Here's to hate.

I hate taylor swift and this too.

If your entire song is composed of ooh-oooh-ooh-oooh-ooh, you may want to just either invent lyrics or kill yourself...

And Taylor Swift just needs to be pushed off of a cliff... again see-eee-eee you belong with me-eee-eee, jesus, add more words or be quiet during that part, better yet...

Just make a law against all country music...
yea but i would lay the pipe to taylor swift. That is one fine ass little girl
loL I would post vids but i can't figure how to. I'm quoting and still can't figure this shit out. :wall:

Everything after v= and put it between the youtube brackets. If your video URL has that feature&related type shit in it, go beneath the description the URL will be there, the real one, just the very last set of symbols after the = sign, start from the back and highlight towards ?v= and stop before =, then copy and paste, put [youtube] and then the [(slash)youtube] bracket around that... replace (slash) with "/"

I'm trying loL this one is a nice compilation of shit i hate. not even made by me. I wanna rock!! i like
When it got to I wanna rock, I quit watching it... I disagree. "I wanna rock" is a very unique style of singing that can't be duplicated. It was a good one hit wonder, perverted by time into something it's not. I hate all the other shit that was before it on that video though... I'll try and find something I hate... and I think I already know what it is going to be...
Oh jesus.. loL you must keep watching the vid. i skipped past the "I wanna Rock" as well . the rest was pretty dead on.
Lol at the guy at 1:05


I don't hate the song, I hate hearing it at every dance I ever go to... for some reason it reminds me of rollerskating... Call me a fag but I love going to the rollerskating... I'm just a little bit old for it... too bad they always play rap and shit, when I wanna hear disco and see lights and shit.