My ultimate soil grow using Moonshine Soil Mix with LOTS of pictures! 3 strains!


New Member
Well I invested alot of time and money to gather all the supplies I need to get a decent run start off. Lemme say by far I have done alot of research before going into all the time and effort to get my finished product.

I will be growing along with my current grow which can be found on: :-?

Which ^^ currently has a problem with.

To give you the run down of what my grow room consist of:

1 7 X 54 Watt T5 6500k / 1 x 54 Watt 2700k Fluroescent Lighting

1 400 HPS Cooltube

1 8 inch fan ( pulls out some serious cfm)

1 Carbon Filter (not homemade, model series 70)

2 Timers for light

1 Edgestar Portable Air Conditioner unit ( oh yea now I got temps under control!)

Mylar covered walls

1 Holmes Air Purifier ( for rooms 10 X 12)

1 Wall Mount Fan

1 Stand up fan

1 Temp reader ( allows me to get temps inside of grow room and under lights plus humidity)

2 hoses for washing, watering, and draining water.


for those who do not know or never heard of the moonshine mix. The purpose of this mix was to create a premium rich organic soil that would not require any nutes at all even through the flowering ( however most do due to personal preference) This soil will also create some of the most tasting bud you will ever come across! Its easy and low maintence for most strains and all you have to do is just ph water it! thats it! You have to make sure though you do not overwater as this may create all kinds of nute defiencies symptoms.

The Moonshine mix is as follows ( note there is a slight variations amongst people who use it. I do not take credit for this at all)

"Lookin good....the mix is super can use it from seed to flower it just doesnt need the dry ferts (peace of mind) early on.....Watering is the Key to this mix...overwater and youll see all sorts of weird "nute def" poppin up....let it dry completely and the probs disappear......the Current mix goes a lil sumthin like this...

(bag of each)

Ocean Forest
Planting Mix (guano/castings)
Light Warrior
Black Gold
Coco Brick(small brick)
1 cup peace of mind (for flower)
2- 5 gal buckets worth of perilite....
And the LARGE Chunky

Perilite...RULES....small perilite packs down over time ...the large perilite creates huge air pockets for the roots to grow through....over the last 3 yrs anytime I have gone back to the small diameter perilite my plants SUFFER and yeilds diminish.....You have to try the stuff to understand and even then you may not comprehend (like me) the benefits the large core peri makes.....great stuff....

Romulator has been usin my mix for a couple of yrs now and he is like me always tinkering and tweakin the mix...but in the end its the core 3 bag fox farm mix that makes this shit work....
my only "additives" Id tell anyone to try would be "Fish Mix" from biobizz for a lil boost in veg and Advanced Nutes "Moter Earth Super Tea" for a lil boost on day 25-30 for LARGE plants ......But honestly the mix dont need nuthin....
Keep up the good work....."


Below I have included some pics of bud grown purely using that soil mix. This is some crazy stuff. Now this soil may be expensive to purchase or difficult to obtain locally. However I heard great things about it, and I have always been a fan of Fox farms soils. To use all 3 plus big and chunky perlite.. well needless to say I should have good results.

I will be preparing the soil in a kiddie pool tomorrow. It is very important that mix it very well as you can create hot spots within the soil and that wont be good.

I be starting off using the Auto ak47 fem seeds. I will start by germinating two seeds directly into a root starter plug into the soil. I will save the other seeds and try to plant them a week or two apart.

THe seeds I have total for this run our:

1 DNA Sour Cream FEM

1 DNA LA Women FEM

5 Lowryder Auto AK47 ( took pics of breeder pack)bongsmiliebongsmilie:joint:

1 Buddha Red Dwarf Autoflower FEM

4-6 good unknown bagseeds

3 Short rider from nirvana in DWC

1 short rider from nirvana in soil

Now I do not plan on using DNA seeds till later after my harvest of ak. As I am concerned of space.

I am thinking of growing apx 6-8 plants total. Now I have a whole room dedicated to this. currently have the closet as the grow area and panda film around the grow closet to allow temps are within desired range.

I plan on using the rest of the room when I get more money, as I hope to have a vegg room and flower room.

Now with autoflowers i will have to have the lights on at 20/4. that is what I currently have my lights on , so the current non auto flowering plants will need to go into a diff spot to flower unless I keep it in vegg for a while and train it.

Tomorrow I will include pics of the soil mix once it is up and ready and where the containers will be at.



New Member
Hey thanks so much bro! btw I can use ur input on my DWC grow as I am having problems with that. I hate for it to die on me as it is on day 16 or so. I think the symptom is overwatering but I cant resolve the problem.

check it out

I was going to merge both into one grow journal but I figure for the sake of training new people I put it the two grows in there perspective category so people can easily see it. You will see both as they evolve in both grow journals because I will be using the same room.


New Member
Here are the pics of the soil in a vinyl kids pool.

Notice the soil color differences. These are the fox farm line of soil; ocean forest, light warrior, and planting mix.

I also have which is not shown the Fox farms Big and ChuNky perlite.

Now I found it easy to mix it in a pool as it allows you to easily move the soil around and mix it very well. It is VERY important to mix this soil completely as you do not want to CREATE HOT SPOTS.

Now I used the pool to actually shift the soil into the middle of the pool. I also used a garden tool and my hands to mix the soil up really good. After rotating the soil in the pool clockwise 3 times and going up and down shifting soil from bottom to top I started to notice a neutral color. You can notice the soil being well mixed up and when it is all a UNIFORM color.

Here is the picture after a good 15 mins or so of mixing the soil. I did not weigh out the perlite but I used apx 5-7 gallons worth of perlite.

I will include later pics of them in there perspective buckets with 2 auto ak's.

I am only going to do 2 to see how the auto ak strain takes to the Moonshine mix, as well as to space out my harvest in between each other.

This soil mix was designed to be a very simple but create some of the most great tasting quality bud you will come across. Alot of folks are concerned in the beginning about nute burn and if they can handle it. Truth is it will vary amongst strains as some are more heavy on nutes then others. So as a rule of thumb, I am going to do two seeds directly into a root cube starter and see how it progresses.




New Member
K here is some pics.

HEre I have included my whole room dedicated to the setup of growing. I wanted to show the lay out including my light trap that blocks light from escaping showing and tell tale signs

the room is apx 9 ft by 10 x 8 with a decent size closet being currently used.

I made a hall as you can see which leads to backyard... I used painters plastic which can be found at wally world for only like 5 bucks! This stuff is 3 mil although they do have thicker size, this was perfect for what I needed. I was very happy to see this as it blocks light very well and is so inexpensive.

Here you see also, is the pic beyond the light trap, notice I have 2 shelves to keep all my notes and stuff organize. I still have lots of work to do, and tweaking. For instance ,, I still have to organize my wires and tubes and electrical cords for safety and the sake of not having a messy area to work with.

I also took a pic of the soil I am storing. I opened it to check for any bugs. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you spray your grow area b4 with pest control. It is amazing how well it works in getting rid of those unwanted pest. Anyways no signs of any pest.

The temps within this grow room is ideal and controllable with my portable ac.

Onto the soil grow, the one pic with a plant already growing a set of leaves, that is a short ryder plant from nirvana. I controllable had it in a small cup, and HAD to change it out as it was seriously root bound.. wish I would of changed it along time ago..The other two with cups above them, to retain moisture and temps, those are the auto ak47. So far none have sprouted, but it is still very early so need more time.



New Member
Here some more pics of my plants... So far the soil ones are doing great!.... No complaints so far.. all of them looking good... One ak47 seed did not sprout and I call it quits as I am going to switch it with another seed. Trying to get my harvest spaced out so its about time I plant another ak47. I only have 2 left.

These soils plants have done me right, as I am having hell with my hydro system... Still havent found the right method yet to getting things going.



New Member
AFter coming home from a mini vaction, I looked at the oldest ak47 plant I have growing, and its already flowering! YAY.... My cherry has been popped!!! I am no longer a virgin!....

IT seems after doing so much extensive research on this site and smoking, I hace come across alot of people who have had problems with there grow.. I am hoping that I do not run into any of those same problems. I feel that I am going by the book, and that I am not being cheap when it comes to the nutes and soil I provided.

As for suggestions, the soil is already rich, but I would like to use molasses inconjunction with something like gravity...or purple maxx. Any suggestions?

Will include pics when I get a camera....


Active Member
Hey I love your setup and your plan subscribed!! I am using a super soil as well!! Can't wait to follow along in your progress


New Member
Been awhile since I given a update... However here we have it! With some PORN! lol... My first time flowering so this is all new experience to me... I am enjoying everyday of it.. I expect the auto ak to be done Next year. Lol sounds like a long time when you say it like that, I say by Jan 3rd or 4th it be good to go.

In this pic the first one is pic of the grow area where lights are at. I added some new fluro lights in corner and up top in addition with the T5's and the 400 watt hps.

The second pic is a pic of recent planted auto ak. I have been pleased with how easy they are to grow with what I have done so far.

The pics with bud on it is my Auto ak47. I say it is in week 1 of flowering going on week 2. I just started using Liquid Karma and hygrozyme. I know there is alot of nutes in the soil, however I did not add peace of mind which is good for flowering. So i figured that I might add liquid karma to help plants out. So far I see nothing wrong with it.

The 6th pic if you were counting from left, is the pic of the main cola of my Auto AK47. I hope this plant will do me justice. I hear so many people go threw mistakes and low potency buds on there first grows. I am aiming to not be one of them. I feel I havent skimped out on anything, and typically thats where people go wrong is skimping out and using an inferior product and expect high quality product.

I included pic of my temps and humidty. All in desired range. I have been thinking about incorporating uvb light into the grow area. I hear this help out with the trichomes.

I have 2 plants in soil I want to throw in flower to see if they are females, just to save on space and time. the one was from a grand daddy purple. this one is kinda weird as the leaves are looking waxy shiny like and cabbage like if that makes sense. lol kinda close together.

Anyways the last 3 pictures are of my RED DWARF AUTO plant. this one is under the lights but from a further distance then the auto ak. If you look at the first pic the one on the chair is the auto ak. To the left of it in the back that is the RED DWARF. I can't wait till harvest. I am also thinking about using blackstrap molasses



New Member
REALLY!? Thanks! lol I been using tap water pretty much... the soil has a ph buffer that helps hasnt been up untill last watering that i use 6.0 ph water with liquid karma. My first flowering and I am so exicited the pics really turned out great... I have my own bud porn.. yay I can say that.. lol...


Well-Known Member
Nice lil setup you got bro, im doing a T5 grow aswell, my signature is the link if you would like to take a look :D
if you got any questions just ask!


New Member
Hey thanks yea I am thinkin about taking my t5 and using it for side light instead of having it up on top.. That way I can hand other small cfls much easier within the grow area and rise them up as needed. I have the 8 4 foot tubes. Inconjunction with hps and ceveral fluro lights. Trying to give it plenty of light. I am looking at re doing my grow area next month changing out some minor things to allow better use of the area.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks yea I am thinkin about taking my t5 and using it for side light instead of having it up on top.. That way I can hand other small cfls much easier within the grow area and rise them up as needed. I have the 8 4 foot tubes. Inconjunction with hps and ceveral fluro lights. Trying to give it plenty of light. I am looking at re doing my grow area next month changing out some minor things to allow better use of the area.

Yeah that setup sounds like you will get plenty of light!
my grow this year will only consist of T5's and a few CFLS, if i had a bigger area id defiently consider a HPS but i have no way to vent that much heat or the money to setup so it could.
but the T5's still do really well for flowering if you got the full spectrum kind.
i did a grow last winter and i was pleasntly surprised on the results they pump out like 4500 lumens per square inch so it does the job :D
and im also changing around my room for it too work more efficently, just waiting for my seedlings to get abit more mature then i can stick all the clones seedlings and my purple kush all under a common light and get the most benefit. im going to do a hanging setup and have most of the plant covered and sit them on the floor where the most Co2 is, plus im going to make abunch of co2 despensers and that should do the trick. co2 is great for boosting veg time :D
ill keep checkin in im puttin new pics up soon so if your subscribed you will see!
Happy growin man.


New Member
THATS GOOD TO HEAR! how u think these buds are doing for first week of flowering? My first time so i am all new to this.. Yea I have all those lights under a 4 x 4 area. Yes i have the 6500 k spectrum bulbs in the t5. I was thinkin i should but that on the side to allow more cfls up top along with hps.

I did alot of research and I wanted to make sure that my first harvest, i did everything thing right. When i mean right, lights, nutes, soil, love, care, air, temps... all within ideal range. I spent like 100 bucks on dam soil alone! I mean that alone I feel should get me some good results... Like i said I am all new to this, so hopefully everything goes well.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the 6500K will do great, thats full spectrum.
and your buds seem to be deveolping just fine!
and the recipe for success is balancing out all those things you said " lights, nutes, soil, love, care, air, temps"
and you will get what you want. the first time you grow is more of a learning expirence because thats where the most trial and error happens, but each time you do a grow you have more knowledge and are more confedant so its good.


New Member
yea your right the trial and error.. I had a couple of other grows that were those.. this is my first one which is complete... sO i kinda have some exp, but of course without RIU it be harder... Thanks..

You think the t5 make a great side light instead of top light?


Well-Known Member
the T5 would work good for either, considering you already got a hps for the top id put it on the sides to give some light to the small bastards
yeah my first grow was 1 clone in my bathroom under a 3000K CFL with no enviromental control lots of showers and shits and miracle grow lets just say i learend alot LOL since then ive done 4 grows so im gettin there lol
like you i researched a shit load with the internet and then i found RIU and i was like YES! all these growers in one place exsactly what i wanted to find! lol
since ive been on here ive learned alot and passed what i learn onto others and the cycle keeps revolving.
my highest skill is in outdoor growing. but im starting to figure shit out with the indoor stuff.

if your interested check out what i grew this last summer ;)