What is Christmas, Really?

I believe it is possible for Christmas to involve non-christian Deities.

  • True

    Votes: 30 76.9%
  • False

    Votes: 9 23.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
What do you believe?

I'm fascinated by the history.

I love big holiday family feasts.

Some are devout Catholics and make awesome gravy.

I just baked my first batch of holiday cookies last night.


Active Member
well for me christmas is all about the family, thats it. its about making everyone happy this should be the one time of year no matter what everyone is happy. christmas doesnt have to be about a god or savior it should be about the people who you love and being with them


Well-Known Member
its a fukkin scam for business owners... its like mnths end, every1 wants to pump out product.. well this is year end so its even more hetic


Well-Known Member
I'm with dfhrace: family, decorations, good meals, lots of presents/fun for kids. If christians want to do their thing too... fine. But, there were lots of pagan celebrations happening before they took over. So if pagans or non-religious people want to celebrate in their ways too... sound good to me.


Well-Known Member
Your posts have gotten better Woodstock... I was actually contemplating this question alot lately. I have been debating whether or not I will celebrate the holiday with my wife/kids in the future, as I am an Atheist. I guess it depends on my future wife's beliefs. I plan on letting my children decide whether or not they want to be part of a religion on their own. Present both sides of the fence to them and let them decide. I have a feeling that without being pushed into religion at an early age, they will use their logic to make an educated decision and probably choose Atheism.

Any thoughts?

Do any Atheists celebrate Christmas with their children/family in order to have a "normal" holiday season for the children's sake ?

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Christmas is all about spending money and supporting the economy. I call the 2 month period in between Halloween and New Years, "Consumer Season"
I hate this time of year. Try driving anywhere near a mall, but smoke a bowl first, because it will take forever. The malls are crowded with people who feel obligated to buy things for people that they don't want or need, and will probably end up in a fandfill within a few months. And everybody wants more money, so drive carefully. Cops are out to give a bunch of tickets. People get stressed out, and take it out on each other. People will cut you off in traffic, or cut in line. This is also the time of year, (where i live) that the skies turn grey, the leaves fall off the trees, and the sun becomes a stranger. It starts to get really cold.
So what is Christmas? A stressful consumer holiday, where lesser (most) people lose sight of themselves, and become greedy, depressed, assholes. The lines at the DMV take forever. Any and every public place is crawling with stressed out people.

At least around here. (chicago is always listed as one of the most stressful places to live. worst traffic, high cost of living, etc) I personally enjoy the few days i can relax with family, but thats about it during this season. The best 2 christmas i have ever had were the 2 i spent in another country, where it was warm and we celebrated without buying anything, or putting anything in a landfill.


Well-Known Member
What do you believe?

I'm fascinated by the history.

I love big holiday family feasts.

Some are devout Catholics and make awesome gravy.

I just baked my first batch of holiday cookies last night.
i always thought that christmas was jesus christs" birthday?
its a fukkin scam for business owners... its like mnths end, every1 wants to pump out product.. well this is year end so its even more hetic

i like the what christmas stands for; peace on earth good will towards man, helping people in need being with family but i agree with resinraider. its all a big scam

i am agnostic so the holiday means nothing religious to me

first of all jesus wasnt even born in december

second, it was all made up by the catholics to replace a pagan holiday celebrating the sun god. the rituals included many things that go against the ten commandments, so the church frowned upon it

santa clause is the stupidest myth, i cant belive i actually belived in this sham untill i was 12. elves? flying reindeer that are faster than the fatest jets? jolly fat man eating 1000s of cookies left out by children? fitting through a chimney?


Active Member
"santa clause is the stupidest myth, i cant belive i actually belived in this sham untill i was 12. elves? flying reindeer that are faster than the fatest jets? jolly fat man eating 1000s of cookies left out by children? fitting through a chimney? "

come on man thats not ment for you its for the children why would you want to take away a child's innocence i suppose you never believed in the Easter bunny when you were a kid? when it comes to santa its not for you just remember that its for the kids


Well-Known Member
"santa clause is the stupidest myth, i cant belive i actually belived in this sham untill i was 12. elves? flying reindeer that are faster than the fatest jets? jolly fat man eating 1000s of cookies left out by children? fitting through a chimney? "

come on man thats not ment for you its for the children why would you want to take away a child's innocence i suppose you never believed in the Easter bunny when you were a kid? when it comes to santa its not for you just remember that its for the kids
well i suppose i can speak freely about how i feel about santa, because there are no children around


Active Member
your right you can but i just dont think that people should go around saying that look if you choose to not believe that fine but you shouldnt ruin it for other people (no i dont belive in santa)


Well-Known Member
I'm an athiest, but loved christmas as a kid. Growing up, it was never about religion - just a good, wholesome time for the family. We never went overboard with the presents, but it was a great excuse to get the family together for a nice meal, tree decoration, etc.. And, if you want some meaning behind it... peace on earth, celebrating the days getting longer (which is what most pagan celebrations were about anyway). I'll continue the tradition with my son for sure.

Your posts have gotten better Woodstock... I was actually contemplating this question alot lately. I have been debating whether or not I will celebrate the holiday with my wife/kids in the future, as I am an Atheist. I guess it depends on my future wife's beliefs. I plan on letting my children decide whether or not they want to be part of a religion on their own. Present both sides of the fence to them and let them decide. I have a feeling that without being pushed into religion at an early age, they will use their logic to make an educated decision and probably choose Atheism.

Any thoughts?

Do any Atheists celebrate Christmas with their children/family in order to have a "normal" holiday season for the children's sake ?


Elite Rolling Society
it is funny how athiests and heathens still put up a CHRISTmas tree and celebrate the birth of Jesus with the believers.

Christmas is when my cured buds will be ready to smoke.

My Family will visit, we will have indoor lights and decorations, Christmas Music, French Bean Casserole, Egg Nog and Crown Royal, Fresh Hashish, Gifts and Presents, Fresh Oranges and Tangerines, Christmas Trees, Divinity Candy, Pecan Pies, PineApple and Strawberry Cakes, Marijuana Brownies, Christmas Plays, grandchildren and my kids, Outdoor decorations, Hung Stockings, Bows and Ribbons, Fruit cake soaked in Home-made wine, Nativity Scenes, German Chocolate cake, Candy Canes, Onion Dip, Smoked Salmon, Shooters of PepperMint Snapps, Christmas Candles, Christmas Cards, Home Made Cheese Curls, a Church Play and Church Music, Party-Mix, Meals on Wheels for the Homeless and visits to the nursing homes, Roasted Nuts, a Fire in the Fireplace, Shrimp Dip, Smelly things like pine cones and orange peels and candles and incense, Angels, Popcorn chains, Deviled Eggs, Cheese Balls, stuffed celery, and days off from our jobs....to name a few.


New Member
My favorite Christmas Carol is The Little Drummer Boy.

It still brings a tear to my eye now and then.

I love nearly all versions.

Some describe me as a super secret secular scientist or an alchemist, but not an atheist or a heathen.

I love all the things Rosie listed, even atheists and heathens.

Maybe it's just the Hippie in me.


Well-Known Member
it is funny how athiests and heathens still put up a CHRISTmas tree and celebrate the birth of Jesus with the believers.
Actually, the funny part is that the christians put those trees up, and call them CHRISTmas trees. They're a pagan symbol. Same with mistletoe, easter eggs, etc.. Christians tried to cover up pagan holdiays over and over, and every time they couldn't get rid of the pagan symbols. Christmas, St. Valentines day, Easter, St. Patrick's day were all pagan holidays that christians tried to take over. And, most evidence points to christ NOT being born in Dec..


Elite Rolling Society
Actually, the funny part is that the christians put those trees up, and call them CHRISTmas trees. They're a pagan symbol. Same with mistletoe, easter eggs, etc.. Christians tried to cover up pagan holdiays over and over, and every time they couldn't get rid of the pagan symbols. Christmas, St. Valentines day, Easter, St. Patrick's day were all pagan holidays that christians tried to take over. And, most evidence points to christ NOT being born in Dec..
yep, you're right.


New Member
So I guess, now it isn't funny that atheists put up trees.

It's the Christians who are funny. Every Christian holiday has been placed on top of the original pagan holidays to help morph the religion into society. No one had time for extra holidays and no one was going to drop the pagan days, so the church in quiet desperation was forced to adapt to the pagan calendar.