

Well-Known Member
The test strips will work just fine for a soil grow. You don't have to have your ph DEAD on, MJ will grow and survive just fine in soil with a ph anywhere from about 5.5 - 8.0. This plant is very tolerant, but over time sometimes that ph call fall to 4.5 because of nutrient buildup. It could also be that your water has a ph of like 8.3 (like mine does) and it's jacking you all up. The strips ain' t the best, but they will tell you if you are WAY off base.

If you aren't WAY off base, then I would flush, add back 1/4 strength nutes and use some CalMag (botanicare) to help out. Gradually bring the nutes back up to full strength over the course of a week. You could also use epsom salt to add MG, but if it's a lockout and not a lack of availability you'll end up locking out Calcium and potentially other elements. It's really best to eliminate the ph problem first and give a good flush, you can use CalMag as a foliar feeding to relieve the stress while you sort out the lockout problems in the root zone.

As far as where to get ph up/down you can order it online from all sorts of hydro stores. You can use the aquarium stuff, but it's byproduct is going to be salt so be very careful and don't overdo it.

GL, remember eliminate and identify the problem, THEN react. Sometimes the correction is worse than the original problem.
thanks man i have some older pic on my hd of the problems, i know they kinda resemble nute burn but most many of the leaves problems dont start in the corners.. they start with dots that continuously get worse on the leaves day by day..



Well-Known Member
i like the idea to cook something smelly while there over and if you allowed to smoke in your condo maybe smoke a cig before too

the storage room is as cold as outside like 30 degrees.... shit... will my plants be ok in their????
I think they'll be ok, I mean, in the fall, the temps can get pretty low at times in certain areas, so that they're already budding is probably a good thing from that perspective, I'd be more concerned about the light cycle, making sure you don't snap it back into veg.

thanks all again, i will let you all know what happens tomorrow! Wish me luck! starting to clean all the grow related shit out now


Well-Known Member
The test strips will work just fine for a soil grow. You don't have to have your ph DEAD on, MJ will grow and survive just fine in soil with a ph anywhere from about 5.5 - 8.0. This plant is very tolerant, but over time sometimes that ph call fall to 4.5 because of nutrient buildup. It could also be that your water has a ph of like 8.3 (like mine does) and it's jacking you all up. The strips ain' t the best, but they will tell you if you are WAY off base.

If you aren't WAY off base, then I would flush, add back 1/4 strength nutes and use some CalMag (botanicare) to help out. Gradually bring the nutes back up to full strength over the course of a week. You could also use epsom salt to add MG, but if it's a lockout and not a lack of availability you'll end up locking out Calcium and potentially other elements. It's really best to eliminate the ph problem first and give a good flush, you can use CalMag as a foliar feeding to relieve the stress while you sort out the lockout problems in the root zone.

As far as where to get ph up/down you can order it online from all sorts of hydro stores. You can use the aquarium stuff, but it's byproduct is going to be salt so be very careful and don't overdo it.

GL, remember eliminate and identify the problem, THEN react. Sometimes the correction is worse than the original problem.
8.3 jeez. thats not water u.ve got its a fuckin polution powder. what the fuck does ur local authority have against the consumer. does al quieda run the water plants??? my water is 6.5. i know that scottish water is some of the best in the world and we're lucky as fuck but 8.3 is really bad.:wall:


Active Member
If you have a dresser, take all the drawers out, put them in there, and cover them with a blanket, or something to keep the smell down. Most people who come in to fix shit, have seen it all before.


Well-Known Member
If you have a dresser, take all the drawers out, put them in there, and cover them with a blanket, or something to keep the smell down. Most people who come in to fix shit, have seen it all before.
ya i wish i could ive seen some sick ones out their. Unfortunetly all I have is an armoure, probably spelled that wrong, but it wont work...

The guy was cool its my landlord who im worried about, shell boot me for sure...


Well-Known Member
hide them take a blanket wrap them up lightly put them in your car or in your room with something over them wrap them up like gifts put in bathroom and lock the door bathtub or shower. and last ditch dress them up like a tree its that time of year


Well-Known Member
just burn them in your bathroom -_- and stay in there till theres only ashes left, sweep that up, put em in the toilet, flush...Walla

Only kiddin man,

How did this go in the end?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man ^^^^ The main thing im worried about is cracking the main cola while they are in the bags... They barely fit in the storage box last time and have grown a couple inches since then... The plumers not coming tomorrow so at least I have time to get everything ready b4 he does


Well-Known Member
just burn them in your bathroom -_- and stay in there till theres only ashes left, sweep that up, put em in the toilet, flush...Walla

Only kiddin man,

How did this go in the end?
lmao, dont ever say that agian.... You gotta read through for details but so far so good, plumers going the be here again somethime this week so I gotta re-do it all again..


Well-Known Member
Plumers coming tomorrow for four hours, plus my landlord will be here... Hope everything goes well.


Well-Known Member
All went well!! bent the shit out of my colas when puting them in the garbage bags and knocked off some leaves but didnt get caught. Spent a couple hours preparing, cleaning everything. Thanks everyone!


Active Member
well thats good to hear it man
now you got the long process of putting everything back together

hope the rest of the grow goes alittle more smoothly



Well-Known Member
just read from start to finish, this thread kept me reading like a stephen king novel lol

im glad everything worked out, well merry christmas every1 !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
just read from start to finish, this thread kept me reading like a stephen king novel lol

im glad everything worked out, well merry christmas every1 !!!!!!
HAHA ditto!!
LMAO, thanks for the support guy! I'm glad its over with!! Merry Christmas! And thank you to everyone for the help. I asked for a camera for xmas so if I get one I will definetly get some pics of the girls up a.s.a.p.. I've been away from home for the past week and went back one day to water them and the buds are HUGE!!:weed::weed: