need some advice... plz respond!!!


Active Member
im about 23 days into flowering my AI in a bubbleponic system, and most of, if not all my leaves are yellowing at the ends on all 3 of my plants. and one of my plants is getting brown and yellow spots on the points of the leaves??? i have been giving it distilled water and chking the ppm and ph everyday. any advice as to what might be wrong? here is a pic of the brown and yellow spotting on the ends.


Well-Known Member
I'm a dirt guy but from your post I can tell you that it would be easier to offer help if you tell us more
nutes used?
npk value of nutes?
ppm numbers?

having said that it looks like an N deficiency, the myth that plants don't want nitrogen durring flower is wrong,,,,,,,,,,,,,they do!


Active Member
I'm a dirt guy but from your post I can tell you that it would be easier to offer help if you tell us more
nutes used?
npk value of nutes?
ppm numbers?

having said that it looks like an N deficiency, the myth that plants don't want nitrogen durring flower is wrong,,,,,,,,,,,,,they do!
temps are 70-75
ph 5.5-6.5
flora nova nutes
ppms 1100-1200
400 watt hps

Mr Bomb

Active Member
It looks like an N deficiency to me. Also 5.5-6.5 pH is a rather large difference. I would keep it more consistent.


Active Member
It looks like an N deficiency to me. Also 5.5-6.5 pH is a rather large difference. I would keep it more consistent.
i hear ya but when you are using a dropper i cant really tell the exact number. so i figure its in that range by the color. guess i need electronic ph tester.

well im using the flower food should i mix some of the veg food with it to get the nitrogen????? this is my first grow so i really just go by direction at this point.


Active Member
its natural for fan leaves to yellow and die off half way into flowering since their not being bfed nit and working on buds


Active Member
its natural for fan leaves to yellow and die off half way into flowering since their not being bfed nit and working on buds
so as long as the buds look good and the stems look good should i worry much about the leaves?


Active Member
so as long as the buds look good and the stems look good should i worry much about the leaves?
your leaves are the most important part of your plants lives right now. great leaves = great buds. you def. need to add nitrogen. most people think they can just give they're girls p-k in flower, which is not the case, and that's why you see alot of people's plants all yellowed up in flowering. i would do a couple cycles of veg nutes before adding flower nutes again.....


Active Member
you should def read the link that riddleme posted above...... one of the best threads on this site......


Active Member
well i didnt actually look at the picture much before i just read what you said. by the looks of it though that picture looks like potassium or possibly calcium. i use this for my problems its the best guide ive found so far with decent pictures. but for t he yellowing and fan leaves dying about half way into flowering that natural if you read around. anyways id just use this link to indentify problems and figure it out yourself you have access to the plants and can see more then us

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Can I see another picture. Although your PPM does not sound high, the hue of green looks like over feeding to me. Looks very very dark



Active Member
your leaves are the most important part of your plants lives right now. great leaves = great buds. you def. need to add nitrogen. most people think they can just give they're girls p-k in flower, which is not the case, and that's why you see alot of people's plants all yellowed up in flowering. i would do a couple cycles of veg nutes before adding flower nutes again.....

its right in the section for nitrogen

Towards the middle to end of flowering stages, the plant will show a nitrogen deficiency almost always. This process is completely normal and just let the plant naturally yellow out as it uses it's stored nutrients. This actually helps you by getting ready for final flushing and then harvesting. At this point DO NOT not use nitrogen to fix the problem. The yellowing leaves will then eventually drop off after the plant is done with them.

oh and also what knowm said thats to much nit their dark as hell not yellow they dont need nit


Well-Known Member
It's "normal" because most folks follow the advice of forum post rather than actually study horticulture. It's WRONG!

Simply try leaving the plant green during your "whole" grow and see for yourself if your buds are not better/bigger???


Active Member
lol during the whole grow is alot different then during the end when its kicking in bud making. and look at them plants their green as shit why do they need more nit :P


Well-Known Member
Don't want to argue :cry: but you can go get any book on botany or horticulture and learn the reality or you can simply keep passing out myths and folklore,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hey it's your bud, your smoke,,,,,,,what you do with it is your choice???

but for Noob's reading this let me explain in terms that are easy to understand, most all of us have cell phones, in order to use them we have to charge the battery. Once the battery has given up all of it's energy, it is DEAD

Until we recharge it, then we can talk again or text or surf,,whatever

On our plants, the fan leaves are the batteries and they store energy for the plant to use in "its" processes (one being bud developement) The fan leaves need nitrogen to continue this process (recharging) if there is no N in the medium the plant will suck it from the fan leaves and effectily kill them, leaving them DEAD and UNABLE to recharge

What this effectlively translates to, once again using our cellphones as a guide would be like having no bars left on your battery and knowing that yoiu can only talk for a few more minutes before the phone shuts down

Once all of your fan leaves have turned yellow and died bud production effectively SHUTS DOWN, thats is as big as they are going to get

keeping the leaves green by adding N during flowering means that they WILL RECHARGE and continue the processes that make buds grow

rather than argue the point I will happily conceed if you can show me just one ACTUAL gardening, botany or horticulture book that says different?


Active Member

theres a few links i just grabbed off t he first few pages from a search for marijuana yellow leaves during flower. so argue all you want and jack up your nitrogen during flower to keep your leaves green. ill go by all the information ive actually found that says its ok and to much nit delays flowering


Active Member

theres a few links i just grabbed off t he first few pages from a search for marijuana yellow leaves during flower. so argue all you want and jack up your nitrogen during flower to keep your leaves green. ill go by all the information ive actually found that says its ok and to much nit delays flowering
so should i go back to my veg nutes? or is there a way to add nit with my flowering nutes?