
What type of dumb fuck would make generalizations about a whole group based on the actions of a small demographic of that group?

Are all Christians KKK members?
QUOTES FROM “REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" - JULY 24 2009 ... But nowadays, if you are a racist, you are probably a Republican. - Bill Maher ...

bill maher 4 prez 2012


Well-Known Member
QUOTES FROM “REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" - JULY 24 2009 ... But nowadays, if you are a racist, you are probably a Republican. - Bill Maher ...

bill maher 4 prez 2012
you just lost my respect. That makes you a racist for assuming that im racist. you feel hatred towards republicans because we dont want to give you handouts and you cant think of a real reason why we should, so you shield yourself from scrutiny by insinuating anyone that opposes the president (who just so happens to be 1/2 black, just barely though) is a racist. Boo you and Boo Bill Maher.


Well-Known Member
you just lost my respect. That makes you a racist for assuming that im racist. you feel hatred towards republicans because we dont want to give you handouts and you cant think of a real reason why we should, so you shield yourself from scrutiny by insinuating anyone that opposes the president (who just so happens to be 1/2 black, just barely though) is a racist. Boo you and Boo Bill Maher.
to be fair he said your "probably" a republican if your racist. if he had if your a republican your "probably" racist.. well thats a different kettle of fish


New Member
Republicans as rascists? More like retarded. To make my point, Palin, Michelle malkin, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Cuntler, O'Reily, etc. Their IQ's may be adequate (although I wonder about that) but their Ideas are plainly retarded.