growing upside down?


New Member
Hey how's it growing everyone?
I was wondering if anyone ever saw those bags on tv that grow tomatoes upside down in a bag hung from the ceiling? Would these be any good for weed?
Hang them from the ceiling and and have the light under them and keep lowering the light as it gets bigger?
what factors would gravity have?
Has anyone ever tried this or heard of anyone trying this?
Keep it green


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Hey how's it growing everyone?
I was wondering if anyone ever saw those bags on tv that grow tomatoes upside down in a bag hung from the ceiling? Would these be any good for weed?
Hang them from the ceiling and and have the light under them and keep lowering the light as it gets bigger?
what factors would gravity have?
Has anyone ever tried this or heard of anyone trying this?
Keep it green
many have did with great sucsess


New Member
There is no advantage to it. It just looks kewl.

Plants actually try and grow AWAY from gravity. It's called [SIZE=+1]geotropism.



New Member
yea i want to see pictures if somebody has grown like that...
Me too, I think that would be one sweet looking plant, I'm going to look into it some more, I have a store by me that is one of those "AS SEEN ON TV" places and they have those upside down tomato grow thingys. I just gotta finish my current lst grow and I think I might just try it and do a journal on it, just for shits and giggles.
Keep it green


Active Member
i would think that would cause unneeded stress because of geotropism but then again gravity is the weakest of all forces so i doubt its too stressful, i just dont see any need to hang it upside down are you sure you havent smoked anough already my friend?! ;) lol jk :P


Active Member
In nature he whole point of a plant growing upward is the smallest plants in a given area are all fighting for the top of the canopy so they grow straight upwards in an attempt to grab the most sunlight.


New Member
It's a novelty, although it won't fail.

Go for it, but start two plants that are the same build and watch the boring "regular" grow smoke that upside down tart. :lol:


Well-Known Member
that looks about putting one inside and putting a light on the floor? so it grows downward