If you voted for Obama, you've the right to remain silent

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Because McCain would have been a much better choice...
I agree that McCain was not a good choice but...

Regardless if a person voted for McCain or Obama , the lesser of two evils is still evil my friend.

Don't fall into the left / right seesaw, you are too smart for that.


I agree that McCain was not a good choice but...

Regardless if a person voted for McCain or Obama , the lesser of two evils is still evil my friend.

Don't fall into the left / right seesaw, you are too smart for that.

I agree. If it ever comes down to that again, I'm staying home.


Well-Known Member
We have more than two,
There was more than two on your ballot
but you ignored it.
Because you have been conditioned to ignore it.


You say Obama is a marxist when nothing is further from the truth,
you complain of only having two choices,
or staying home...

instead of becoming active,
or even


and caring, concerned, about just how hard you are being ridden by the elite of this country,
and just how hard your parents were ridden by the same exact people,
and how exactly gloomy the future of the republic looks simply because we have allowed all of the power to be,
removed from your own hands.

Assert your liberty, if you have it.


Well-Known Member
Literally though,

The enemy here, if there is 'one', is capital.

It, as a very novel, self perpetuating, uniquely free, and yet coercive form of political exchange / interaction...

Is stressing our ability to remain ethical in every choice which you make daily, in as great of a degree and scope as possible. Hell, lets say, universal?

To make the choice to be ethical is the the essence of freedom. It is an ability which is not afforded to the more base of us, It is an enlightened sense of being and relation,

Which is not crookedly unhealthy essentialism, which means to be blinded of position and limited in logic because of a will to make this position infinitely powerful in its invisibility, constituted only by the actions, choices which one makes...

Take Dick Cheney for example. I mean, without any bias, the man is pure evil. But he believes in his benevolence. This is the essentialism of his neoliberal belief system,

Which is powerful for its ability to deny 'reality' by realizing its goals as a consequence of its actions...

Lets go get the terrorists! oh no we made more terrorists!
-Wait, were there even terrorists in the first place?

They were made up!?


they're real. Oh yeah, because the only coherence in our ludicrous foriegn policy is to... KILL MUSLIMS.

Fuck this shit some shining beacon to the world we are.

We cant even make things, or do things together, without being told how to act.

Bounded by the essentialism of neoliberal capital.

The world laughs at us, if only our own mind boggling confusion wasn't endangering the planet as critically as it is.


Well-Known Member
Literally though,

The enemy here, if there is 'one', is capital.

It, as a very novel, self perpetuating, uniquely free, and yet coercive form of political exchange / interaction...

Is stressing our ability to remain ethical in every choice which you make daily, in as great of a degree and scope as possible. Hell, lets say, universal?

To make the choice to be ethical is the the essence of freedom. It is an ability which is not afforded to the more base of us, It is an enlightened sense of being and relation,

Which is not crookedly unhealthy essentialism, which means to be blinded of position and limited in logic because of a will to make this position infinitely powerful in its invisibility, constituted only by the actions, choices which one makes...

Take Dick Cheney for example. I mean, without any bias, the man is pure evil. But he believes in his benevolence. This is the essentialism of his neoliberal belief system,

Which is powerful for its ability to deny 'reality' by realizing its goals as a consequence of its actions...

Lets go get the terrorists! oh no we made more terrorists!
-Wait, were there even terrorists in the first place?

They were made up!?


they're real. Oh yeah, because the only coherence in our ludicrous foriegn policy is to... KILL MUSLIMS.

Fuck this shit some shining beacon to the world we are.

We cant even make things, or do things together, without being told how to act.

Bounded by the essentialism of neoliberal capital.

The world laughs at us, if only our own mind boggling confusion wasn't endangering the planet as critically as it is.
The enemy is capital? You study much history? Without capital, or as you so conveniently avoided, private property, tyranny is the norm. You've got the standard Pol Pot ethics position down, though. Just goes to show that "over education" can be as impotent as under education. I laugh at your "wisdom". Me and Dick...and your psychiatrist. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I voted Bob Barr the Libertarian for President so i can say what i want. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. But i wouldn't change the outcome between McCain and Obama even if i could. Not so much because of McCain. But because of the gimmick VP he ran in Sarah Palin.

All the talk of Obama voters remorse makes me wonder what remorse the righties had after voting for Bush.. TWICE... I can say this since i only voted for Bush once.


Well-Known Member
I voted Bob Barr the Libertarian for President so i can say what i want. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. But i wouldn't change the outcome between McCain and Obama even if i could. Not so much because of McCain. But because of the gimmick VP he ran in Sarah Palin.

All the talk of Obama voters remorse makes me wonder what remorse the righties had after voting for Bush.. TWICE... I can say this since i only voted for Bush once.
You can say what you want regardless of how you cast your vote. You sound like an insecure groupie.


Well-Known Member
You can say what you want regardless of how you cast your vote. You sound like an insecure groupie.

That means so much coming from you as you sound like a typical right wing "Beckhead". I will keep calling them like I see them. You can keep calling them as you're told to.


Well-Known Member

you haven't studied economics, or marx, which makes your history ineffectual and at best anecdotal.

and you know nothing about power. How things work.

you are illiterate in most of the terms I used.

You need to read more postmodern critical theory if you want to criticize capital. But i don't think you want to...

I guess the status quo is fine for you, things are the way they are, and good luck changing them.

Fine attitude prisoner.

I never claimed wisdom but at least im trying, coward.


Well-Known Member

you haven't studied economics, or marx.

and you know nothing about power.

you are illiterate in most of the terms I used.

You need to read more postmodern critical theory if you want to criticize capital. But i don't think you want to...

I guess the status quo is fine for you, things are the way they are, and good luck changing them.

Fine attitude prisoner.

I never claimed wisdom but at least im trying, coward.

You know not what I know.

I know that you know much.

I place little value on the education you have received. I shun such jargon as you have shown proficiency in.

You wield as a stick, your perceived knowledge, bludgeoning common sense, and deference to historical precedent, all the while. Hubris is your companion.

What change I can effect, I do.

Wisdom comes with humility, smartypants. I, like you, can claim neither.

Now Cheney, he's wise. And brave.


Well-Known Member
That means so much coming from you as you sound like a typical right wing "Beckhead". I will keep calling them like I see them. You can keep calling them as you're told to.
You watch Beck? And you voted for Bush? And Barr? And can tolerate Obama? And can't stand Palin? Sounds like you're the typical center leaning right wing moderate left wing center leaning independent liberal. Congratulations on being all things trendy.


Well-Known Member
You watch Beck? And you voted for Bush? And Barr? And can tolerate Obama? And can't stand Palin? Sounds like you're the typical center leaning right wing moderate left wing center leaning independent liberal. Congratulations on being all things trendy.
I watch Beck when I need a good laugh. But then I get frightened when i think about all the mind numb righties like you who hang on every word that stooge says.

I voted for Bush in 2000. Unlike people like you I learned my lesson the first time. Bush spent and squandered just as bad if not worse than any Liberal at the time. So by 2004 I figured we might as well have the Liberal without the idiot too.

Yep, i voted for Barr last year. Not because I'm Libertarian. But because I knew I wasn't voting for Palin. I wasn't crazy about Obama either. That doesn't make me a moderate. That just makes me someone who doesn't care to choose between a giant douche and a shit sandwich.

I guess you can say i tolerate Obama. Do i have any choice? He is the President and will be that way until at least inauguration day 2013. Sorry if i don't hop on board the fear mongering express driven by the right wing media and its talking heads. No, i don't like anywhere near everything Obama does. But i know enough not to buy into all the sky is falling "OMG SOCIALISM" bull shit I hear everyday.

You damn right I can't stand Palin. Im sure she is a fine woman to hang out with and I would definitely throw her the bone. But politically she had no business running for VP. Policy aside I would rather take my chances with a Harvard Law graduate rather than a MILF who used to read sports scores for a living, then became mayor of a town with 7,000 residents. But whos major claim to fame was governor of a state for a year and half with a population less than many cities in the lower 48. As for the current Palin the pundit. She doesn't annoy me at all. She is just doing what pundits do and more power to her. I blame the media for giving her such a platform to stand on. My problem is with all the right wing sheep who think she is Christ in a skirt. It disappoints me to know there are so many of you out there. Can't you right wingers find anyone better to idolize than Sarah Palin?

As for my political leanings. I would say I am center LEFT. When it comes to the 2nd amendment and gun control Im right of Rush Limbaugh. Otherwise with the exception of a few other issues Im Liberal. But thanks for your concern. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I watch Beck when I need a good laugh. But then I get frightened when i think about all the mind numb righties like you who hang on every word that stooge says.

I voted for Bush in 2000. Unlike people like you I learned my lesson the first time. Bush spent and squandered just as bad if not worse than any Liberal at the time. So by 2004 I figured we might as well have the Liberal without the idiot too.

Yep, i voted for Barr last year. Not because I'm Libertarian. But because I knew I wasn't voting for Palin. I wasn't crazy about Obama either. That doesn't make me a moderate. That just makes me someone who doesn't care to choose between a giant douche and a shit sandwich.

I guess you can say i tolerate Obama. Do i have any choice? He is the President and will be that way until at least inauguration day 2013. Sorry if i don't hop on board the fear mongering express driven by the right wing media and its talking heads. No, i don't like anywhere near everything Obama does. But i know enough not to buy into all the sky is falling "OMG SOCIALISM" bull shit I hear everyday.

You damn right I can't stand Palin. Im sure she is a fine woman to hang out with and I would definitely throw her the bone. But politically she had no business running for VP. Policy aside I would rather take my chances with a Harvard Law graduate rather than a MILF who used to read sports scores for a living, then became mayor of a town with 7,000 residents. But whos major claim to fame was governor of a state for a year and half with a population less than many cities in the lower 48. As for the current Palin the pundit. She doesn't annoy me at all. She is just doing what pundits do and more power to her. I blame the media for giving her such a platform to stand on. My problem is with all the right wing sheep who think she is Christ in a skirt. It disappoints me to know there are so many of you out there. Can't you right wingers find anyone better to idolize than Sarah Palin?

As for my political leanings. I would say I am center LEFT. When it comes to the 2nd amendment and gun control Im right of Rush Limbaugh. Otherwise with the exception of a few other issues Im Liberal. But thanks for your concern. :bigjoint:
Your convictions blow with the wind. No wonder you despise a consummate conservative like Palin. Go fly a kite.:joint:

(PS- Kerry, not an idiot? Says a lot about you...)