What is Christmas, Really?

I believe it is possible for Christmas to involve non-christian Deities.

  • True

    Votes: 30 76.9%
  • False

    Votes: 9 23.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Pagan religions are the old religions that christianity tried to (and mostly succeeded) to snuff out. Their worship is usually closely tied to nature. There are a lot of different forms of paganism. Now we're left with a bunch of pagan symbols (fairly meaningless to most people now) - the remnants of christianity's smothering of older religions.

I'm atheist, but have a strong affinity for some paganism. I live out in the country and spend a lot of time outdoors, so I can appreciate the closeness to nature that they hold to. Also, I'm really drawn to the old myths (especially northern European ones, like the ones in the Icelandic sagas). Christian myths are awfully tame and boring in comparison.
What do you believe?

I'm fascinated by the history.

I love big holiday family feasts.

Some are devout Catholics and make awesome gravy.

I just baked my first batch of holiday cookies last night.
Christmas was placed on December 25 to make the mandated change to Christianity easier on the Romans because they had a holiday known as "Saturnalia", a feast with which the Romans celebrated the god Saturn. It took place from 17 December, culminating in a holiday called "Sol Invictus" on 25 December which was a festival to honor the coming of the sun. December 25th was the Roman Winter Solstice.


Well-Known Member
why do you need a specific day to communicate with loved ones....especially because jesus is fake and there is no santa clause.....i behave as if everyday was Christmas and as everyday isnt christmas.....money making bullshit...if you have shit to say about christian beliefs i hope you know your history...12 years of catholic school let me see into the whole "diety" scam


Well-Known Member
throughout history i would have to say that HITLER commanded a lesser evil than Christians


Well-Known Member
Christmas was placed on December 25 to make the mandated change to Christianity easier on the Romans because they had a holiday known as "Saturnalia", a feast with which the Romans celebrated the god Saturn. It took place from 17 December, culminating in a holiday called "Sol Invictus" on 25 December which was a festival to honor the coming of the sun. December 25th was the Roman Winter Solstice.
couldn't have put it better myself

nowadays xmas isn't much more than a good excuse for a holiday, a party, and getting some new shit.

and the coke advert. the coke advert with the trucks is more important than rudolf.
and i don't even drink coke.


I know we use the word Christmas to denote the day of celebration, rather than any specific belief about it, but really if you don't celebrate Christ on this day, then it's really not CHRIST-MASS at all. Much of America (and perhaps the World, though I can't speak for it) really celebrates "Consumas". Which is more of a social and economical phenomenon. It's a holiday celebrating debt and the something-for-nothing mentality that is the backbone to our society.

I admit. I'm a scrooge. :twisted:
I still love christmas, all the lights in the city and it really seems magial, its only since this year that i've noticed how much jesus is in christmas, but hey i guess the day is for him. My family still gives gifts and has get togethers to celebrate, we are basically like christians, except no blessings or anything of that BS! Atheists can still celebrate the day in their own way, the best way i think..


Well-Known Member
I wish I could give you +rep for that. Already exhausted though.
That's like giving a dog a biscuit for the one day he doesn't bite the mailman.

He got caught making a blatantly false post in a huge can't-miss-that-post font, and admitted to the person who called him on it being right in a tiny little font.

Better to give rep to someone who thinks in their posts, rather than just admits you caught them flat out.

He should be able to neg rep me again now. I know it will make him feel better. Maybe he'll even sign it this time :)


That's like giving a dog a biscuit for the one day he doesn't bite the mailman.

He got caught making a blatantly false post in a huge can't-miss-that-post font, and admitted to the person who called him on it being right in a tiny little font.

Better to give rep to someone who thinks in their posts, rather than just admits you caught them flat out.

He should be able to neg rep me again now. I know it will make him feel better. Maybe he'll even sign it this time :)
lol, aah, I see the context now, but in any case, admitting a mistake is few and far between on this forum. That alone deserves some rep in my book.