My German Shepherd got KILLED by a car today

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Well-Known Member
I am very sensitive right now with the loss of a loved one right now, my brother lost his body 2 weeks ago...Motorcycle accident.. I am very sorry about your loss Lacy..very sorry. I have a strong feeling that your dog will always be with you...Did you run alot with your pup? I see you running with your dog for some reason..I hope you find comfort with all the love and support from great people who care all around you...C


New Member
Dogs are the BEST. I will always remember the good times because thats all there was with her. :-| My heart feel ripped apart. I have LOTS of pictures of her.
Lacy,,sorry for your lose,,my missy is like family,,dogs are great,,,just remember the good times with him/here..look at some photos once in awhile...sorry again..



Well-Known Member
Lacy, I am so sorry. I can tell by your avs and sigs that you really care about your dog. My dog ran off when I was on a job out of town a little ways. I let her out and she was wandering to the end of the driveway so I called her back in even though the place was under construction. Well I was in a back bath wiring up a fixture and I got to thinking I have not seen her in a bit. Turned out the guy that owned the house let her out when he left. I called her for about 30 minutes then took off in the truck to look for her. Anger turned to fear and I felt worse than I ever have. I didn't see her on any roads and the tracks were too many. I know the area has allot of traplines so I was really scared that she was caught up and had pictures of her dying in some damn trap waiting for poppa to come get her. I went back to town cuz I was out of gas and was gonna snag another dog to help walk the woods and track her and was just about to make the call to my wife which I dreaded and I broke down in tears. I had opened my cell and at just that moment it rang and it was my contractor buddy telling me she was there. Sorry for the long story but I had to get that one out. Pets are people too in my eyes and can be far better friends than the two legged variety.I would gladly give all my worldly possessions to save my beloved Maya. I hope you are ok. You will get over it in time but you will never forget. Hopefully you will be able to start a new relationship soon and start the healing. Love ya.


Well-Known Member
This is a pic of my baby when she was 7 weeks. I know it doesn't heal but it always makes me feel better when I look at it. I hope it brings a smile to you. She is a blue merle collie by the way.



Well-Known Member
Wow. I just saw this. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My dog is my baby. I couldint imagin to lose her. I'm sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself.



New Member
I'm shocked that I am sharing this with you all BUT my dogs are my family. I'm with them 'almost' 24/7. They are what I get up each and every morning for. They are what grounds me into the present moment. My dogs rock my world.
My heart feels torn.
At least here I can express my feelings wihtout having the humiliation of anyone seeing me. :-?
I'm not shocked that you would share with us, love is the feeling that overcomes grief. VV


Well-Known Member
Hey Lacy,
I'm So So Sorry To Hear This Bad News, :cry:
I Know Exactly How You Feel I Have Lost 4 Dogs Now Almost 5. They Are Our Bestfriends, They Are There When You Need Them The Most And They Never Judge Us.
My Girlfriend And I Took The Ashes From Osa Our Queens/aust Mix Pup That Got Ran Over And Made A Reminder Stone That Is In Our Garden. So Everytime We See It We Think Of Her, She Was A Good Dog.

What Happend, Do You Know?
We Are Hear To Listen



New Member
She has the best life imaginable. The people that my husband works with say to him that when they come back again they want to come back as one of our dogs.
I can't stop guilting myself out thinking that there must have been a way that I could have prevented it. Grief plus guilt is chewing away at my very soul.
This sucks! :confused:
Thanks for your kind words dialogos

I'll bet your companion had a beautiful life with you. I'm so sorry for your loss.


New Member
Thank you Aristro :hug:
It is too soon to even think about getting another dog. I'm barely in enough shape to look after my other two. At least this time we have other dogs here, the last time I lost a dog, there were no other pets at all. :cry:
Looking after the other dog little ones and the cat will keep me occupied. after all, they still need to be cared for and loved.
I scared them so badly yesterday when it all happened. they didn't know what was going on. They were both shaking with their tails down all hunched up. It was a sad site.
My husband keeps telling me that i have to pull myself together for their sake if nothingelse because they depend on me. I played with them last night before bedtime but NO MORE DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry::cry::cry:
Im Really SORRY to hear that lacy :hug:
Im sure it may be too soon, but you think you'll get another one? Its hard to imagine ever having a new one after something like that happens. But puppies = SO much happiness. And one may just be what you need to move on. (It helped me ALOT)
Im so so sorry to hear that once again lacy. I hope your okay



Well-Known Member
I Always Try To Remember The Good Times But It Always End Up With Me Wipping The Tears Off My Face. But To Me Thats A Good Thing It Allows Me Feel The Love All Over Again-
I Rem Taking Them To The Dog Park, The River, Camping, Beach Eveything Like It Was Yesterday.

Its Better To Loved Then Never Loved At All.


New Member
German Shepherd are wonderful dogs. They are intelligent, loyal, graceful,:cry: sob:cry:sob,trustworthy, strong, protective :cry::cry:
She is in another dimension I know without a doubt from an experience that happened to me 5 years previous.
That, in itself, brings me great comfort.8)
Thank you peledre
Our pets are a part of our family, I can't imagine what it would be like to lose one of them, especially a G Shep, they are such great dogs. My condolences. Hopefully he/she is playing in the big dog park in the sky.


New Member
It is terrible and I am devastated. I love my dogs also. She was my guard dog but wasn't an outside dog. All my babies are considered part of the family.
Even as I am typing this it seems as though I am on auto-robotic response or something. It seems so unreal still.
Thank you midtown
That is terrible. I love my dogs and would be devastated if something happened to them...good luck
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