. now its flat enough to lay it down (skin touching the ground). take a paring knife or filet knife and filet the bottom skin off. make sure you dont cut out the darker green material. get rid of the lighter stuff. people like to use the whole cactus but i hear the outer skin and a couple mms into the cactus contain the most mescaline.. anyyywayy

i would just buy the powder. i did 1 kilos worth and i wanted to kill myself. very time consuming ><
I agree skinning the cacti is very time consuming especially if you plan on making a few grams of the stuff... and when I mean a few... I am referring to 10 grams plus ;)

Powder it is!


Well-Known Member
oo make sure you dry your stuff quick after you cut or mold and bacteria will start taking over. i waited too long to dry everything out after i cut the whole kilo and i lost............. 500g of cactus:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
oo make sure you dry your stuff quick after you cut or mold and bacteria will start taking over. i waited too long to dry everything out after i cut the whole kilo and i lost............. 500g of cactus:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
What a shame!!!

Yeah I heard about the drying part... just take the practical knowledge of knowing that a pair of wet clothes just laying around could accumulate mold ;)


Well-Known Member
How about Bromo-Mescaline???? Sucks ass though. :-D
Bromo Mescaline or 2c-b in short is a very nice but mellow psychedelic, it has minimum body load in my opinion. But as a teacher it could lack greatly, maybe in larger doses it could reveal other tendencies that lower dosages dont' signify!

Its odd how some people rival over 2c's... Now I am hearing that 2c-d is one great phenethylamine... and is regarded as "Tofu" to Mr. Shulgin himself! Its great because the dosage response curve is not as steep as 2c-i, 2c-e, 2c-t-7, 2c-p etc... you can work with the substance without fearing the inevitable!

Time will tell... but confidence is sure rising as I am hearing more and more great reports about this vendor ;)