My first log. CFL Stealth Dresser Bagseed


Active Member
checkn this 1 out! Lots to read to to get it all! But how are the 3way cfl fixtures from wally world?
meh im wishing i would of just got sockets and made my own fixtures. the way their spaced out i hade to make them uneven to fit all the lights and now i have some spots in the corners without much light but eh well. for easyness their good i guess but i like custom more lol. after this grow is done im gonna redo the light fixture to have them sideways instead of slanted down. im losing alot of light

oh and you dont have to read everything most of its just reminders for me about what happend :P i would just skim through the pictures if i was you lol


Active Member
ok another big picture update. trimmed off all the first single leaf things from the bottom and topped or possibly fimmed. i dunno the specifics of fim but i just cut as far into the top growth as i could. didnt cut it on the stem above a node



Well-Known Member
very nice mate, uploaded some new ones myself.

Fim'ing - you should cut 3/4 down the new growth but not to the bottom. :)


Well-Known Member
hey bro nice looking plants i just topped all mine and my flowering girl is at 10weeks today. got some pictures up. your plants look nice and green


Well-Known Member
yeah homie... sorry i havent checked your thread before... as much as you check mine, i really do apologize... your plants look good... def some indica genetics... they are growing alot faster than mine... i dont even see anything over 3 pettle leafs on mine still... i guess patience is a virtue... however, mine are looking like some of your slower growing ones, so maybe bagseed genetics are coming into play with my shit... who knows... as long as they aren't dying, i guess i will be happy... well homie, i am scribed... i gotta go smoke a bowl... its been a long day at


Active Member
ok heres some pictures after watering and lights on for a bit. im have a few minor problems but im not paying much attention to them unless it gets bad. if you can notice theres a few small tears in the leaves and i have a few tiny rust like spots here and there. also still got some downhookage goin on the old leaves i think i need to test my ph but gotta buy a kit. stems are getting real thick on some of them about the side of a pen or pencil



Well-Known Member
well it is def established that my biggest one is growing like your runts... damn i need a better seed i really do think it is the soil mix i am using...


Active Member
ok gonna stop the big picture update for a little bit and just do shots of the tubs with all. i started to do a little more tying stuff down and noticed i have quite a bit of undergrowth on some they have actual branches with a node already. someone came over though so i had to stop wont be able to finish till later ill put up a few shots of them. its a tough decision but i might start eliminating the runts soon so i can get down to the 6 i want but i really wanna sex them first. rather have a runt female then a big male hehe. oh gonna have to give in and buy nutes soon i guess starting to notice some more problems with them still but minor but enough to push me into taking action.


Well-Known Member
yeah... i used miracle grow for a lil bit first time around... i got the shit that was really high in nitrogen... it seemed to help... i guess i will find out for tsure with my current round... hope it helps yours out.. they look healthy and bushy as shit...


Active Member
my plans when they bush into each other is trim and train a new path which i just finished the first round lol. spent t he last hour or so trimming and selectively tying them down where i want. i dont think i picked the best sides to tie them down on to get all of the light but i was in a rusha nd theyll be ok. their starting to smell pretty bad the whole room stinks from the time i spent with them out trimming and tying


Well-Known Member
yeah, i noticed my plants starting to smell when i lsted my two sativas... i guess touch triggers their scent...


Active Member
theres little trichs all over t he leaves already i wish i have a decent camera over 4mp....... i rubbed the leaves in my fingers that i cut off to make sure and yup i had the nice gluey sticky feeling lol. i think one of my fims was right and recovering so far theres some weird shit growing out of the part that i cut now on 1 plant. didnt check the reast really close the top leaves are still covering em and i didnt wanna end up ripping them off.