1 seed. 2 plants.


Active Member
my brother threw a seed in a bucket probably 3-4 months ago, and it was definitely one seed and sprouted two plants. Just recently while looking at it, I noticed only one of them is identifiable as a girl.

How often does that happen, two plants one seed, and both being opposite sex? I'm just curious, whether I should kill this male portion of the plant, or make it a hermi. by chopping off it's balls or whatever.


Active Member
Well I asked my dad, since he just came back home. He said I should just leave them be. Since it's already too late in the season for it to be that great. He said I should be lucky enough to atleast get them to pollinate each other. And get seeds for next year.


Well-Known Member
Well the easiest answer is dig up the plant and look at the roots. You'll be able to tell if you got 1 or 2 seeds. I wanna say he has 2 seeds and one is a female and other is male, but this dude didn't give us much to work with.

How big is the plant? Pictures are always ideal too!


Active Member
Yeah, sorry I don't have a camera. I'm almost guaranteed it is one seed, because that is all that was thrown into there. It is probably 3 months old I'm going to assume. Nothing special. It's a seed from some nice weed I buy from some guy. But I only had a few seeds. When it sprouted two, I just assumed it was one plant that made two stalks. I heard before that if something is blocking it's direct upward path, it could split thus creating two plants. But if that is the case, I assumed they would both be the same sex.

I'm going to say they are about 12 inches tall, give or take an inch. It was just thrown into the pot to even see if it would grow. So I wasn't expecting for it to really grow super big, and get nice buds(especially since it's so late in the year). But since it has one male and female(I think) I am going to just leave them be, and continue to water them. I'm hoping maybe I'll get some seeds out of the two. If I do, whoooo... the fields near my houses are up for some surprises. But I will also keep a few in my backyard to care for like babies.

The two stalks are about a quarter inch away from each other... at the most. The one that is a little bit bigger, it is the girl. It has those little clear pistillate things. I only see them on the second branch off from the very top. They're still pretty small, but they are absolutely identifiable. They look like dwarf plants, or midgets. I'm going to assume because they were grown so late, and weren't given Toooo much care.

The other one I am assuming it is a boy, because if it was a girl wouldn't it already show sign of sex at this time? Especially if they're the same plant. They both look pretty much identicle, expect that the larger one has the pistillate towards the top. Now when I say bigger, I don't mean much bigger. I just mean about an inch. maybe an inch and a half.

Anyone ever experience this? Another question if anyone knows, would these two plants if they do pollinate each other, and successfully grow seeds. Would they be shittier weed, compared to the weed i got them from? That is the thing I'm most curious about, because if it's going to make them hella shitty I might as well just throw them all in some fields.


Active Member
So today I looked at my two plants. They are both for certain, a girl and boy. I thought the girl was smaller, but I was mistaken. Today I noticed the smaller one, it has those little sack things, I'm assuming they're called stamens. Therefor making it a boy, correct?

Since it's starting to get cold, I was thinking of just growing them in my closet. I think I'll have a better chance of them surviving, since they're already late. Use some cfls and what not. If I have both plants to pollenate, they won't bud I'm guessing. And they won't smell as much.

If I use those cfls, can I just use any old lamp and hook it up for my plants?

Dr High

Well-Known Member
use alotf cfls! 40 watts is what i used for my first females. i had 10 40 watter thats 400 watts of cfls LOL! plus 2 23 watters. good luck to you!


Active Member
One of my bitches got preggers and the buds still look and smell very very nice. You could possibly get the best of both worlds too with proper light and nutrients.


Active Member
Did it have buds while it got preggo, or no? Because mine definitely got no buds, I just want them for seeds now. But I think with what my current supplies are. I think it'd be easiest for me to clone the two, and put them in a cfl box.


Well-Known Member
Its just twins simple as that,assuming that it was definitely only one seed then its just twins the same principal as human twins.
Makes sure you grow the resulting seeds as they may also produce twins and display other kinds of vigour.
All you need to do is get em to produce 2 females per seed and then that would be really cool:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Here is mine, when I germed this seed I noticed the two tap roots... awesome eh?


Active Member
That is awesome. That is pretty much what mine looked like at the start. The only difference is, they were "always" within .5"-1.5" difference in height. And I thought they were like under half an inch away from each other at the base... but now that I look really close, they're defeinitely within 1-2 mm. Which is really nothing.

That would be nice if I always got female-female twins. And an occasional male-female twin, for reproduction. That'd be fun. I think I want to keep these twins indoors, for the rest of the year. then go outdoors organic for the seeds. Any good ideas for a cheap and easy cfl box, mainly for cloning. Because the plants are already in a big ass bucket, and I want to put them in something smaller. Something maybe that I could either put in my closet(very small closet) or behind my bed(just as small).

I was thinking of hooking up some cfls in either series or parallel. I got basic knowledge of electrical shit, because I take classes for that and I've hooked up a bunch of shit before. Who knows if it'd be better to hook the lights up in either parallel, or series?

First is obviously series, second is parallel.



Active Member
=[ I'm so depressed. I wanted the seeds. But my dogs retarded ass ate the female. No seeds, nor buds... If I leave the male. is it possible he'll try to pick up the whole job himself. and produce seeds?


Active Member
=[ I'm so depressed. I wanted the seeds. But my dogs retarded ass ate the female. No seeds, nor buds... If I leave the male. is it possible he'll try to pick up the whole job himself. and produce seeds?
I don't think that's possible. Does your female have any green left at all? If so, you can try to reveg her.


Active Member
Did it have buds while it got preggo, or no? Because mine definitely got no buds, I just want them for seeds now. But I think with what my current supplies are. I think it'd be easiest for me to clone the two, and put them in a cfl box.
Pollen got on the hairs before it started budding.


New Member
That what I thought. Why couldn't it be? Be to see a pic of it is really cool because I've never seen that with a pot seed before. I've seen it with some others but never weed seeds.
Now that would be an interesting grow.
Its just twins simple as that,assuming that it was definitely only one seed then its just twins the same principal as human twins.
Makes sure you grow the resulting seeds as they may also produce twins and display other kinds of vigour.
All you need to do is get em to produce 2 females per seed and then that would be really cool:blsmoke:


Active Member
Well my dog ate the female plant. Because I always let her smoke with me. She is a pothead. And she knows there is a weed plant in the back of my yard. which is about half an acre. And for my area, that is very big. And I'm easily capable of hiding many plants in my yard. Especially since my parents don't give a fuck. Well anyways, my dog is a pothead. She wants the roach/doobie every time I smoke. She will not let you enter the house, until you give her the shit. So, me being teh nice guy I am, I give it to her. with no persistence. I'm like "hey girl, ya like weed? me too... awhh.. how cute. she likes weed.. awhhhhhhhh heres the roach.. get blitzed nigga."

but yeah, it was two plants, from one seed. one female. and one male. the male ended up being the more dominant stalk of the two. Which I figured would happen. My dogs punk ass ate the female, which I guess she was capable of telling which one had the thc, which she loves. I guess I'll have a more out of reach area for my grow next season. away from the bitch.