word! well... you can try to cure it now... if you find that there is too much moisture you can leave the curing jar open longer. but you really want to avoid it being too moist from the get go.
its really hard to tell without actually being able to touch the buds myself, but what I think is that the outside of the bud is crisp... there is still a lot of moisture in the stems, that will naturally make its way through...
heres what I say you try...
put it in a jar... put a hygrometer inside of the jar as well... face the readout of the hygrometer towards the glass, and then fill it up with buds for curing. if the hygrometer reads the humidity as excessively high, open the jar and allow the moisture to escape.
I figure that is the best way to cure it while it is still in theory moist, without creating a situation in the jar for mold to grow.
too bad the nature of what we do prevents us from being able to meet up for me to check one of your buds myself... a fucked world we live in.