Silver haze and Green Grape


Well-Known Member
ur plants look healthy...cant wait to see how the green grape turns out neva heard of it, looks indica dominant tho..should b good homie..subd up!


Grape Ape Hybrid
like he said ;-)

So its starting to smell pretty bad
like I could smell it when I came home today as soon as I walked in the front door.
I have that Carbon Filter DIY and it should be working but its not ... i guess
its 2 pencil cups 3-4 oz activated carbon all trapped in by a ladies nylon and then mounted onto a 6inch metal duct holding thingy with one of my many 80mm pc fans pushing air out as exhaust. Maybe the air is passing out over the carbon instead of through it like its supposed to... i added some more duct tape for good measure
we will see how that works.
Thinking about finding some activated carbon filter sheets of some sort
to wrap around the outside of the filter...that may help
no one around here sells carbon filter canister things in the size I need.
I have like 9 local hydro stores but all the carbon filters they have are like 3ft long++++
wish i had room for a grow tent
maybe ill get a new cab when next check comes in.


Ok so some new pics
One month old about still pretty healthy
not sure why bottom leaves are turning colors and spotted
some type of virus maybe
scares me though
any help is appreciated
i need all the help/advice I can get
since my gardener just went awol



looks good mate ..
how is she vegging now ?
they both are doing pretty nice
after I took the clones from them they went into shock for a few but
i used some thrive alive nutrients and now they both are perky and happy little ganja plants


So was just checking out the leds and have been getting more and more intrigued every time i look at them.
given the size of my cab and my plans on scrogging

would leds be a good upgrade from my current mixed spectrum (3500-6500k) floros?
if so
would this be a good one to purchase?
or can any one recommend a fairly reasonably priced led light or lights that would be suitable for my needs?


6 weeks old ;-)
still yellowing of lower leaves
and some of the clones are showing slight signs of yellow starting
i dont understand why though
they look healthy enough
waiting on payday to get a ph meter +up/down
rooted 2 of the clones
gonna veg for a few then flower them n make sure they are females :blsmoke:


Active Member
to me it looks like ur CFL's are way too high . for those lower part of the plants ,
and the plants that are betwin the two big ones .

so the yellowing could mean that there isnt enough light getting thru to the lower parts of the plant.
also , if there are leaves that are blocked by bigger leaves , they prolly dont get enough light .


to me it looks like ur CFL's are way too high . for those lower part of the plants ,
and the plants that are betwin the two big ones .

so the yellowing could mean that there isnt enough light getting thru to the lower parts of the plant.
also , if there are leaves that are blocked by bigger leaves , they prolly dont get enough light .
That is a good thought. I will be upgrading to a bigger amoire after christmas so i will fix that issue along with many others.
The ones in the middle are just clones n a bubbleponics system so im not worried about how much light those mofos get lol. at least until they are rooted. Then those 2 little ones in front are once again just clones that I am trying to root really fast and veg really fast so i can flower really fast ahaha(females!?!?).


Temp till holidays are over and new armoire is purchased
but pretty nice none the less
The clones were moved to a side cabinet in my credenza(sp?) I coated the inside quickly and sloppily with panda film then placed a single 6500k 23w cfl in there with them
they dont know the difference but there mothers sure do

moms were getting crampt

they have since spread out and perked up

nothing like a happy pot plant ;-):hump:



7 weeks 1 day.
No new pics as of right now
Got home last night
and found both plants thirsty as all hell
wilting pretty bad but still alive

after a deep soaking and frequent misting along with some trimming
they are back to normal
and completely fine ( i think)

the clones in the 2nd cab dwc
had boomed like crazy though
roots like nuts
thrive alive really helps
should of taken pics but was so eager i transplanted them right away

will edit later tonight probably and add in pics:hump:


Active Member
big plants looks healthy man ..
altho i dunno how much its true in real like , but seeing those pics , theres ALOT of shade on almost
the whole plant , except the top . u should take care of it m8 .
maybe its temporary because u were taking the photo or something ..

young plants looks nice , tho i think they might miss a bit Kossium .. (hmm the K part in N-P-K) .
they look like they are falling down a bit .. thats a sign for need of K .

over all , seems good . 1st pic i really liked !


big plants looks healthy man ..
altho i dunno how much its true in real like , but seeing those pics , theres ALOT of shade on almost
the whole plant , except the top . u should take care of it m8 .
maybe its temporary because u were taking the photo or something ..

young plants looks nice , tho i think they might miss a bit Kossium .. (hmm the K part in N-P-K) .
they look like they are falling down a bit .. thats a sign for need of K .

over all , seems good . 1st pic i really liked !
ya to get a better photo the camera tends to make up its own shadows.
the top of the plant does get the most light
ya the clones are a little droopy
ive added thrive alive to the bubble system and in the foliage spray
what should i use to fix the :"k": issue?


Active Member
what vegg nutes u got on ?
maybe try adding 1ml of that to the mix to start with .

im not an expert tho , i will run this by a new topic at the nobies section to be extra sure .