First Post+Several Questions


:razz: Hi every one :D this is my first post but not for introduction :P

Well i have been in this forums for quiet a time now but never posted or something, just reading..getting knowledge...etc etc etc _D

Well im mostly here cuz i want to do a few question and i know they are some pp here with lots of knowledge here i go!

1: What is "Flowering : Photoperiod"?

2: How often should I water my plants?

3: How do you guy know how often water the plants?

4: How do you know the Ph of the water?

5: Is absoulutely necesary using fertilizers?

6: What is "high-EC hydro systems"?

This is one is kinda stupid....
7: How hard would be for a first timer grower like meh raise and crop Super Lemon Haze.

Well thats mostly it :D if you gonna awsner please add a number in front of your awnser so i can know what your awsering me :D....btw sorry for my typos and bad english :D im from a certain island where we dont speak english :D


Well-Known Member
1: What is "Flowering : Photoperiod"?

This is a light period of 12 hours on and 12 hours off

2: How often should I water my plants?

when they want it, you can tell by watching them

3: How do you guy know how often water the plants?

if you go a week without watering you will see em droop, but be careful cause they will also droop when overwatered

4: How do you know the Ph of the water?

we use a ph tester, strip or solution

5: Is absoulutely necesary using fertilizers?

for a healthy plant and good buds YES

6: What is "high-EC hydro systems"?

will leave this for hydro guys & gals I do Dirt :bigjoint:

This is one is kinda stupid....
7: How hard would be for a first timer grower like meh raise and crop Super Lemon Haze.

first grow is always an experience but it is possible, I would say click the NooB advice link in my sig :weed:


Active Member
:razz: Hi every one :D this is my first post but not for introduction :P

Well i have been in this forums for quiet a time now but never posted or something, just reading..getting knowledge...etc etc etc _D

Well im mostly here cuz i want to do a few question and i know they are some pp here with lots of knowledge here i go!

1: What is "Flowering : Photoperiod"?

2: How often should I water my plants?

3: How do you guy know how often water the plants?

4: How do you know the Ph of the water?

5: Is absoulutely necesary using fertilizers?

6: What is "high-EC hydro systems"?

This is one is kinda stupid....
7: How hard would be for a first timer grower like meh raise and crop Super Lemon Haze.

Well thats mostly it :D if you gonna awsner please add a number in front of your awnser so i can know what your awsering me :D....btw sorry for my typos and bad english :D im from a certain island where we dont speak english :D
It's ok about the english, I understood it just fine.

1. Flowering is done naturally (or forced by you) after the vegetative state. The vegetaitive state (indoors) is governed by you but most of the time, people only "veg" for 2 - 4 weeks with the lights on 24 hours a day for that time period. After this period, you will change your light cycle to 12 hours of light on, then 12 hours of light off. This moves the plant into it's flowering stage where it will become male or female. Basically... female = good, makes flowers (buds)
male = bad

2 and 3 In soil, you will probably want to water every other day or when your soild seems dry (tip: weigh your soil in the pot when it's dry, then weigh it after you have watered it. When the weight of the soil is closer to it's dry weight, then water again. In hydroponics, you will have a constant water source)

4. Buy some sort of pH tester from your local grow shop. Follow the directions.

5. Yes it is necessary to use fertilizers. For "veg" you want higher nitrogen and smaller amounts of potassium and phosphorus. For flower you want higher potassium and phosphorus and a lower nitrogen level.

6. EC means electric conductivity or otherwise known as PPM (parts per million) Let's say you have water with an EC or PPM of 0, then you add a small amount of nutrients, your EC or PPM will raise slightly. In hydropnics, you will use different levels of PPM to measure your nutrient intake of the plants. PPM should be around 100 - 300 in the beginning of it's veg stage and end around 1300 - 1500 in the end of the plants flowering stage.

7. As long as you do the research, no plant will be too hard to grow for a first timer. It's just all about how much you can learn about the type of growing you will be doing and the type of strain you want to grow.

There that should cover everything. From now on, try to use the search button and just kind of look around the site. All the information is there. You just have to look for it.


Well-Known Member
[Q/UOTE=OneBlood420;3458812]:razz: Hi every one :D this is my first post but not for introduction :P

Well i have been in this forums for quiet a time now but never posted or something, just reading..getting knowledge...etc etc etc _D

Well im mostly here cuz i want to do a few question and i know they are some pp here with lots of knowledge here i go!

1: What is "Flowering : Photoperiod"?

I'm guessing you are talking about on seed sites. It means its an auto flower and even if you leave the lights on 24/0 at some point it will just start flowering.

2: How often should I water my plants?

Like the above poster, the plants will let you know.

You can also tell by the weight of the pot. Water is heavy. If the pot feels like there is only dirt and a plant in it then it probably needs watering.

3: How do you guy know how often water the plants?

Watering is part of the art of growing

4: How do you know the Ph of the water?

Ph meter or tester drops

5: Is absoulutely necesary using fertilizers?

Pot loves nutes, up to a point at least. It will give you a better end product. Soils will generally have nough nutes to get you through 30 days they say, high end soils anyway. Don't buy miricle grow.

6: What is "high-EC hydro systems"?
no clue myself

This is one is kinda stupid....
7: How hard would be for a first timer grower like meh raise and crop Super Lemon Haze.

Grow in soil, don't over water, don't over nute, and you should have no problem with it. Less is more as a general rule.

Well thats mostly it :D if you gonna awsner please add a number in front of your awnser so i can know what your awsering me :D....btw sorry for my typos and bad english :D im from a certain island where we dont speak english :D[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
Its crazy that you open your thread stating you read the site yet you ask these questions. Sorry but what exactly were you reading, your english is pretty good btw


Hey thnx every one for the awnsers, and yes i used the search botton many times before posting this XD, i just needed some extra info.
Againg thnx for all the awnsers it cleared most of my doubts :D

well i read most of the faq section and some grow journals to get some sweet ideas :D


Well-Known Member
Its crazy that you open your thread stating you read the site yet you ask these questions. Sorry but what exactly were you reading, your english is pretty good btw
Exactly why I didnt answer...obviously hasnt read anything at all. I only help those that help themselves first. ;-)


Exactly why I didnt answer...obviously hasnt read anything at all. I only help those that help themselves first. ;-)
i can prove i helped my self frist :D, but im an old school guy so all my notes are in a paper and in spanish :D but i will put them here so u can "trust" me :D

CST is Low Stress Training
For veggin i should use Daylight/Cool CFL(Blue Espectrum)
For flowering Warm/White CFL 2700k(Red Espectrum)
Also could use HPS+CFL for better buds :D
Light should be from 2-4 inches from the plant(got those datas from FAQ and some growers journals)
Topping should be done before 5th node(correct me if wrong)
After topping LST should be done
The normal room temp should be 72F-78F
And relative humidity should be around 45%-55%
and the last one i wrote was, more watts equals less lumens :D i will try to scan my paper notepad so i can show it to you, but u wont understand :D....wait for my growing journal :D i will send ya a pm :D

btw now that i posted that. i would like to know if some of my "tips"(i called them tips, cuz im going to use them) are wrong or right or how can i improve them :D


Well-Known Member
i can prove i helped my self frist :D, but im an old school guy so all my notes are in a paper and in spanish :D but i will put them here so u can "trust" me :D

CST is Low Stress Training
For veggin i should use Daylight/Cool CFL(Blue Espectrum)
For flowering Warm/White CFL 2700k(Red Espectrum)
Also could use HPS+CFL for better buds :D
Light should be from 2-4 inches from the plant(got those datas from FAQ and some growers journals)
Topping should be done before 5th node(correct me if wrong)
After topping LST should be done
The normal room temp should be 72F-78F
And relative humidity should be around 45%-55%
and the last one i wrote was, more watts equals less lumens :D i will try to scan my paper notepad so i can show it to you, but u wont understand :D....wait for my growing journal :D i will send ya a pm :D

btw now that i posted that. i would like to know if some of my "tips"(i called them tips, cuz im going to use them) are wrong or right or how can i improve them :D
sounds like your ready to germinate now, the best way to learn is to get started. the part about topping then lst is not actually correct, you dont have to lst at all if you dont choose and you can lst without topping, good luck


Active Member
yeah, but you still got a lot of homework to do. Welcome to the site and the art of making yourself very happy, lol.