First Time Grow am i doing ok??


Well-Known Member
oh I see. well mystery nutes are hard to work with for anyone try contacting them to find out what they are if that dosent work i would find something else, ask around here about what are good products to use, i grow organically in dirt so i dont have any personal experience with any products.


Hey man ... I'm new too ... looks like to have a hydro set up ... can you tell me more about it. I notice your not using any hydroton rock in your cups? how old are your babies? just wondering? check my sig for my jorny ... i'm using a hydro set up as well



Oh yeah check out the newbie section, and the hydro section, lots of good info in there for beginners a bunch of tutes, lots of people willing to give good advice too


Hey man ... I'm new too ... looks like to have a hydro set up ... can you tell me more about it. I notice your not using any hydroton rock in your cups? how old are your babies? just wondering? check my sig for my jorny ... i'm using a hydro set up as well

what is the point of hydroton rocks?? your's are growing much faster and thicker then mine.


Well-Known Member
bro giving them the nutes and all that so early in there little life you have stressed them there going grow a little slower but do as the others have mentioned and they should pick up some only time and attention will tell...good luck


damn my rookie mistake. yeah i 'll ease up off the nutrients. keeping my fingers crossed. daddy wants a nice bday gift!


Quick question: the bigger plant has popped a root through the grow wool and is now dangling in the water reservoir. is this good/bad/ or it is what it is.


Active Member
alright man its nute burn flush give week or two to get back on schedual the root in the water is ok make sure you have good ph of about 5.9 once more roots are deeper in the water back off the water a lil to give the plant more ox i keep about one half in water and about half out to pick up ox once they pick up dont add nuts till they are beter established and show sighns that they need nutes they will let you know when is a good time to get them going i had mine on 1/4 nutes at about week 3 and i think i had my 5th set of leaves . gl


alright man its nute burn flush give week or two to get back on schedual the root in the water is ok make sure you have good ph of about 5.9 once more roots are deeper in the water back off the water a lil to give the plant more ox i keep about one half in water and about half out to pick up ox once they pick up dont add nuts till they are beter established and show sighns that they need nutes they will let you know when is a good time to get them going i had mine on 1/4 nutes at about week 3 and i think i had my 5th set of leaves . gl
lol whats the sign?? i have it on 20 on 4 off lighting schedule. is that ok?


they are soldiers. i think they are in the clear...

the youngest plant is power kush **(< one week old))
the biggest is 'the kali'
and the 2nd biggest is lemon skunk



Active Member
that green stuff on the rock woll is super bad lookin to me did you try to rinse it off? i think down the road like mold or somthin might grow on it. i never pour any nutes on my rockwoll...jmo


yeah i tried to rinse it out, but that stuff is basically there to stay.

New updates 12/20:
the two plants with most progress were planted 11/22
third plant planted about a week ago.



Here is a time line picture.

this plant is now 5 weeks old. it has been vegging 20/4 for 5 weeks. When do i start to add nutrients? when do i start flowering?

Plant information:
Big Buddah Kali "10 weeks seed to harvest"

