New CFl Grower Needs advice


I'm looking into doing a cfl grow. I just need a little help to get this started.

I am going to be growing in a closet only gorwing one plant and maybe two somewhere down the road.

My plan is to buy a 3 light ballast for a bathroom and maybe some y adaptors if need to run my lighting.

I'm going to be buying soon but I need to know how many cfls I should get and what kinds I should I get for both vegging and flowering.

Also can someone give me a good light schdule that I can go off of.
once you get your fixture built, you will want both the blueish and reddish cfl's , the boxes usually indicate their spectrum, it'll say 2700 or 6400 or something, red/blue

buy a couple splitters too, cuz they are handy :) so you can split the plug to fit two lights
ok so first starting out how many lights should I use and of what specturms? I will only be trying this for one plant right now? Also What is a good type of soil i should use I only have a walmart to go to :(
and also what watts should i get to get the best results. Pretty much I just need a basic shopping list and I'm going to get them I believe if I use splitters I'll have enough space for 6 lights is that enough for one plant?


Well-Known Member
Daylight = Veg
Warm White = Flower (I like 1/2 daylight 1/2 warm white actually)

Miracle Grow Moisture Control is what you're looking for in Wal-Mart soils and if you're only doing 1 plant (I don't advise this as you may get a male) just toss it in a 1 sq ft box with a 26w actual (100w equivalent) daylight CFL for veg and two of the larger 34w (150w equiv) soft whites when you go into flower - which should be almost right off the bat. IMO though start 4 plants, when you goto flower find who's the female and keep her, toss the rest.


Well-Known Member

I'm looking into doing a cfl grow. I just need a little help to get this started.

I am going to be growing in a closet only gorwing one plant and maybe two somewhere down the road.

My plan is to buy a 3 light ballast for a bathroom and maybe some y adaptors if need to run my lighting.

I'm going to be buying soon but I need to know how many cfls I should get and what kinds I should I get for both vegging and flowering.

Also can someone give me a good light schdule that I can go off of.
found the info you want in the grow faq

Illegal Smile

You should enable yourself to move lights around and get them on the sides. I think your best bet is 42w bulbs in large clamp reflectors. You can put 2 42s in one reflector with the Y adpaters and they are very mobile. 42w is about the best in efficiency and cost per watt. You want 70% or so 6500k in veg and the reverse in flower. Plan to add more as you go and the plants grow.
Hello All,

I have my room set up:

I have a 3 light ballast attached to it is 3 y adapters.

I have 6 100watt equvilant day light 6500k bulbs on one plant. I know I should've done more but I have a feeling maybe this will work I'm hoping :)

Room is wrapped with emergency blanket.

Soil is Miracle gro moisture control.

Having a issue if you look at my pictures my leaves are frowning and I cant figure out why.

I have been watering once daily and misting with water twice daily.

Am i doing something wrong any advice for me?


To add: I went ahead and did a switch I now have 4 daylights 6500k running and 2 soft white 2700k lights running but I'm not sure that this was the cause of the leaves frowning any suggestions would be appreciated.


Active Member
To add: I went ahead and did a switch I now have 4 daylights 6500k running and 2 soft white 2700k lights running but I'm not sure that this was the cause of the leaves frowning any suggestions would be appreciated.
go ahead and put a few books or something under your pot..cfls work better when about an inch away from plant


Active Member
cfl's have internal ballasts thats the round white bottom.. depends on how tall you plan on havin it if your gonna keep it small 3 or 4 42 watters should do it. the more the better. and definitly close off and ventilate the smallest area to comfortably fit the fully grown plant possible ive fount that maximizes cfl efficencey
Here's a update I'm not sure it seems to be getting worse leaves are frowning and starting to curl I can't seem to figure out what may be wrong :( Could I be over watering? Should I not mist the leaves?



Well-Known Member
looks like over watering :sad:

you should not water every day, and there is no need to mist

also your lights need to be closer 1 to 2 inches away from top of plant


Definatly looks like your over watering. When my "neighbors" plant was that size, my "neighbor" was watering it with about 2-3 shots of water every three days. Obviously the bigger the plant gets the more water is needed.

Dont water it untill the soil is very dry on top. And i wouldnt mist it so much, its a weed, it'll grow.

Just give it a little light, some love and some liquid :bigjoint:
Ok thanks for your replys if you wanna follow my grow it would be appreciated I have the lights about 1-2 inches away and am going to hold off watering now until we get dry. I;m running 24/7 lighting right now seen some posts that 18/6 is better and 24 hour is just a waste. Anyone have opinions on that and is it ok if I go ahead and switch that if need be? <<<Probably noob questions but hey everyone has to start somewhere:)
yeah yoitsslobo said it. you need to either raise your plant or lower your lights your clfs are too far away. i am currently in week 5 of flower and using 12 26 watt clf -8 2700k "warm light" and 4 6700k "daylight". but for starting veg i would reccomend starting with 2 6700ks 1-2 inches away from the top of the plant for 18:6 then every few days or so add two more lights.then when you switch to 12:12 you need to start adding more of the 2700k "warm lights" i personally vegged mine for close to 8 weeks but im patient and happy with my results and with some manicuring have about 10 tops.
Here's another update: New leaves coming in fast but i'm not sure if they should be curling like they are??? I believe the bottom leaves are gonna be goners they seem to barely be hanging there. I went ahead and gave 3 shots glasses of water today we wsere getting dry.

