Well-Known Member
Glad you stopped by lehua! Yah things are happening I'm just lazy updating I'll post some pics.
Days from seed? Well pretty much everything was planted on April 26 so since then. I've harvested White Widow, some Satori, Trainwreck, and Killawatt out of those tubs. I'll check out your journal too bro
Satori getting a little purple
Super frosty hydro Satori, going to harvest in about a week
Satori blowin' up from the Gravity, I think I was a little over zealous with the Gravity and it burned this one a bit but damn bud growth just exploded everywhere!
This is a close up of my not Purple "Purple Lady" She has absolutely ZERO purple at a about 9 weeks now looks about ready to harvest but I'm going to wait a little longer and see if I get any purple . . .
And for the Hijack lovers, I stuck this Hijack outside about a week ago.
hehe...nice bro.....I'll be swinging by in about a week....hehe