Phospherus deficiency


Active Member
Hello all, update on my plants. I believe after reviewing some other posts and coming across a nice chart provided by mogie and dankciti that I have a phospherus deficeincy. Was hoping some other could give a second opinion. Please feel free to express other concerns as well since this is my first time I have gotten as far as flowering.

Plant back round. Seed is just bag seed, I planted them in miracle grow potting soil no perlite, I use areated tap water that I leave set out in a bucket for atleast 24 to 48 hours, my ph soil is 7.2, I use a 250 watt HPS light with reflector, and I have been using a 10-15-10 nute every three days. I also mist my plants with a spray bottle once a day and keep a fan blowing on the closet the whole time the light is on.

On a side note it looks so far as if both plant are female. I see nothing but long white hairs growing and forming from the pistils that are at the tips of the branches. Again any comments or concers or opinions are welcome, please be nice though I am a noob at this. Here are some pics. I have included the ones of the bottom leaves that are turning yellow and wilting as well as some pics of the red tint in the veins and stems. Those are the key indicators to me that lead me to believe its a phospherus deficiency. Thanks for any info and stay frosty.


Nelson Mutz

Well-Known Member
Look good and healthy to me! It's natural for the bottom leaves [closest to the bottom on the main stalk] to die off. From what I can see from your pics, the upper parts are green and healthy. How old are the plants?? Hope this helps.


PS:Next grow, definitely mix your soil with perlite/vermiculite. Keeps the soil from becoming compacted...


Active Member
Plants were germinated Sept 15 and planted on the 20th. I started the flowering cycle 5 days ago. They should be alot bigger but I wanted to stunt there growth a little so I did so by using smaller pots to plant them in. I regret doing so, I wish I would have just used bigger pots and pruned branchs to keep them from getting to large.

Is it a bad idea to plant them into a bigger pot and to prune while flowering? I have read that pruning was a no no but a lot of the smaller nodes growing on the bottom are not recieving a good enough amount of light. Perhaps I should invest in mylar. Should I just clip the dying and yellow leaves that form on the bottom or leave them be?

I was also thinking about adding some of the fish tank type floros but am unsure if adding more light during the 12 hours of light would hurt the plants?

Thanks for the info Nelson!


They look fine to me too, the red/purpleish stems areok, all my plants do this.

The bottom leaves are fine, it could be an indictator that it's rootbound, if it continues you may need to transplant.

Extra light is great, the more the better, just make sure you dont break your 12/12 cycle.


Well-Known Member
Hiya illinigreen

Your plants look fine to me, albeit with the typical stretch and wide internodal spacing you'd get from vegging with a 250 hps and what looks like a touch of Magnesium deficiency in the lower leaves. This is fairly common in indoor grows due to some of the magnesium in the soil being unavailable for plant uptake due to a number of factors but most commonly sodium/salinity of the feed water.

It's nothing to worry about as it's common and only affects the very lowest and oldest leaves as Magnesium is a mobile element and moves to where it's needed the most and the oldest leaves suffer.

It's impossible to tell the sex of this plant from those pictures and please don't make the mistake of assuming it's female, look carefully and closely in the next week or so of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
my plants have the red on the sun leaf stems too. I've never worried about it. I've always wondered bout the cutting damaged leaves during flowering, but I've never asked cuz when my plants look ugly, I just seem to cut the ugly out, almost compolsively, and I know I don't want to hear it's bad for them, but I guess I should know.:shock:


Well-Known Member
my plants have the red on the sun leaf stems too. I've never worried about it. I've always wondered bout the cutting damaged leaves during flowering, but I've never asked cuz when my plants look ugly, I just seem to cut the ugly out, almost compolsively, and I know I don't want to hear it's bad for them, but I guess I should know.:shock:
Just leave it be, if the dead leaves drop off, then they drop off, but don't start pruning and hacking good leaves off to get more light to lower branches - it stresses the plant and deprives it of nutrients, hormones and carbohydrates.


Well-Known Member
Just leave it be, if the dead leaves drop off, then they drop off, but don't start pruning and hacking good leaves off to get more light to lower branches - it stresses the plant and deprives it of nutrients, hormones and carbohydrates.
Thanks babygro, good to know. As freaked as I'm gonna get from imperfections, I suppose its best to know what I'm doing.:peace: