1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
yeah mate i,m good but not stoned yet. gotta go to work at 6.30 only there till nine so not too bad i suppose. gonna get super baked when i get home tho.

i,m still on the learning curve with the coco, it looks piss wet most of the time but then when you lift the pot you can tell that the water is drying out by the weight, tis very wierd shit...but the nutes side of things is what i like best, my kushberry are at full strength and so are the blue cheese but they seem like they could take more.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
yeah mate i,m good but not stoned yet. gotta go to work at 6.30 only there till nine so not too bad i suppose. gonna get super baked when i get home tho.

i,m still on the learning curve with the coco, it looks piss wet most of the time but then when you lift the pot you can tell that the water is drying out by the weight, tis very wierd shit...but the nutes side of things is what i like best, my kushberry are at full strength and so are the blue cheese but they seem like they could take more.
Is that with an ec meter or what it says on the bottle?
What feed you using?


Well-Known Member
hi hi!!

just thought i'd come say howdy! i'm messin around with infused oil and brownies, it tastes horrible lol just waitin to see if more is required, haha

soo how'd the north east goin DON?? i'll be headin back for a visit next year, very excited!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah mate i,m good but not stoned yet. gotta go to work at 6.30 only there till nine so not too bad i suppose. gonna get super baked when i get home tho.

i,m still on the learning curve with the coco, it looks piss wet most of the time but then when you lift the pot you can tell that the water is drying out by the weight, tis very wierd shit...but the nutes side of things is what i like best, my kushberry are at full strength and so are the blue cheese but they seem like they could take more.

yeah thats the thing ive noticed too you can chuck nutes at most strains at full tilt im at double the pk13/14 and full A&B and no hint of burn. be careful adding other non coco specific nutes tho that will spanner the works man

hi hi!!

just thought i'd come say howdy! i'm messin around with infused oil and brownies, it tastes horrible lol just waitin to see if more is required, haha

soo how'd the north east goin DON?? i'll be headin back for a visit next year, very excited!

alreet hinny! the north east is the same as ever cold grey and the mob at st james' are still useless hahaha

so you from up here i take it?

taste of home ;)

(obviously not taken today hahaahha)

good work on the brownies i generally use butter to make them it hides the flavour easier!

well on with the show! i had a gan with the airots last night. what a performance. the hydro pebbles were too small for the holes in the mesh i was picking them up for ages. ive binned the rest of them n ill be getting some hanging basket liners for the next run.

first it was pebbles all over then the coco was all over falling out the holes in the pot walls. and that was before id got the plants in them. the missus was not impressed haha then came the joy of trying to water them in without the water going through the holes hahah i tell ya containers werent meant to have holes in lol

:roll: better be the bollocks these airpots!

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I would have loved to have been in your gaff last night, I would have been rolling around on the floor.

My worry is the coco comes out the holes when you water?
Im sticking with me black 18l pots less mess.:bigjoint:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
slap a bit of artisic mastery on that, and you've got a cop-proof grow. pineappppppppples sir, jsut pineaaaaaaples, good day. the logic behind this idea might not hold water for too long though

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I would have loved to have been in your gaff last night, I would have been rolling around on the floor.

like some demented cat no doubt lol
My worry is the coco comes out the holes when you water?
Im sticking with me black 18l pots less mess.:bigjoint:
i reckon once the root structure has filled its new home it will be safe as houses.........
slap a bit of artisic mastery on that, and you've got a cop-proof grow. pineappppppppples sir, jsut pineaaaaaaples, good day. the logic behind this idea might not hold water for too long though
hahah if the plod get that far into the house im boned for sure lol
good if ya set up a rez though ;)
man im not fixing this up to anything that auto pumps water, its holier than the pope


Well-Known Member
oh man....they sound like a night mare. I'll make sure the mrs is out when I make mine up. I feel bad now cos I recommended them. I am still totally convinced they will perfrom though man. Everyone will be wanting to grow in air pots next year ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i reckon the pots are a great idea but as with owt new it will take some getting used to.

i think when i move house i might actually get some industrial plastic sheeting for the floor in my grow room or maybe lino the floor?! then i can do all my messy shenanigans without the missus even knowing hahaha

n yeah jest im going to rig one up with an airstone in next copying natmoon but im not wasting an airpot on any more DQ's. I came to a realisation last night that the only problem with DQ is the yield the c99 ( awesome output and high/taste) and the uk cheese( reasonable output and cracking strength) need another strain in there to bulk it out.

the DQ needs crossing with skunk #1 or big bud perhaps critical mass. the resulting cross would be mind bending


Well-Known Member
thats where im lucky i climate is awsome. also couldnt ya just get some lino for your current grow?

another strain hmmm whatcha got in mind? sativa, indica or a mix?. you could always give shiva a go. its a nice eligant plant. not sure youll keep it around but i will be. what about ak47 or a buddah strain for something different.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha yeah i could get some lino but that would mean removing 12 near finished plants a wardrobe double bed 1.2m x 1.2 tent and the light setup out when im moving in the new year lol I'll stick to plastic dust sheets till then

i was just thinking fairly non imposing i want the flavour of the c99 and the cheese undertone but more bud so anything too pongy is out shiva is a lovely strain but the smell would knock one or both of the parents off a bit.

aka7 is good yield but also very fruity either way the more indica the better their some stretchy bitches


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i could get some lino but that would mean removing 12 near finished plants a wardrobe double bed 1.2m x 1.2 tent and the light setup out when im moving in the new year lol I'll stick to plastic dust sheets till then

i was just thinking fairly non imposing i want the flavour of the c99 and the cheese undertone but more bud so anything too pongy is out shiva is a lovely strain but the smell would knock one or both of the parents off a bit.

aka7 is good yield but also very fruity either way the more indica the better their some stretchy bitches
so your looking for a big budding strain with a low smell and low flavour that does'nt have any traits that stand out.......ASK THE SLANTY,S i think they have that exact strain lol ...
maybe try big bud, but you never know how it could come out


Well-Known Member
Is that with an ec meter or what it says on the bottle?
What feed you using?
just from the bottle welshy. dont have the funds for an ec meter at the moment (<been saying that for past 5 years lol)
oh and i,m using hesi coco for the moment but thats just till i run out then i plan to try canna and then i will try something else.

any nutes you recommend?

mr west

Well-Known Member
just from the bottle welshy. dont have the funds for an ec meter at the moment (<been saying that for past 5 years lol)
oh and i,m using hesi coco for the moment but thats just till i run out then i plan to try canna and then i will try something else.

any nutes you recommend?

Get on the canna coco and canna nutes coco a+b boost and pk13/14

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
shit you meant you want to accomplish this shit sorry time for my blonde moment i guess lmfao
hahah man i'm 100% :bigjoint:
so your looking for a big budding strain with a low smell and low flavour that does'nt have any traits that stand out.......ASK THE SLANTY,S i think they have that exact strain lol ...
maybe try big bud, but you never know how it could come out
hehehe yeah i was thinking either big bud or skunk#1