AeroFlo what nutes should i use?


Active Member
I have been doing soil for a bit but recently bought a aeroflo 18 and i have no clue on what nutes im gonna use and im wanting some feedback on peoples opinions of what works for them. im excited but scared i will mess something up.

Going to go out and buy a ppm ec ph meter and a reverse osmosis unit so i got some pure water.

got a couple vortex 6&8inch running one through 1000watt hood to cool and other pulling through carbon filter.

haven`t set up yet gonna use hydroton i guess but am curious about the foam inserts if anyone recommends?


Active Member
Dude i been lookin for advice too without much luck. But was told to try Sure to Grow Medium. It needs no soak, has no sandy residue and seems cool. let you know


Well-Known Member
I use silica stone from sunleaves. For nutes i use botanicare line with good results and no clogging in my lines.


I totally agree, I have an aeroflo 60, and i had to make one for mine. my water temp was 80 degrees, and my pH would not stay below 7.5.


you dont need to get a chiller you need to get a CAP ART-DNe Recyclable timer then you wont have res heat problems because your pump wont be runnig all day 1 min on 5 min off.
i have 3 aero units none use a chiller and im in the south of florida. i use botanicare also its good. but i would really like to get some advanced nutes. if you can afford it thats what i would get bro its the best shit you can get and it is easy to use. sum neopreen would be your best bet, easy clean up. pebbles is okay, i dont like cause they get all over the place. but dood aero is easy dont get intimidated , u got this shit :joint::D


Well-Known Member
I use General Hydroponics FLora line of nutes (flora micro and flora bloom only). I use the Lucas Formula (so no need to use the flora gro). I use a pH of 5.5. I have pics up in an album on my profile if you want to see how well my girls do using these nutes. If you have a question about Lucas Formula, send me a message and I'll tell you all about it. It works perfectly.


Does anyone else use dutch master? I am wondering if anyone is using these other additives they recommend on their website. Add.27, Silica, and Zone. I am having a hard time keeping my Ph below 6.8, everytime I add it goes down temporarily and then goes back up. I just flushed my res and my water temp is like 71. I am starting to wonder if the Ph issues are because of lack of other recommended additives.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else use dutch master? I am wondering if anyone is using these other additives they recommend on their website. Add.27, Silica, and Zone. I am having a hard time keeping my Ph below 6.8, everytime I add it goes down temporarily and then goes back up. I just flushed my res and my water temp is like 71. I am starting to wonder if the Ph issues are because of lack of other recommended additives.
Dutchmaster does not change my PH at all. It stays locked in at 6.0 constantly. I think I have some superior RO water b/c it never changes.


Well-Known Member
do you use any of those oher additives?
I tried to find a thread about the best nutes & nute line for my aeroflo 36 to no avail; so I went to my hydro store and he highly highly recommend dutchmaster 2 part flower formula for my sog application, he also said that no additional nutes or additives were needed; he said maybe some cal-mag if I was using RO water bc Ro water has none; I'm having good results so far hwy420's white widow grow.


Well-Known Member
if you are using an aeroflo get a chiller...dont listen to anyone else. I use a cycle timer too, and the temps get to be about 74 degrees without the chiller. if you are using anykind of hid lighting, the heat from the lights will make your rez temps spike. If you want a simple hydro system that doesnt require a chiller, dont go with the aeroflo...


Well-Known Member
If your not pulling 2lbs per 1K every 60 days-----then you're not "good" (decent yielding strain).

Sup Kush,

Of all the places to grow weed in this universe we choose the sunshine state-----must be gluttons for challenge.

Why do you need and grow medium in your life when you don't have to?????????



Active Member
damn when i thought no one one was going to reply back i seen all this..

been looking at a chiller but not sure which one to get.. ?

heat from my lighting really wont be an issue as i can rest my face on the glass of the reflector it stays so cool since im using my vortex 8in to cool it.

747cfm i know severe overkill but keeps it cool maybe i will set it on a timer so not using so much power.

gonna be using sour p, kandy kush, vanilla kush,white russian,la confidential, sleestack. la woman.

should i just run one strain or will i be ok with multiple?

This is my first shot at aero since before all i have used is dirt & the only nutes i have used is fox farms in which i still have all the whole line for minus the hydro version of growbig so will i be ok with that or will it clog the lines with the big bloom since it is organic??

I also just bought a bluelab guardian meter for the res. hope it works well got it for 300$ flat with free shipping=)