Help! My babies!


What's happening to my babies? I germed 10 ww seeds. First 2 were about 2 weeks ago. the next 3 were 2 days later, and the next 5 about 1 week ago. So the oldest ones started to turn pale yellow and then the edges turned maroon now the whole leaves. It seems that the younger ones are following suit. They are in canna coco. I'm not sure how much to water them. I've heard that you can't overwater coco, but then I've also heard that you don't want to overwater seedlings. The bag says to water once a day, so I've been doing that until this problem started then I waited for it to dry a little (2days) before watering again to see if that helped. They're under 2 42w 6500k cfls.

Temp is around 80 and humidity around 40. I thought it might be heat damage because I used to have them under more lights, but now the younger ones still seem to be following suit. I'm not supposed to be feeding them yet right?

Also I got these 2 clones from a shop, 1 for free. I don't have a humidity dome so I just put them on a plate under this jug I cut a hole in. I have them under 1 23w cfl 24hrs. Does this look ok?



Active Member
I'd say they are definitely over watered. A few things: Coco comes in a few grades. Some grades hold water so well that it can drown the roots (can't breath). Some grades drain so well that you would have to water every few hours. OK now having said that. When I say a medium is almost impossible to over water I am usually talking about a healthy growing plant. Seedlings and clones are more concentrated on producing roots to support the growth to come. Until there is good growth above the soil there is not much water uptake and if temps are low there is little soil evaporation too. So you can get by in some instances not needing to water for a week or more. Keep some air movement on them and try to get the coco to dry a bit. The roots need air or they will rot.


Active Member
It looks like Molybdenum deficiency truthfully by the color. But anyways yes you should be feeding them nutes by now just a low ppm in the 150-250 range. Are you measuring your PH yet? The clones look like they're wilting but i cant be sure cuz the plastic dome is in the way. Are you on a light schedule with the plants yet? 16-8 would be great about now. And id let those clones breathe a little more. More holes and such.


Well-Known Member
I disagree on giving them nutrients at this early stage of life. Unless you can positively identify a deficiency of some sort, I'd hold off on the nutes untill they are at least 6-10 inches tall or about three to four weeks old. Seedlings like yours should be getting all they need from the soil at this young age, unless your soil is way low in some sort of nutrient they should rebound soon, hopefully. The clones look decent, maybe even a bit too wet/humid. Let them dry out a bit, only water as needed, like when everything is dry to the touch or feels really light when picked up. Lack of water for a day or two helps to promote stronger and healthier root structure as they will dig deeper to search for water and/or nutrients.

strain stalker

New Member
I disagree on giving them nutrients at this early stage of life. Unless you can positively identify a deficiency of some sort, I'd hold off on the nutes untill they are at least 6-10 inches tall or about three to four weeks old. Seedlings like yours should be getting all they need from the soil at this young age, unless your soil is way low in some sort of nutrient they should rebound soon, hopefully. The clones look decent, maybe even a bit too wet/humid. Let them dry out a bit, only water as needed, like when everything is dry to the touch or feels really light when picked up. Lack of water for a day or two helps to promote stronger and healthier root structure as they will dig deeper to search for water and/or nutrients.
...good advice ^
...I wouldn't have planted them in such as large container first off, seeds haven't the root system developed enough to drink the water at the bottom of the pot. You have overwatered (my opinion). method is to let the plants wilt before I water. (I water them, count the days before they wilt, but learn to water the day or photoperiod before they wilt) This forces the plant to develop a better root system, for they are looking for water. More roots = more fertlizer intake. :joint: Good luck.


Well-Known Member
It looks like Molybdenum deficiency truthfully by the color. But anyways yes you should be feeding them nutes by now just a low ppm in the 150-250 range. Are you measuring your PH yet? The clones look like they're wilting but i cant be sure cuz the plastic dome is in the way. Are you on a light schedule with the plants yet? 16-8 would be great about now. And id let those clones breathe a little more. More holes and such.
Dude? Have you ever grown before? Why would you give nutes to these seedlings? Something is up though, they should have enough nutrients stored in those little seeds to get them up and going a lot further than this. You give'em nutes you may as well just kiss'em goodbye.

I'm not a coco grower, but isn't it just an inert media? There's no nutrients IN the coco itself right? If you are using tap water, stop. Go get yourself some RO water and feed it for awhile and see if this problem stops. You may have something in your tap water that is doing this. At this stage of the game it's really really simple, feed them water, watch them grow. Keep the temps under control and all else should be fine.