My German Shepherd got KILLED by a car today

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Well-Known Member
OMG I cant even describe how I feel for you sorry for your lose some people say its stupid people getting in a fuss over losing there pets but them people dont understand the bond between owner and pet we was close to loosing our St bernard a little while ago when her belly unexpectidly well sort of blew open when a tumour burst inside spent over £1K on operation and she was pretty much guarenteed to die that night but she didnt... or the next or the next and some how she is still with us today miricle or summin I think O_O considering the size of the whole in her belly she is a strong girl and I was well upset being told she was gonna die but overwelmed when we found out she was gettign over it :P I hope all goes ok in the future


Too many brownies
My beautiful, loyal, loving shepherd got killed by a car today.(less than an hour ago) I'm not gonna be here for a while. i'm shocked im writng thjssssss.
i love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No way Lacy im really really sorry to hear this, I have been devastated in the past from loosing pets. It can be just as hard as losing a friend and i know this from personal experience. I love my animals as much as a I love my friends and family.

How old was your shepherd, and how did it happen???



Well-Known Member
sorry about your dog its terrible whats happen:cry::cry:.hope his die fast and without pain.sorry again:cry::cry:


Active Member
dont you just love the stoner community!
there so loving and caring and you dont even kno the other person in real life!
im sorry about your dog lacy! truley a tragedy!


Well-Known Member
HUGSSSSSS Lacy :cry::cry:..I'm so very sorry. It is such a shock :(when it happens this way..Theres nothing worse then losing a loved pet..They are a part of the family... Please take care of yourself..Know we are all thinking of you..


Well-Known Member
You have my condolences. I know how painful it is to lose a friend of that caliber. There is nothing like a dog, and if your pup was anything like the German Shepards I have known, the world has lost a furry ball full of love.
Sorry friend.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Oh Lacy, I am so sorry to hear about your dog. :cry: My thoughts are with you and her. It is devastating, I know from my personal experiences. A dog is more than a pet, it is a family member, mourn her, remember her and always love her. You will get through it, you are strong, be brave girlfriend. The sun will rise tomorrow. :peace:


New Member
We never had any children so they are our fur babies.
Thank you for your thoughts.:cry:
Ohhhhhh Lacy!!! I'm so sorry for you loss. My dogs are like family to me and I know how it hurts to lose one. You are in our thoughts.


New Member
Thank you gygax. Yes I do remember you writing about it.:mrgreen: I feel numb!:-|
Lacey I am sorry, I don't know if you recall but you and I once talked about our GS dogs. I can't imagine how you feel, once again I am so sorry...:cry:
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