My first log. CFL Stealth Dresser Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Didnt notice you were going o naturale. I wish the best of luck with that. i will also be comparing with your grow. have alot of similarities. Lets see who yields more haha. But neways ill be watchin.


Active Member
well depending what mine do in the next 5 days i think mine are ahead no offense :P mine are just alot shorter cause the little bit of stem the did have a buried when i transplanted and i keep the lights light right on them. they havent grown up at all since just bushing like crazy


Well-Known Member
yea yours look more bushed. i plan on toppin my girls once the shock from transplanting is over. you started lst huh?


Well-Known Member
damn just noticed yours are on day 10 from sprout, they may be a bit ahead of mine. lovin my nine bladed leaves though


Active Member
i tried lst just to get the stem sideways for now but i untied to early thought they would stay. little while under the light and they were straight up again so im just gonna leave em. i raised the lights to try and get a little stretch goin so well see. once i actually get enough of a top to cut off im gonna top them but for now their to bunched up and i cant get a clean cut on the top lol


Active Member
woke up an hour late for turning the light off. woops. hopefully 3 hours dark today wont be a big deal instead of 4 lol. will edit this and post pictures in about 3 hours when i turn the light back on


Active Member
alrighty pictures again. my runt on the bottom right has some retarded leaves ^^ on 1 side it grew the normal 5 point leaf set on the other side it grew a 4 leaf set with 2 big middle blades and 2 small bottom blades. oh and i got a little stretch that i wanted by raising the lights but not from the right ones lol.

quick edit decided to water and move the lights back down. found 1 gnat thing total killed that sob. couldnt find my lady bugs anywhere :(

Day 11 from sprout


Active Member
ok heres a big picture update i finally got my brothers camera and took some pictures of each plant. a couple notes their not as light green as they look their alot darker its just the flash and lights in the dresser. praying my main one comes out female but im gonna guess itll be male since its the best growing :(

picture 1-2 is one of the deformed leaves i found.

picture 2-4 and 2-4-1 are the main plant ive been postiing pictures of and some of its undergrowth

pictures 2-6-1 is my other deformed leave the 4 point one

DAY 11 from sprouting


Well-Known Member
Very nice grow mate, im running the same sorta setup. Check it out. Yours seems a lot bigger tho, im only on 8-9 days now tho :) Maybe we could grow together.

Yu going for a full CFL grow? (Flowering aswell?) I'm not sure whether to switch to a HPS when i start flowering... Had any previous experience with the CFL's during flowering? Let us know.



Active Member
yup cfl all the way through i have 8 more 2700k bulbs to switch the 6500k with when i start flowering. and no experience with cfls this is my first real personal indoor grow


Well-Known Member
yo skervy everything lookin awesome man. i got some updates for tomorrow. everything still going good got some considerable growth going. hope that big one of yours isnt a female. at least you have 12 chances to get one i only have 3.


Well-Known Member
From what i know about CFL's they apparantly give quite air'y popcorny bud?

Anyone got any input on the final produce / quality of the bud? and does it take longer to flower them? Let us know guys :)

How much wattage you totally in each spectrum btw? I'm doing 250W for the blue spectrum whilst i veg and then switching to 375W when i hit flowering if i dont go to the 400W HPS.

p.s. yu best keep posting skervy :) I'll be checking when im on for updates.


Active Member
im using 26w bulbs. the buds are only airy if your light is to far away or you dont have enough. if you do it right they should be like any other grow from what ive seen. using cfls doesnt change flower time or potency. i post pictures daily its nice to see the day by day growth :)


Well-Known Member
cheers for the info dude, something i've always wondered about. Now i've just got to consider sticking to cfl's for this grow or jumpin over to HPS, i cant really afford the HPS but i can get the CFL's ever 2 week with my pay money. Nice grow tho mate and i'll most likely check daily, sub to mine and i'll try to do the same :)

Be nice to see the comparision from a no-nute cfl grow to a 100% organic cfl grow :)


Active Member
im just not a fan of the bigger cfl bulbs cause of cost. when they get up to 50+ per bulb it just dont seem worth it in my opinion might as well just put the money into a hps and cooling. the 26w bulbs on the other hand you can get from damn near any store and at 2-3$ each so good deal on a low budget grow


Well-Known Member
My lights cost me 19 quid each with the fixture and wire to hook it up. I was thinking of getting a load of small ones but the problem is i cant find an fixtures for them. I'm not willing to hook up all these lights to the mains as i would have a clue what im doing! :P So this seems like the simplest option for me.

I did plan on doing a Scrog grow so the big bulb would of been too much of a problem. So far they have proved themselves to be a worthy contendor tho. But only time will tell mate :) We'll have to keep any eye on each other, see how the grow goes. I feel a little competition coming on... haha :P


Well-Known Member
i got two 42 watt 2700k bulbs from home depiot for 12 or so bucks.
the rest i got in packeage deals expect for the 32 watt i got for about 10 bucks.


Active Member
see thats the thing though 12-15$ for a 42w or 4-6$ for 2 23 or 26w. cheaper budget easier to go with the small ones plus if you need you can adjust em around easy and have light in lots of areas. i dont know im so stoned and rambling right now lol. what i was tryin to get at is i just like more smaller ones :P


Well-Known Member
yea same here i prefer smaller. but i got those three for the top lighting in the flowering room bigger light penetration down to the lower buds coupled with the other cfls spread around. just my 2 cents i guess