Medical Marijuana License Card...anyone have one

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New Member
thanks Nat and gardenandcats. I'm praying everything goes well.
I'm keeping myself very busy so I don't worry to much about it.


Well-Known Member
I think that anyone whether it is physical pain or psychological pain should have every God given right to medicate themselves the way they see fit. If I know that a pill doesn't work and I don't want to be hooked on it, I am going to try something else. If I cant get a MM card than so be it. So far my state doesn't offer one. My wife doesn't smoke, she has social anxiety disorder, panic attacks.... and takes a pill for it. I just do not see how it is fair to say one person needs it over another. You know something, I could give a rats ass if a person gets a card just because they dont want to get arrested for growing it either. Its a God given fu@king right to smoke this plant. It just pisses me off; sorry for the language Lacy. I think you SHOULD get a MM card and medicate yourself the way you see fit. If marijuana helps you with your condition than I applaud you and say smoke one for me.


Well-Known Member
If you feel comfortable doing so I would. As soon as my state gets their head out of their ass I am taking my medical records and going for it.


New Member
Oh bless your heart! :hug:
I agree that people with psychological disorders should be considered also. The thing is the gov't says that they have studies to show there is no benefit or that the studies are inconclusive. Well duh...:dunce: How many people are going to volunteer for a study when marijuana is illegal? They don't get a objective viewpoint or just simply don't want to know 'cause they don't get their cut of $.:?
I think that anyone whether it is physical pain or psychological pain should have every God given right to medicate themselves the way they see fit. If I know that a pill doesn't work and I don't want to be hooked on it, I am going to try something else. If I cant get a MM card than so be it. So far my state doesn't offer one. My wife doesn't smoke, she has social anxiety disorder, panic attacks.... and takes a pill for it. I just do not see how it is fair to say one person needs it over another. You know something, I could give a rats ass if a person gets a card just because they dont want to get arrested for growing it either. Its a God given fu@king right to smoke this plant. It just pisses me off; sorry for the language Lacy. I think you SHOULD get a MM card and medicate yourself the way you see fit. If marijuana helps you with your condition than I applaud you and say smoke one for me.


New Member
Good for you Dr. high :clap::weed:
Today I went for another appointment with my GP and decided to write a letetr to him along with the application for the nearest compassion club. I told the the representative at the club about my letter and he thought it was a good idea in that it will enable him to look it over at his own time and not feel preasured at all.

I mentioned that he had made an appointment with a specialist that I see next Wednesday and he said that we will just wait and see what this other guy has to say. He said this three times and after the 3rd time I told him that its not what I want. I am going to tkae a health Canada form to the specialist to cover both angles. He then tried to refil the 5 prescriptions he had me on only to find I am only on 2 of them now. :roll:

My GP then said that there is no doubt that it(marijuana) has a calming affect and that we should look into a nasal spray. :-? GREAT! :evil::-?:cry:

I am copying off research that I have to present to the specialist next (only if he/she is interested in it) I have no intention of being in his/her face with it and appearing arrogant or egotistical. :-| I really don't feel at all comfortable with seeing someone who hasn't ever seen me or knows nothing about me. :roll:

This sure is a 'pain in the bum' :-? but I am NOT giving up ever. :twisted:

Im going for it! medical MArijuana card here i come!!


Well-Known Member
Well dang it..I was hoping you had gotten better results..A nasel spray isn't what you need...Keep trying is all you can do..


Active Member
I have one to! Got in a car wreck, Busted up my back, Can't take the pain. So wham got my card.. I love Oregon..

All I needed was the Doctors Chart notes, for the last couple visits. So I had my Doc FAX some paper work to the MM people. 2 days later Got my card


Well-Known Member
If you've been approved for a nasal spray then moving forward from that and getting a mm license shouldn't be to far of:blsmoke:


New Member
the things people will do for a mm card.:-| j/k
well its not funny.
thats not good news dank. damn! Are you ok?
are both of you two ok? thats sounds seriously:-|
glad you both got your cards..:mrgreen:
I have one to! Got in a car wreck, Busted up my back, Can't take the pain. So wham got my card.. I love Oregon..

All I needed was the Doctors Chart notes, for the last couple visits. So I had my Doc FAX some paper work to the MM people. 2 days later Got my card


New Member
He hasn't really aproved me for a nasal spray but that is where he is headed. I believe the reason is so that he can get the % off the prescription. Although i like this doctor I have to admit that he really pushes the presciptions. When I was leaving he then said that marijuana sure worked good on his wife but I doubt she was sniffing a nasal spray.

He is waiting to see what the specialist says on wednesday whe i go. I hope this guy is open minded enough to consider it.

Yes I can the nasal spray being a start but I'm not sure where this is going but I'm sure in it for the ride. I really want the card.:blsmoke:

Thanks Nat:mrgreen:
I know I need to keep positive about it all. :mrgreen:
If you've been approved for a nasal spray then moving forward from that and getting a mm license shouldn't be to far of:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
He hasn't really aproved me for a nasal spray but that is where he is headed. I believe the reason is so that he can get the % off the prescription. Although i like this doctor I have to admit that he really pushes the presciptions. When I was leaving he then said that marijuana sure worked good on his wife but I doubt she was sniffing a nasal spray.

He is waiting to see what the specialist says on wednesday whe i go. I hope this guy is open minded enough to consider it.

Yes I can the nasal spray being a start but I'm not sure where this is going but I'm sure in it for the ride. I really want the card.:blsmoke:

Thanks Nat:mrgreen:
I know I need to keep positive about it all. :mrgreen:
If you get approved for a nasal spray,just say its not working out for you as you don't like spraying it into your nose and that it makes you feel odd and gives a funny strange feeling at the back of your throat and that you wish to grow it so that you can consume,eat it,not smoke,they will then be able to get you going on approval a lot easier.

If you say that you are going to give up smoking it and consume it you will get more luck as they think you are giving up smoking it and going for the healthy alternative of consumption.
If you don't like this idea tell them that you wish to use a medicinal vaporizer as that is not really smoking either,best of luck with it all:blsmoke:


New Member
Gosh nat you are very insightful.
I do NOT like spraying stuff into my nose. I hate that for many reasons but YES you are so right about eating eat.
Very very good, good idea. Of course I should say that, after all he IS a doctor and he does need to provide the best possible answer to this situation. he must feel conflicted because that is also what he said when i left was that he didn't like all that other stuff that smoking causes.
I have been thinking about a vaporizor but I have to admit, i do like to smoke but then I would smoke less.

Very interesting thought Nat. You're smart! I like that.:mrgreen:
If you get approved for a nasal spray,just say its not working out for you as you don't like spraying it into your nose and that it makes you feel odd and gives a funny strange feeling at the back of your throat and that you wish to grow it so that you can consume,eat it,not smoke,they will then be able to get you going on approval a lot easier.

If you say that you are going to give up smoking it and consume it you will get more luck as they think you are giving up smoking it and going for the healthy alternative of consumption.
If you don't like this idea tell them that you wish to use a medicinal vaporizer as that is not really smoking either,best of luck with it all:blsmoke:
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