First Grow Advice Needed

Hey all,

I am now in the 7th week of my first grow. Would really appreciate some advice / things to look out for with my first plants.

I think they are a little smaller than they should be, but i had a few probs at the start.

First i got the PH wrong, but i thought they needed feeding so i over nuted them. But now they seem to be OK.

Would really apreciate if any of you experienced growers could take a look at my pics and let me know what you think.



robert 14617

Well-Known Member
what are you doing ,give a little receive a lot ,lights, soil , water schedule ,PH nutes, handle wee man


Active Member
what are you doing ,give a little receive a lot ,lights, soil , water schedule ,PH nutes, handle wee man
+1 id transplant in better soil(roots organic) and just use water for a couple of weeks ,the start slowly nuting but i need more info from you


Well-Known Member
Bigger pots will also be needed, a plant can only get so big in small pots, if the roots have nowhere to grow the plant wont get bigger. If you want some real advise then you need to provide details so we can tell you what may need changing or what you may be doing wrong.
Sorry for the lack of info

Grow Media Cana Coco
Nutes Canna Coco Range
Lights 400w HPS Cooltube
Temps around 23 and drops around 8 at night
Humidity 45% (cant get this up as the extractor fan is constrantly running to keep my grow tent cool)
Couple of fans to keep air circulating
Nute PH 5.8
Watering every other day (when i can feel the pots have got lighter again)

I also spray the leaves and stem with water twice a day

Basically would like to see if there any tell tale signs of the leaves of any probs. Just worried the lower leaves look a little yellow.

In addition i have checked the roots and they are quite visable at the bottom but not that much around the sides. was thinking of putting into my bigger pots at weekend

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i have to tell you wee man i've seen three week old plants that size, overwintering can cause slow growth your on top of everything else ...
Putting them in bigger pot will help out alot. You should feel the soil if its dry or wet, not just lift the plant up. They look good Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the lack of info

Grow Media Cana Coco
Nutes Canna Coco Range
Lights 400w HPS Cooltube
Temps around 23 and drops around 8 at night
Humidity 45% (cant get this up as the extractor fan is constrantly running to keep my grow tent cool)
Couple of fans to keep air circulating
Nute PH 5.8
Watering every other day (when i can feel the pots have got lighter again)

I also spray the leaves and stem with water twice a day

Basically would like to see if there any tell tale signs of the leaves of any probs. Just worried the lower leaves look a little yellow.

Ok, for 7 weeks your plants should be much bigger.
23 temp is a bit low, try to get to around 26 and you dont want it to drop more than 10 degrees to limit shock to the plant.
PH in soil should be higher, around 6.8, 5.5 is for hydro grows.
Get them babies in bigger pots, at least 11 litre pots to get a good sized plant.
Dont worry about the humidity, you only need high humidity for new cuttings. Same with spraying the plants, unless your adding feed or other nutrients to the spray, this is not needed, can cause problems with HPS lighting as it water droplets magnify the light and burn leaves.
Your plants look underfed, but this could be down to nute lock out for having the wrong PH.
Hope this helps and best of luck


Well-Known Member
HPS is not too much for his plant as its 7 weeks old. HPS is to much for a new cutting or seedling and would just require a difuser to negate the ill effects. HPS are not the ideal for vegging plants but they are adequate. HPS emits light more in the red spectrum which is good for flowering and not much in the blue spectrum which is good for Vegging. The best way around this problem though is to buy dual spectrum HPS bulbs which have been altered to give blue spectrum light also, this way your supplying red and blue spectrum throughout the whole grow which is very good for the plants.
The Nitrogen deficiency that has been pointed out is most likely down to your PH as I said earlier, 5.8 ph is to low for soil, you want it to be higher like 6.8, after changing the PH if the yellowing of the leaves continues then give extra Nitrogen
i def agree that your yellowing is from nitrogen defficency and like they all said from the ph problems your having. I had the same problem on my first grow. Something I used that helped with the ph and helped with my stems and leaf stability is Pro-silicate from I wanna say growtek. Will keep your ph at the right range and will really help your plants stability. Good luck man.