My first grow journal(CFL) 12/12 from seed.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys this is my first journal but second grow I am on a very low budget so I will do what I can do. I have a few rules for this journal so how about honor them thanx.

RULES: Stay on topic, no random conversations, please do not criticise me or others, and if you ask me a question please wait antil I reply to post again.

First my space is very limited so I will most likely have to LST but here is the dimensions 3'wide, 22"tall, 20" deep.

5-26w CFL (100w replacements)
1-42w CFL (150w replacements)
2-20w 24" flourescent tubes 1 warm, 1 cold.
1-intake fan cfm unknown.
1-12v CPU fan for exaust.
1-fan for air-circulation.
1-DIY carbon filter(not yet installed)
1-PH meter

Soil, nutes, water, PH, and strain:

I am using Mg organic choice potting mix with 20-30% perlite for medium the NPK of potting mix is 10-5-5. I am using MG organic choice bone meal with NPK ratio of 6-9-0for nutes(for now) I will soon be getting some better nutrients. Distilled water with 10ml of Botanicare sweet grape natural mineral suppliment.The Ph of the run-off is around 6.8 and ph of water is around same. The strain is unknown they are bagseed but from the best bud I ever smoked I believe the strian is purple kush on one of them but I do not know which one. My temps stay around 85-88 I know its alittle high but I cant do anything about that. I have to guess at the humidity because I dont have a meter for that but I believe it is somewhere around 50% humidity.

My seedlings are different ages the biggest plant with skinny leaves is the oldest it is one week old the other two are 3 days old. You may notice in the pics that I am using sand on top of my soil the reason for this is because of a past gnat problem. Also I am using aluminum foil I know mylar and white is better and aluminum foil causes hotspots but like I said I am on a low budget so sorry. Alright thats about it thanks guys hope you enjoy the grow feel free to comment or reply on anything on topic thanxs.:weed:



Well-Known Member
Oh yea updates will be made at least once a week if not more often. In the third picture on the left is the oldest plant and it is doing really well it is on third node with branches coming out of every where I will try to get some better pics tommorrow. I also forgot to mention that the plants are more indica dominant I believe be cause the guy I get bud from doesnt like sativa. Also I am using no sodium bubbly water or club soda for co2 I just mist on leaves when I get the chance.


Active Member
if i can make a small suggestion, try switching 2 of those cfls to the daylight spectrum, you will see better growth with stronger stems with some blue spec light. i know you said you are on a budget but 8 bucks for some 27w 6500k lights will work wonders.


Well-Known Member
I keep forgetting to mention things all the cfls are 2700k i know 6500k daylight cfl would be better for veg but I am not vegging I am doing 12/12 from seed and I need red spectrum not blue but thanks for the input


Active Member
I keep forgetting to mention things all the cfls are 2700k i know 6500k daylight cfl would be better for veg but I am not vegging I am doing 12/12 from seed and I need red spectrum not blue but thanks for the input
i run a bit of blue spec all the way thru flower, helps with color and leaf loss near the end of flower. just a suggestion though.


Well-Known Member
I hear a lot of experienced growers commenting that MG isn't very good soil to use for growing; I've avoided it for that reason myself. I'll be interested to see how yours do as I've also heard that it is in fact possible to grow using it even if it's not the best. Good luck on the grow!


Well-Known Member
Yes alot of people criticise Miracle grow but mg organic choice is alot diffrent than chemical mg the ph is perfect its organic and it doesnt burn your plants yes I know it isnt as good as foxfarms but it works well.


Well-Known Member
I transplanted my biggest weird looking plant into bigger pot. By the way has anyone ever seen weird leaves like are on the slightly larger plant, the leaves are thin shaped weird and spiky kinda?
In one of the pics there is a long nail that is what I use for a lock so no one can open the door, I just push the nail through tiny hole in the door and through a metal screw with a loop on the end inside the door. No possible way to open my doors unless you know how, and I will tell you how. All you do is push the nail all the way through to door and you can open the door then.



Active Member
looks like that mg may be holding too much water, try letting that larger plant dry out real well before the next watering, then hit it with a bit of nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
My babies are looking so good I will post some picks tommorrow. My larger plant is getting a really thick stem and branches are coming out of virtually everywhere. The next to largest one is looking great to it has such fat leaves cant tell quite yet but I believe it will be indica dominate. I also added three sour diesel seeds in there they already sprouted and about an inch tall, I bought the sour diesel seeds from a friend that breeds marijuana plants and the bud these seeds came out of was AMAZING oh and he told me today that one of those seeds he gave me wasnt sour diesel it was jack herrer so we will see. Sorry about pics they will be posted tommorrow or maybe tonight. Oh I took the two foot flourescent fixture out of my cab because it was making me have heat issues but I still have plent of light. I was thinking about do a scrog grow since I have such a small area. I have a question for the visiters to my journal if you have experience on 12/12 from seed please tell me how long it takes on average from seed for the plant to show its sex. I know if probably depends on strain and conditioning of the plant but I was just wondering.THANX


Well-Known Member
Wow my babies have doubled in size since the last pics I posted hope you guys like. Please comment on my progress the oldest plant is 1 week and 2 days old so I think they are looking good. The plants are staying short and bushy so I am happy, I think the oldest plant will be showing sex within the next week and the others within the next 2-3 weeks. Two of the three seeds I just planted are sprouted and looking good, the other sour diesel or jack herrer was planted late last night and it hasnt sprouted yet. I put the seed that hasnt sprouted yet in a half 2 litre bottle at the start so it will not need to be transplanted. The second oldest plant is getting some super fat leaves and dark green it is looking very healthy



Active Member
an answer to your question on how long is 3-6 weeks is the norm, dependant upon conditions and specific pheno type. hit that lager plant with a high nitrogen fert man, it should blow up over night.


Well-Known Member
looks like that mg may be holding too much water, try letting that larger plant dry out real well before the next watering, then hit it with a bit of nitrogen.
yea there not looking to bad for just flo's but for sure let them baby's dry out completely b4 each new watering they will b more thankfull for it


Well-Known Member
an answer to your question on how long is 3-6 weeks is the norm, dependant upon conditions and specific pheno type. hit that lager plant with a high nitrogen fert man, it should blow up over night.
can I get a high nitrogen fert at walmart and If I can then which one should I get


Active Member
um your best bet at walmart or home depot is probly going to be schults 10-15-10, its not ideal for this stage but it will work, just give them half doses of the stuff its pretty potent, i have used the stuff all the way thru flower but it will burn if you arent careful.


Well-Known Member
that will interfere with the mg potting soil it has time released nutes if I add any other nutes at the time the soil releases nutes to the plant it will get a double dose and burn them I think I will stick with the way I am doing it now but thanx for the advise.


Active Member
that will interfere with the mg potting soil it has time released nutes if I add any other nutes at the time the soil releases nutes to the plant it will get a double dose and burn them I think I will stick with the way I am doing it now but thanx for the advise.
ah i see... bumer.