SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

dont wanna drag this up, but this might have been the best hashberry grow ive seen man, congrats.
wish i could of seen the total yield
Very nice grow bro, tight setup. I got a friend South Korea that i got wasted when she came to Australia. She was telling me how you just dont get weed in south korea. it's a major deal if u get busted with it there.
Yeah i am waiting for my mandala hashberry and i would have like to know the final yield for this grow...great job though
my 1st post
went through all 93 pages focusing on the important info.
quite impressive. u got grande cojones, thats for sure. im in busan and i really wish there was a home depot in hankook. unfortunate really.
and im surprised that u even got seeds thru mail. im mustering up courage and equipment to do the same.. tell me how u got the hps and the ballast? and such a sick grow safelock? dont tell me u got that shipped too.
im surpised u didnt try to keep a couple mothers.
i hope ur safe and happy high
I think this dude gave up on this site or got busted he has not responded to any ?'s in quiet some time fellas'
Hey I'm actually living in Korea right now... Damn fucking hard to get buds here... went to hongdae and asked bunch of people but they don't sell! Could I buy some bud from anyone? Or maybe smoke a blunt together? Hit me up... AIM: what a korean MSN: <-- the 0 after fsh is a zero
this is going to my first outdoor grow and i have 97 seeds. I'll appreciate all the help i could get or just come by and check my grow journal out and subscribe. see how everything turns out for my gorilla grow!
I just came back from S.Korea. MJ is a serious crime over there isn't it? I hear its like equal to murder. I wouldn't attempt to grow in S.Korea, even the security people look like they can maul you into submission. LOL!! Jason isn't your real name, is it now. My co-workers all had English like names and had to claw into their real identities. I had an awesome time though in Korea and think about it everyday. I would love to go back and live there for awhile again.
i was in korea 85/86 and the shit grows wild. i was @ K9 camp humpries and found more than one plant growing wild by streambanks. i liked the meth better though it was all over and made you a good soldier. theys burnt it to keep mosquitos away..mogi... and call pot damacho.
just read through all the pages. good fuckin grow, good shit. i hope jason's doin well right now and no shady shit happened.

i'm a korean living in korea...anyone else around here wanna just connect, nothing else, hit me up
just read through all the pages. good fuckin grow, good shit. i hope jason's doin well right now and no shady shit happened.

i'm a korean living in korea...anyone else around here wanna just connect, nothing else, hit me up
lets all take a break and smoke one off me,lol.
Old thread I know, but I figured I'd post in case any other SKers are here. I'm in Seoul so if any other expats stumble upon this message while checking this thread out, send me a message. Just trying to do some networking and find some like minded folks around my parts.