okey, i have 2 plants, what nutrents do i need, im useing a tomato grow kit, why do i need a air pump? and will a matress one be good? do i need to test the water that much? its indoors, i use a brita filter n let it sit 2 days, so it declorantes
id use about 2-5 drops of hydrogen peroxcide mixed with a shotglass full of water, any tomato growing things will work, but rember, it will efect the taste. dont water them more then a shot a day, give 14-18 hours of light a day, then use dimer lights for rest, when thay are taller then 8inches give them 18-20 hours of light a day, keep um moist and make shure the leves dont fry, if thay get droupy leves put them on the porch for 3 days.(take them in at night so thay dont get too cold) all u need is merical grow, liquid seaweed if ya can find it, mix 1 ounce in 8 ounces of water, let it soulut for 3 days. and ofcorse a few drops of hydrogen peroxcide in the water(water =h2o, peroxcide =h202), it will put oxygen in the soil, required for THC to fourm, also, use a air pump if you can not a fan that close, it killz the plant by vibrations, a old matress pump, flip the hose backwords, and it will suck air out., keep a hole in the botem of the buckets so water can drain, it will build up n rot the roots and mold or rot. hope i helped.
(in budding phase, harvest 4 days after bottem leves turn yellow, cut vertacaly with sharp sisors.)
(this is all i know