homemade cabinet need liGHT help (pics)

so, my ccabinet is 5 ft high 3 feet wide and 2 ft deep i kno not very large but big enough for me ive seen nice grows in smaller so anyway i have bought my fan, carbon filter, mylar, fan controller, thermoter hydrometer and a few other goodies today well when i was about to press buy for this light http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct...roductID=48956 a 600w hps and this euro reflector http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct...roductID=49541 fully inclosed cause if not heat would be an issue i was thinking is 600 watt MIGHT BE overkill should i just go with a 400w that way i can get light closer to plants without tourching em cause ive read a few books on this and it says that a 400w should stay 3ft away for ten days so would a 600w need to be further away? if so i have bno room for that



Well-Known Member
I would def go with the 400w for this space. It should give you plenty of light (has a 4x4 footprint) and is going to give you less heat issues. I'm sure some people would tell you to go with the higher light if you can, I think it will create more problems than it will help you. 400w will give your limited space/plants plenty of light to keep them happy and grow nicely. I'm using a 400w in a slightly bigger space and it's been working great. Another option is do an adjustable ballast so you can use a MH bulb during your veg times. This has two benefits: more light in the right spectrum range at the right times and metal halide bulbs put off less heat. So for vegging, you get better quality light and less heat issues...then you still get great light during flowering when you switch to HPS.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
600w is defintely overkill and you would have extreme lighting problems,

personally i think i would go for a 150w hps, it would be so nice and easy in that size closet and you would get a decent yield...You can always just top the bulb up to a bigger size aswell...But if you got the money for 400w ( consider the extra ventilation ) then defintely go for it, wil be an immense grow.
600w is defintely overkill and you would have extreme lighting problems,

personally i think i would go for a 150w hps, it would be so nice and easy in that size closet and you would get a decent yield...You can always just top the bulb up to a bigger size aswell...But if you got the money for 400w ( consider the extra ventilation ) then defintely go for it, wil be an immense grow.
like i said the reflactor i have is fully inclosed so heat shouldnt be TOO much of an issue i hope i wouldnt go down to a 150 sorry but i think thats a lil to small but will probally go with a 400w thanks
I would def go with the 400w for this space. It should give you plenty of light (has a 4x4 footprint) and is going to give you less heat issues. I'm sure some people would tell you to go with the higher light if you can, I think it will create more problems than it will help you. 400w will give your limited space/plants plenty of light to keep them happy and grow nicely. I'm using a 400w in a slightly bigger space and it's been working great. Another option is do an adjustable ballast so you can use a MH bulb during your veg times. This has two benefits: more light in the right spectrum range at the right times and metal halide bulbs put off less heat. So for vegging, you get better quality light and less heat issues...then you still get great light during flowering when you switch to HPS.

Good luck!
thank you so i will use a 400w more likely will buy tommorw i have the fan and carbon filter and the reflactor is fully inclosed so that should take care of any heat issues i might have in such a smalll area the ballast im getting is digital i have a link posted above in first post that will take mh or hps


Well-Known Member
Bud :)
Look forward to seeing the grow a 400w will get ya killa plants!!! peace
I'm a big fan of fluorescents in smaller spaces though. Yeah you don't get them as much light, but you can stuff a lot of CFLs in there plus creatively lining the area with T5 fixtures. So you might want to consider it too. This will give you much less heat issues, don't have to worry as much about burning plants either. Just consider it, but I use a 400 watter right now...so what can I really say haha

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Anything over a 400 watter is going to turn the tops of your colas white as snow. Why you ask? Heat stress. You might want to consider a 250w...just a thought. Unless you live in a cold place. gl