LOL You called it.
I'm really interested also. I just saw a few pics of someone doing an LED grow and maybe they were using bagseed cause it sure wasn't very impressive.
I'd love it if I could set up a small led to keep a mum happy.
Oh man, LED's are the shit for vegging. A friend of mine kept his GIANT Bubba Kush mother around under LEd's for a long time. Easy as shit, no heat and the growth is good. It's the flowering with LED's where it falls real flat.
I don't want everyone to start posting links to journals where people veg with LED's, I know that works. And those LED posts don't get under my skin, it's only the ones from people selling LED's and claiming they get more bud with 126w of LED than a 400w HPS or even that 400w LED is greater than 400w HPS.
I actually hope it's true, but to be honest I've only seen the posts from sellers and the ones that don't come off as sellers seem to just "disappear". I think the OP's either fail or don't want to show the results. Those with realistic expectations come on to and they show their less than great results, but at least they keep it real and provide us with the TRUTH.
I welcome the day I'm proven wrong because that means we've finally arrived. But I'm so jaded on the subject that I tend to actually ignore these posts now. Can't get all excited every time a sales person comes on and tries to sell you something.